Jim - Is That an Idol in Your Pocket?

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Jim - Is That an Idol in Your Pocket?

Postby Brenda » Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:43:46 pm

Jim wrote:Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?
Rob C. - Penner - Brian Heidek
They played smart, played hard, and lied through their teeth.

If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?
Deny, deny, deny. Or admit, admit, admit. It depends on what I did.

If you get caught in a lie, the best thing to do is look at the other person like they are an idiot, say "Yeah, sure. Of course I did that. Why wouldn't I?" and then explain it away. Never look guilty and you can get away with almost anything.

What personality types do you typically clash with?
Emotional people who behave impulsively or can't explain why they do things besides "I just thought it was the right thing to do." No you didn't dumbass. You didnt think at all. Gah!!!!

What is your main motivation for playing?
I always enjoy proving how much smarter I am than everyone else.

Jim - in his own words - a mastermind with a heart of gold, who if he can't win, will put on a good show at least. He's so Jim it's uncanny. He wants to align with the dumbest people he can find and take out the smarter players <3 Can Jim win? I don't know. It'd take a whole lot of luck along the way. I do know he'll be super fun to watch, and maybe the highlight of all of Nama.
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Re: Jim

Postby Caryn » Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:15:17 am

This fucking guy icon_lol
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Re: Jim

Postby Mia » Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:19:47 am

Wow this guy is great! He's going to be sleazy, I can tell! <3
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Re: Jim

Postby Brenda » Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:29:45 pm

I am witholding my faves until I see them in action, but I expect Jim is going to solidly be one of them.
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Re: Jim

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:37:43 pm

I was SOOOOOOO excited to get him to play and he's already proving to be a huge character and this bitch hasn't even started yet.

He says he's going to be trainwrecky and be the first out but... we all thought that Frank would do the same and his ass is still around so you never know with Stranded. I'm hoping he makes a trainwreck alliance and they fight their way all the way to the finals <3 Christine/Jim F2 plz. ty.
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Re: Jim

Postby Brenda » Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:40:03 am

Jim showed up, signed the rules, but neglected to send a single PM :/
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Re: Jim

Postby Mia » Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:40:27 am

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Re: Jim

Postby Gabriel » Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:58:47 am

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Re: Jim - Is That an Idol in Your Pocket?

Postby Caryn » Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:07:24 am

Love this:

"If it's like my mail, it's probably just bills."

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Re: Jim - Is That an Idol in Your Pocket?

Postby Paloma » Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:19:32 am

So is he active now or...?
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Re: Jim - Is That an Idol in Your Pocket?

Postby Brenda » Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:49:23 pm

He is, and he's awesome. He is so fun in PM. Let me find some examples;
Christine wrote:Hi Jim!

hey, sorry i didn't get back to you earlier, but I was super busy with classes. but now it's the weekend, yay! How are you :O

Jim wrote:I am watching the Veronica Mars movie!!!

Sem wrote:They're whole tribe showed up, but we're still missing an Elyse :'(

Jim wrote:Don't worry. I've got a bikini and two nerf balls. I'll pretend to be Elysse and no one will know the difference.


Sem wrote:Plus when they do those gender battles, men wrestling men and women wrestling women, you'll win in a CLINCH.

Plus, you get to grab all up on Stephanie and Ashley. I'm jealous, to say the least icon_wub

Oh wait, I'll be wrestling them too! We'll take them both down icon_mml

Jim wrote:I like the way you think!

I'm trying to do my rankings right now, but I have no idea how to do them. I might just do them alphabetically. I could be like Dr. Sean in Survivor: Borneo.

Sem wrote: kinda did mine based on who messaged me most recently to least recently :P

You're pretty high up! But because you messaged me this morning :P I also do trust you though!

Jim wrote:Oh, that's a mistake. . . . icon_wink

Cue Sem wondering in her confessional why it's a mistake???

Soph wrote:Ah that's no big deal man, this board is really hard to understand and get to know so I understand the confusion. I think you'll be able to get used to it just fine though since it took me a little while but eventually I got the hang of it! I did get this, so your PMing is working :)

Haha, if you're high that's fine! So how are you doing on this fine Friday Jim? I am leaving soon and will be gone for tonight and some of tomorrow but look forward to talking more with you man.

Jim wrote:Have fun, Sophie! See you later.


Sophie wrote:Ugh yes I did! LOL thanks for bugging me about that, I had to change the last one since I forgot to add Elyse since she hasn't shown up!

Thanks for reminding me, DID YOU DO YOUR RANKINGS JIM? :P

Jim wrote:Ummm, no. I still have a few hours. icon_whistling

Bit of a prankster, and he was actively trying to get voted last in case last place got an immunity clue or something along those lines. icon_lol
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Re: Jim - Is That an Idol in Your Pocket?

Postby Frank » Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:10:48 pm

Him trying to get last was hilarious icon_lol Semhar is like "wtf why is he saying trusting him is a mistake" and she's right, that was so random.
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Re: Jim - Is That an Idol in Your Pocket?

Postby Brenda » Sun Mar 16, 2014 4:20:32 pm

I love Jim. He's come to a very reasonable conclusion that every single other person on the tribe is involved in a huge conspiracy to "get him" icon_lol It's not true, in fact he's in a pretty safe mid-tribe kind of position so far, but a lot of his observations are spot on. He just.. jumped to the wrong conclusion. If he could put those observations to better use, he'd be safe as houses.
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Re: Jim - Is That an Idol in Your Pocket?

Postby Gabriel » Sun Mar 16, 2014 4:43:56 pm

That's my boy. icon_wub
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Re: Jim - Is That an Idol in Your Pocket?

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:11:34 pm

So sadly, Jim has had to quit the game :'( His father is apparently dying and took a turn for the worse so he had to fly to atlanta overnight to be there. Obviously our heart goes out to Jim and we totally understand.

He's asked that his tribe vote him out and that he does not want to quit. If they go on an immunity run he wants to stay around, but... since htey just lost he will be voted off. :'(

So sad, definitely second chance material!
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Re: Jim - Is That an Idol in Your Pocket?

Postby Gabriel » Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:32:20 pm

Literally cried.

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