Episode 07

2nd Juror| 11th Place | Voted Out 5-3 (tie) in Episode 07.

Episode 07

Postby Brenda » Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:01:06 pm

Well that can't have been good to see. Although.. at least it wasn't you??

I guess the vote count tells it's own story. So, how do you get out of all this then? Who from old-Ovambo do you feel like might give you an opening here? What thoughts on idols??
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Papa Bear » Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:07:37 pm

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Re: Episode 07

Postby Brenda » Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:16:13 pm

No but raelly, I have no clue what's going on and honestly, I should probably stay away from the board being this drunk in case I overspill from one confessional to another.

you didn't expect that boot then right? Is there a way out or is that done deal forget about it??
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Papa Bear » Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:32:15 pm

I have no idea who I can flip from Ovambo. But I know two things.

Sophie has an idol.
Ralph/Kristina one of them has an idol.

With this knowledge I think that I can bring my game far. Maybe flip some more people? I was blindsided for the first time tonight and boy does it feel good, I wasn't expecting this result at all and its really reinvigorated my interest to get to the end. What I think I've stumbled upon now is a 2000 piece Jigsaw puzzle and I have to put all of the pieces together before next tribal, the only question is, is if I actually have the solution to solve it. There's a way out of this hole, there has to be, I just don't know where to start climbing.
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Brenda » Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:36:37 pm

lolol - I love your attitude - and I completely understand the jigsaw metaphor.

So by the sound of it - you have potentially two idols on your side (if not in your pocket). So what do you do here?

Honestly - I am so lost and playing catch-up. What makes you think those people have those idols? If Ralph/Kristina trust you with that info, why is this still a tribe game (on the surface)? Why were you surprised at the result tonight, idols?

Most importantly - how exactly do you make sure you don't vote in the minority tomorrow??
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Papa Bear » Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:06:42 pm

Where did you go anyways? But I had Ralph on my side or at least I thought I did and I know that he is the mole. I know that Ralph and Kristina one of them is holding the idol, whether Ralph told me the truth that he gave it to Kristina or not I do not know.

I was suprised at Cochran going home, I hadn't heard a single chirp about Cochran all game and I thought I would be the first Nama out. I believe that Sophie will play her idol to help me. This is the last tribal that Sophie has to play her idol before Ovambo can split their votes so we have to be correct right here. I will use intimidation tactics to make people flip sides, possibly.

I think that I can get two people to flip, I just don't know who yet. Keep in mind that me and Sophie are the two most knowledgeable players in this game right now, as we are the only two who knows who the Ovambo mole actually is and I think we hold a lot of power with that information.

But yesss Brenda go back and read my old confessionals. I'm trying to tell the best narrative I can for when people read them, so, maybe that would help?
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:59:42 am

You seemed sure you had Ralph and Kristina, what happened? Did one of them defect? Do you think they both decided together to not vote with your or do you think one of them is more hesitant than the other? Aside from Ralph/Christina is there anyone else you might potentially work with on Ovambo?
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:59:45 am

You seemed sure you had Ralph and Kristina, what happened? Did one of them defect? Do you think they both decided together to not vote with your or do you think one of them is more hesitant than the other? Aside from Ralph/Christina is there anyone else you might potentially work with on Ovambo?
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Re: Episode 07

Postby Papa Bear » Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:54:07 am

Hey I'll come back and fill in this confessional in a little bit Jeff, I forgot to finish this one up for episode 07 and I want my confessionals to be 100% set straight.
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