by Jeff Probst » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:00:12 pm
by Sophie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:01:34 pm
Jeff Probst wrote:Kristina, you satisfied?
by Mike » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:02:20 pm
Sophie wrote:Jeff Probst wrote:Kristina, you satisfied?
Based on the sounds coming from her room, I'd say she definitely was last night.
by Kristina » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:02:31 pm
by Kristina » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:02:58 pm
Sophie wrote:Jeff Probst wrote:Kristina, you satisfied?
Based on the sounds coming from her room, I'd say she definitely was last night.
by Kristina » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:03:39 pm
by Ashley » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:04:48 pm
Kristina wrote:i'm going to hand this over to jeff, who's going to hand this over to ashley.
good luck fuckers...
by Jeff Probst » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:06:57 pm
by Ashley » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:07:17 pm
Ashley wrote:i don't want to do this anymore. it's been 10 hours and Steph's managing to post faster than my browser will even refresh. I'm so fucking pissed off that after all this, and the shit of the last week i've had to put up with, I get taken out by this.
Jeff Probst wrote:Don't give up gurl, this is a 24 hour challenge and there may be times she's not online.
Ashley wrote:that is not going to happen and we both know that.
I don't want to do a 24 hour challenge when two fucking goat assholes just sit there waiting to get taken to Final 3.
Even if I did manage to win this I'd take Stephanie with me, threat or no. She's putting in the hard yards at least.
I don't want to do this anymore.
Ashley wrote:But I continued in that challenge for TEN HOURS before having an emotional breakdown and withdrew. I couldn't handle it anymore. I'd had such a rough time in real life this last week (the main reason I was traveling was because of a major death in the family) and knowing I was getting taken out because of a shitty internet connection was crushing me - as soon as I hit 7000 posts and saw Stephanie was already at 8600 I actually started crying. I PMd Jeff and Stephanie telling them I quit and I couldn't deal with the stress of it anymore.
Ashley Speaks The TruthI wish it were me sitting up there in front of the jury - I know everyone wishes that, but I was so close and I think I probably would have won the whole thing if I had. Part of me wants to just scream at people about it - I'm so frustrated with 4th place, especially since I'm sitting here because of Whitney's no-show. It's just the worst thing ever. I feel like I played this game better than all 3 of you up there, so it makes this vote a really tough one. Maaaaaybe Steph did great with her end-game domination though. Call that big-headed, but I genuinely feel that way.
Ralph wrote:David. The speech you gave was a good one, BUT you talked to me for maybe a total of ten minutes probably more along five so unless if you awnser my question and the others perfectly you should just sit down and shut up
by David » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:17:45 pm
by David » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:18:15 pm
by Sophie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:19:33 pm
by Ashley » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:19:39 pm
by Ashley » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:27:08 pm
by Jeff Probst » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:28:10 pm
by Jeff Probst » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:30:57 pm
by Sophie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:31:30 pm
by Stephanie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:31:31 pm
Stephanie wrote:Well you definitely have me curious with that speech! :P I'm wondering what could be in it! It's making me wonder if it's about things that I don't know, I guess it is.
Anyway, I have to be honest, I'm going to be voting for you. I have to stick by Mike/David, the numbers who I've had these last few rounds. I just don't think it benefits me having you in the Final 3 with me over either of them.
Trust me, it does pain me, cause I know how awfully brutal that challenge was. I don't think anyone deserves to leave after that, and it only makes the decision harder.
But I honestly think you're such a good player and speaker that you could easily sweep the votes at the end. You have a really strong case and a lot of friends on the jury rooting for you. Challenges wins, idols found, blindsides orchestrated. If I was on the jury, I'd vote for you to win!
As much as I want to give you the chance at a tiebreak, I have to make the move that's best for my game.
I hope you understand. :/ Sorry.
by Mike » Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:32:41 pm
Ashley wrote:You tried to flip once, but I shut that shit the fuck down.
Ashley wrote:To The Group - Tell me something specific about your game that makes you believe you deserve to be in F3 more than me (or Sophie, tbh). No BS answers about "trying hard". I want to know what you've actually done to deserve it. This is a genuine question and will affect how I vote. Giving a piss-poor answer like "well I made it here and you didn't" will automatically disqualify you.
Mike wrote:Ashley wrote:I couldn't believe Grant hadn't given me a name for that vote. Like...FOR REAL? What do expect me to do!?
All I knew of you was that you were considered a challenge threat, near the top of Ovambo, and that you'd flipped and voted with Sophie. You were a wildcard, i'll say that much :P
I was surprised by that too but I didn't really question it lol. And you could put it that way :p I'm a bit surprised people thought I was a challenge threat so early, unless you're talking about earlier (forever 2nd place ). Here's some of our PMs you might find amusing. I cut out some just to have space but the gist is there.Grant wrote:I don't know. I think Ashley might've been the no-vote because I didn't tell her who to vote for...
I'm trying to figure her out now. ouch.
CONGRATS though. Are you gay though? I have a poem for you.Mike wrote:Funny you should say that. Papa Bear is annoyed at the vote not going Nama's way and he said he knows our mole, who made an alliance with him and wanted to vote me out tonight. Sounds a lot like Ralph if you ask me. I don't think he knows that Ashley *probably* didn't vote with them, but our mole did, assuming that's the case.Grant wrote:I think we should keep it quiet but I'm pretty certain that Ralph DID vote with them. But let PB think Ashley voted with them so he focuses his rage on the person who DID flip, so we don't have to :P
We need to keep it under wraps though. We need PB to explode at Ralph so we can start making our move on him.Mike wrote:My guess as to what happened:
Nama thought they could outvote us 7:5 (Kristina, Ralph, Ashley, Cochran, Papa Bear, Sophie, Whitney). So Ralph didn't leak the vote was for Cochran since he thought they would outvote and didn't need to use an idol. He's probably messaging Kristina or Julie and asking them to flip with him because of this. However, Kristina/Julie voted with us and Ashley didn't vote which caused us to win the vote 6:5 instead. Thus resulting in Cochran's blindside and his irritation at Papa Bear, since Papa Bear expected me to get voted out tonight.
The fact remains that Ralph almost certainly flipped on us, and he also almost certainly has the idol. He's dangerous and we need to vote him soon. On Nama, either Sophie or Whitney has the idol, probably Sophie. I don't want to reveal this to Kristina just yet but I'll update our 4 on this.Mike wrote:The more I think about this the more it clicks in. Remember how the other mole was saying our mole was talking about being on the outs of the tribe? And assuming Ralph voted me tonight, he must feel he's on the outs of Ovambo in order to flip like that. It's got to be him. I can't see anyone else flipping.Grant wrote:I agree on all accounts, I believe this is what happened as well. Good work, detective Chiesl.
Reading over my old PMs is so amusing now. I hope they are still there from pre-merge. Reading over them again he actually definitely is a really great guy. Trust me on it :)
Mike wrote:This too.Grant wrote:Yep, agreed entirely. I bet he flipped and has the idol. In fact I'm like 99.9% sure.
Mike wrote:To think I was thinking to abstain from this vote.
My message to you a few votes ago still applies. :/