Episode 07

5th Juror| 8th Place | Voted Out 5-3 (revote) in Episode 10.

Episode 07

Postby Brenda » Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:58:23 pm


Catch me up! (No really, I just missed a full week). Are we looking into a Pagonging here? And if so, is that even good for you? Are you top of the pile of Ovambo?Gotta say, from the most casual glance at PMs, you seemed to be thinking of going the other way - explain that to me. Do you trust the rest Ovambo to stick by you? Can you work that position to get you both to the end, and to win??

Who in Nama would you most like to see stick around?

What thought on idols and that kind of thing?
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Kristina » Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:23:59 am

there will be a pagonging, but it won't be a straight pagonging. it will be more like a kucha. all of nama will go well before all of ovambo, but that's not to say there won't be some fun interjected in there. an ovambo member or four will go before all of the nama's exit the game. i can't go straight through with a pagonging. one, that's boring as shit. two, that makes the betrayals much harder for people to bare in the end. it's a much tougher pill to swallow and winning over potential jury votes becomes a bigger challenge than it should be.

i would say there is only one person i truly trust right now in this game, and at this point that is stephanie, and it has been her for some time now. i think we just mesh well together. i'd like to go to the final three with her, even if that means i'd lose. i'd be okay with losing to her.

actually, that's a lie. i'd be irate. but it's okay, because if i make it to the finals, i won't lose. that'll just be my challenge, getting there. i have to think people aren't this stupid. they have to be thinking multiple moves ahead like me. they can't be this dense.things shouldn't be as easy as they have been so far, even with ralph slipping up and saying stupid illogical shit like i somehow have an idol when he clearly has one in his pocket. i fully expect people to pull their heads out of their collective asses and second now and start seeing that 2 + 2 = 4. i expect to be blindsided, but it just isn't happening. i legitimately thought i was the first going home tonight post merge becasause of ralph, and it appears at least that i wasn't even on anyone's radar.


as for which nama member i want around, it's sophie. i like her the most. i can talk to her the most. i think she's great. i just can't let her get to the end because if she makes it there she wins hands down. sad but true.

also, fuck idols. seriously, that is the one thing throwing off my groove. i want to pull a kuzco and kick an old man out of a building. ugh. i think i'm going to hopefully have the numbers to split the vote this round though to flush out any potential nama idol. getting rid of ralph and the ovambo idol shouldn't be to far behind that...
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Kristina » Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:38:40 am

papa bear is simply just my number one target right now. really, it comes down to a respect thing. i'm scared of what i feel he has the capability of pulling off in the game. i think he has the posture, charisma and fortitude to be great at this, so i don't want to give him the opportunity to do so.

he has to go.
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:54:05 am

So Kristina, you and Ralph seemed to be considering joining with Nama and wiping out the Ovambos remaining in the game. What changed?

Are you concerned that you are left out of the majority of the Ovambo alliance?

Watching the show, take for example South Pacific and Redemption Island where two tribes were against one another in the merge. There were these large alliances in which everyone thought they would end up in the finals, when really that was not the case and some players like Edna, Grant, Ashley, Rick, etc... were just lead to believe they would be in the finals and weren't. Is that the case this season, or are there deeper levels of what's going on?

I remember in those seasons, the players at the top seemed to have an alliance with everyone, in their tribe to get to the end, whereas the players on the bottom only had an alliance with the person they thought they were getting to the end with. Which are you? Are you the player who has only one alliance that they think is going to be in the finals, or are you the one with multiple alliances stringing people along?

Have you considered using the Nama players to blindside any Ovambo?
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Kristina » Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:24:25 pm

let's analyze that a bit. i'm not teaming with ralph to get rid of ovambo. if i have my say, ralph will be the first ovambo out. he has done and said way to many things that have put unnecessary targets on my back. and i'm flipping the game around to get the ovambos out is an inevitability. i'd rather do it now when i can place some of the blame on nama tribe members than after all of them are gone and they can only blame me. plus, the wounds won't be as fresh if i start doing it now by the time we get to the finals.

i'm not teaming with nama. they will be eliminated. i'm just having them help me before i kick them on the ass on the way out. i actually feel i'm in the ovambo majority. i might even go so far as to say i'm in charge of the tribe. i was the one who brought steph, julie, grant, david, ralph and me together to get rid of matt. matt ended up quitting, so nothing really happened, but i brought everyone together. i was the one who first brought up we need to convince grant to guess to get him back and dump rick. i even got everyone behind eliminating julie if we weren't going to merge. i was also the one who said cochran had to go in case sophie or p bear had the idol. i've been calling the shots for the most part the entire game.

it's 100% redemption island/south pacific. again, i'm sure not everyone is that stupid, but there is no way seven ovambos can make the final three. some will be left out. there are deeper alliances that i have, with stephanie and all like i've mentioned before. hell, look at my intended boot order i put up a couple days ago. that says it all.

i'd like to think i'm the, and ugh i can't beleive i'm saying this becasue i don't want to be either of these players but for the sake of comparrisons i'll go with it, boston rob/coach of this season. not a grant/rick. i've been in communication with everyone the entire game. even the people i don't care for and i know i want to go. that was my strategy pregame and i'm sticking to it. be everyone's friend. make suggestions and have other people agree with your ideas, don't tell them what to do. sure, i've talked to people like steph, ashley and grant moreso than people like david or mike; but i still talk to them. i always need to keep that communication level open. you can never fully burn the bridge.

and as for using nama to blindside ovambo: see the last two days of confessionals. :)
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:26:51 pm

Do you think there are any alliances within Stephanie, Julie, Grant, David, Ralph and Yourself, or is it the six of you and that's it? You're telling me those are the only plans you've made and you don't think anyone else has made plans for the future?
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Kristina » Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:53:13 am

there are for sure alliances within alliances. i'm close to stephanie, grant and ralph. all individually and as a group. i also still talk to mike, julie and david, just not as intensely. i'm not naive, i know that they are all talking to each other. i'm sure i'm a target on a lot of their lists. i don't pretend to think that they are all stupid enough to not be thinking multiple moves ahead. if i'm thinking that way, some of them are too.

it's just more fun to be cocky about it because it makes me laugh. and it will make me look like a prick post-game, which i will be able to giggle about years from now. bottom line: i'm just trying to have fun, and since, up to this moment in the game, everything has gone my way for the most part, it's fun to play up being a cocky douche.
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Kristina » Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:39:49 pm

well, things are progressing all right!

i knew as soon as we merged that i wanted to get int contact with ashley. based on what grant has said from his time on nama, ashley seemingly wanted to flip. she din't trust papa bear herself and was open to conversation. so as soon as we merged i did what i've done with everyone in this game. i approached them as a friend, not talking about the game, but rather just trying to get to know someone, as has been my strategy the entire game. of course, inevitably, the conversations turned towards the game, but there was at least some foundation of friendship there to begin with. this is a necessary component in building trust that some people forget to do, i feel.

this has now started to pay out.

ashley has come forward to myself and grant saying that she truly doesn't trust papa bear, and is wanting to flip. now, i'll say here that the votes still don't add up from last tribal. it should have been 7-5 to get rid of cochran, but ended up being 6-5. the natural assumption is to think one of the ex-ovambos simply didn't vote. which should make me wary of ashley. but ashley is adamant that she was the non-vote. not trusting papa and not wanting to help him, but not knowing who grant and i were voting for because we didn't fully trust her enough to confide that information in her, she claims she simply didn't vote. this would mean then that an ovambo switched to papa bear's side. i don't know exactly who i believe in regards to this vote. ashley, or the ovambos. people seem suspicious of ralph becasue of his decisions as of late. confiding so much in papa bear. telling him i somehow had an idol when i don't. being fairly inactive on the boards, yet when he his here me just simply make short, non-sensical messages and leaves without giving in depth thought to why he's doing what he's doing. some people are thinking he might've flipped. i've heard it from ashley, grant, and i feel there was another, but i don't remember.

moving forward though, i feel like ashley is with us. she seems to genuinely want to work with grant and myself and truly never fully trusted papa based on things he has said and done, not just to her, but others as well.

feeling that her back is against the ropes, sophie has now come forward to me too out of desperation. and lets not get confused here, i recognize that this is out of desperation. she realizes she's in trouble and is scratching the grab ahold of something. like ashley, i spent the time to get to know sophie a bit and be her friend, and like ashley, i feel that it's paying off. i'm still iffy on soph, this next vote should really tell me where she is at, but for now i'm willing to work with her a little. i know i'm going to need her to get rid of some ovambos down the road here, so i need her to trust me to a degree here.

i'm going to try and get ashley to do some of my work for me. get ashley to make sophie betray papa bear and vote him out this week. i can't suggest it myself, but if ashley does it i feel that she would be more receptive. i also still plan on trying to split the votes because this would be the perfect chance to get rid of me or someone i'm trying to work with with an idol. with sophie getting a little bit more into my inner circle on where my head is at, knowing a little more on some of the moves i want to make, it'll be easier for her to play an idol and ruin everything i've been building for.

the pieces are starting to come together. i don't think anyone knows still how close i am to stephanie, so that's a plus. ashley, grant and i are starting to pull together which is a big part of my endgame, so i'm getting in a better place there. others, not just me, are starting to feel that ralph is acting shady, so flipping on him won't be as hard as it could've been. and sophie has been backed into enough of a corner that she is willing to do almost anything at this point to save her skin. the things i need to happen, are happening.

again, as i've been saying. i know there are very smart people in this game. i'm aware that people could easily be playing me. for all i know, i could be gone tomorrow night. but, from where i'm sitting, right now, things look like they're starting to go my way in a huge way.
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