
Final Juror| 4th Place | Voted Out 2-2 (purple rock) in Episode 13.


Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:16:31 pm

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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:37:08 pm

i have no idea what this clue means.

I'm resigned to my game over at this point. :(

Is there an event tomorrow or am I spared until Wednesday???
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:46:56 pm

Talk it out bitch.

I might spare you, I haven't decided yet. I'll see if the schedule allows it or if we're going to try to wrap this week.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:51:38 pm

I am pissed off. David needs to fuck off with his superior attitude. He's a fucking goat!

I'm pissed off I'm paying to use the internet for that shit and that a browser fuck up screwed me on round 1 of the challenge.

I'm pissed off at Whitney for causing this shit. I was in a good spot to win and now I'm fucked. I'm going to be a bitch to everyone now, I don't even care.

I can't do this idol clue I spent over $70 tonight on this. I'm going to bed.

P.s. fuck you David Julie deserves to be here not you.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:54:35 pm

Bitch I feel the need to reimburse you after you get home lol... you've spent more money on this game than most people (i almost said me, but that aint true, gurl) Either way your dedication <3333 I hope you win just cuz of it.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:38:03 am

Jeff I can't pay to attend challenges tonight if there is one on. I'm not paying for a third night in a row its just too expensive :(

If we do it tomorrow I can come no problem but today is just impossible. I have to be out of the hotel at 3am (when the challenge is on) to get a flight.

Regarding the idol, if nobody's found it are you going to put another clue up or is it 1,clue per round? If today is a free day and the idol is still out there, a chance at saving myself would be unbelievably fantastic <3
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:42:32 am

You never know girl!

I'll postpone tonight.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:48:15 am

Jeff you god.

If I get through this next tribal you will be the new recipient of all of my love and adoration. If not, I still love you for giving me a shot <3
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:09:29 am

Regarding 'payed' - is that a gross spelling error of paid or is it a deliberate used of the word 'payed'?

I don't know if I'm putting emphasis on a mistake :/
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:28:21 pm

gurl i made a mistake, chill :P
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:24:18 pm

Well that was a wasted 2 hours 0.o thanks for letting be know though :P
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:25:36 pm

Have you given up on looking for the idol? Walk us through your thought process gurl.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:36:56 pm

I haven't given up but I'm limited for time right now, obvs.

I've tried so much :(

Burrowing animals that have lookouts - immediately thought of meerkats. I tried every wariation plus the Latin species names.

I looked into 'buried' - okay so mining, mines, diamonds, gold, buried towns? Pay attention - pay attention to... The game? I went through all of the arena and TC threads looking for something - I went to the Nama forum as well. Looked at the background images.

Pay attention - I know one answer was gates of hell so - devil in the detail? Oh its a Namibian proverb!,fuck yeah! didn't work nor did it's variations :( 'devil' animals or plants? Devil's claw - nope. :(

Tried classic survivor stuff from the 'dig deep' line.

'Payed' -- relates to ropes and sealing. Looked at shipwrecks, rope mines, etc etc etc etc now I know that was a waste.

Is this for real that hard or am I being dumb?,is it survivor related or Namibia related? Tellll meeeeeee.

Obvs you can't do that but wahh.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:37:46 pm

Okay so we made an agreement with David. Sounds weird given everything but yeah. David if you read my confessionals....sorry babe.

He wants to vote with us - we've been PMing for the last 2 days about the vote, and we've been trying to convince him he has a better shot against us than he does with Steph and Mike and he seems to playing along. We can only hope he's being sincere.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:39:10 pm

Ugh Stephanie you clever bitch! Using my PMs against me - low blow but DAMN!
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:54:34 pm

bitch, Jeff, you tryna get me sent home?

For real, dog.

(I love you, but damn you might as well be actual Jeff with the spoilers you dish out at tribal)
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:58:58 pm

BTW what Grant is doing is fucking BULLSHIT.

Smileys allowed or no, the jury shouldn't be allowed to try and swing a vote like that.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:29:00 pm

i have nothing on tomorrow.

24hours hardcore mode - ENGAGE
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:54:58 pm

<33333333333 go gurl.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:38:58 pm

regarding Steph's counting


DA FUQ?!?!?!?
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