Welcome, Ashley!

Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:14:29 pm

I think Stranded has it's newest Sweetheart. Good job gurl you played your heart out and had one of the biggest underdog stories of all time with Sophie. Good job! nothing to baulk at!
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Sophie » Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:18:55 pm

So sad to see you here :( I am on my phone but will post here in the morning. You really would have won had you made it to the end, but 4th plast in a crazy merge season is phenomenal by itself!
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Grant » Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:20:01 pm

GG Ashley!

I'm honestly super proud of you. I knew you were going to be a beast back when you and I got put on the Nama camp together. You proved to be as good as I expected and much, much more. I even thought you were the favorite to win for a little while there. Unfortunately you were up against my main alliance throughout the game in Mike/Steph/David so I had to root against you, but I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and your game play. You should be really, really proud of yourself. icon_wub
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Whitney » Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:27:28 pm

My parade of apologies continues... I'm sorry I ruined your game... I hate myself... feel free to murder me.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Ralph » Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:28:46 pm

Whitney wrote:My parade of apologies continues... I'm sorry I ruined your game... I hate myself... feel free to murder me.

I feel your pain gurl.
Thats how i felt when i was voted off.
But everyone here is nice and no one really cares that I fucked them over!
so hopefully you get that same welcoming!
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Whitney » Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:33:13 pm

Ralph wrote:
Whitney wrote:My parade of apologies continues... I'm sorry I ruined your game... I hate myself... feel free to murder me.

I feel your pain gurl.
Thats how i felt when i was voted off.
But everyone here is nice and no one really cares that I fucked them over!
so hopefully you get that same welcoming!

I seriously feel really really bad... like way worse than I probably should ... but I feel terrible... everyone is being especially nice and I feel like I don't deserve it... I feel like I should take out my teeth at the reunion!
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Ralph » Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:35:07 pm

Whitney wrote:
Ralph wrote:
Whitney wrote:My parade of apologies continues... I'm sorry I ruined your game... I hate myself... feel free to murder me.

I feel your pain gurl.
Thats how i felt when i was voted off.
But everyone here is nice and no one really cares that I fucked them over!
so hopefully you get that same welcoming!

I seriously feel really really bad... like way worse than I probably should ... but I feel terrible... everyone is being especially nice and I feel like I don't deserve it... I feel like I should take out my teeth at the reunion!

you seemed to of made some friends out here and I definitely enjoy you!
Everyone is really relaxed and I hope other understand that you had internet issues ( or at least thats what im aware of)
so It's okay! Your not going to accomplish much by being so negative so cheer up!
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Whitney » Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:42:44 pm

Thank you for the kind words Ralph.. I'll survive I guess I just feel like I betrayed my alliance in the worst way... if I actually betrayed them i wouldn't feel so bad but to just fuck them over because of being inept is hard to excuse... I'm sorry I'm whining so much and probably bringing down everyone's morale... my bad.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Frank » Thu Apr 10, 2014 10:00:03 pm

Even though you weren't my pick to win in the draft, I was really hoping I was wrong after you joined the game. icon_cry

Welcome to the 4th place club. It blows. icon_wub
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:38:52 am


I had a speech planned and everything! NOW NOBODY WILL KNOW ALL THE DEVIOUS SHIT I DID. The only person I told about one of them is Mike and that was because it sort of involved him. :(

I wanted to spill all my secrets icon_redface

icon_cry icon_cry icon_cry icon_cry icon_cry


Sup y'all :)

I can't even blame Steph for not wanting to take me to F3. I'm surprised David actually DID vote with me on that one - I wasn't expecting the 'duel' to be rocks tho lol but you can't go to rocks on a 50/50 shot twice and expect to come out both times.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:42:09 am

Also Ralph and Whit - take the pity party out of my thread! :P Whitney gurl.... i love you but hot dayum. The sting is so fresh. Nothing to be done about it though <3 <3 <3

Sophie I made you a picture in my confessionals during my breakdown at the challenge:

P.S. Apparently Ralph doesn't know everyone turned on him because they were convinced he flipped? I still laugh about that - that was my fault. Sorry Ralph <3
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Julie » Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:25:07 am

Ash :(

What the fuck at David voting with you, your a star girly ^_^

I think Mike should win :) but I want to see what they have to say.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:01:04 am

Mike played a good game but he totally lost my respect in Final 4.

He sent me a PM that said "If you win I'll consider voting out Stephanie. This is between you and her! good luck!" and then he logged out and quit the challenge. He fucking sat pretty like goat asshole knowing he had a free ride to F3 - that is some of the lowest not-in-the-spirit gameplay I've ever seen.

If I'd won that challenge, I wouldn't have taken him to F3. Steph is the obvious threat, but people who play like Mike did at F4 don't deserve to get that far. It really pissed me off, and it apparently pissed off David as well when I told him about it. It's a shame I got rock'd out in the end :(

I worked so hard during that challenge, basically had a breakdown and quit after TEN HOURS of not being able to catch Stephanie up - and all I got from Mike was a smarmy PM.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:19:42 am

Okay, since I never got to give my piece at FTC (Whitney whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? </3 </3 </3 love you girl but icon_cry ) I wanted to give my perspective on the game as I played it. :)



I came in to the game knowing I was bottom rung, so I made the decision to treat Nama like gods gift to the earth and act like the most hardcore noob in existence. "Wow you guys are sooooo helpful <3<3<3<3 I would be lost with you!"

PB sent me a PM about an idol he had - you'll see in my confessionals that I thought it was bullshit the second I saw it. LOL PB for real? You sent me an image that was uploaded to imgur less than an hour before you sent the message icon_lol Of course I was going to check that shit! But I played along because hey - I was supposed to be a hardcore noob. "Wow! Thanks for telling me! You are so great PB ilu."



I initially had no interest in the mole twist because I came in so late and knew nobody's game style. The mole from Ovambo (Ralph) never contacted me. To be honest, I had more immediate concerns - like not being the first boot on what was apparently a tribe that was shit at challenges. Not only was I new, I was a swapped new player from old-Ovambo. Jeff you asshole lol nice set-up you gave me. The mole was just whatever. Then Cochran messaged me asking who I thought the mole was - what? I have no fucking idea lol is it you?.

I got a message from Sophie as well, and she seemed cool. I gave her the same treatment as PB and saw pretty early that those two were a unit. She mentioned something about the mole not having logged in for a few days and that hopefully it was Elyse and shit which seemed really weird to me because Jeff said the moles stayed on their tribes and that doesn't make sense if the mole was out of the game. I also saw that the Last Login information for your own tribe's mole was NOT VIEWABLE. How the fuck did Sophie know when the mole was logging in?


I knew who the mole was on the first/second day and I wasn't even interested in looking for them. What even lol.

Ovambo here I come!

I got to talking with Grant at Nama as well. We made a deal that involved us both getting to merge and hooking up there. I told him about the Nama plan to trick him into thinking the mole was Cochran. I told him I thought the mole was Sophie but he thought it was more likely PB (or so he says). Semhar told Grant he could guess her and get sent back so I intended on telling Sophie and PB that to make it look like she took an idol clue when Grant made his guess.

At that tribal - I ASKED FOR A CLUE TO THE IDOL. Jeff never announced it and so it didn't matter. For those interested, the clue was exactly the same as the first post-merge immunity idol clue. I had wayyyy longer than the rest of you to figure it out :P

The rest of pre-merge was securing myself a merge spot. I kissed ass and played the fool and it worked for me.


Holla bitches I made it to merge! I immediately contacted everyone on Ovambo and especially Grant about joining forces. I told him not to be obvious about me joining him so that I could get information from Nama for that vote because I'd heard from PB that Kristina and Ralph were going to flip and it didn't want it leaking that I was joining Ovambo so early.

Grant starts acting crazy fucking shady. It really alienated me Grant, and it really soured my relationship with you. I was gung ho about joining you and you stonewalled me. I gave you all of the information I had, and you wouldn't tell me ANYTHING - not even who was on your bloody alliance. How the hell did you expect me to vote with you when you wouldn't even give me BASIC information? You just kept telling me to trust you and repeatedly questioned me about getting more information and "Are you REALLY with us?".

I was fairly close to Cochran at this point - both of us felt really off-put by Sophie and PB's last-minute "VOTE SEMHAR!" messages without any explanation. I won't lie I was pretty devastated that you all voted him out. Of anyone on Nama he'd have been the most likely to flip - he didn't seem to trust PB or Sophie at all. I even TOLD you that Grant icon_glare but you all voted him for being a vote-doubler.

Why the fuck did nobody trust anything I told them? I was legit honest with everyone, even If I was pretending to be an idiot. But Cochran - I DID know that Kristina and Ralph were the people PB was trying to flip - I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to feel on the outs by yourself, and I genuinely didn't want you going home anyway so I would've protected you if I'd been able to.



This was probably the funniest part of the game for me. Grant never game me a name to vote for and was being hella shady (fucking seriously, Grant) so I voted with Nama. That didn't go down as planned so I went into damage control.

I told Kristina that I'd tricked Cochran into using the same voting comment as me (because she knew the comment I submitted before the vote) and that's why he was so angry at PB - thinking that PB had tricked us and flipped. For some reason, she apparently believed it icon_lol

I told Grant that I hadn't submitted any vote. To whoever actually didn't submit a vote that round - HOLLA for not coming forward because that worked out so well for me. Everyone on Ovambo just seemed to eat it up, it was beyond retarded. I gave conflicting stories and everything (I had to adjust when Jeff sent that mass-PM about how the votes really went down) - I couldn't believe you guys didn't realise I was a huge fucking liar at that point.

I made a plan to throw an Ovambo under the bus for the 5th Mike vote, and that victim ended up being RALPH. Sorry Ralph, you were just convenient. I didn't expect it to work, but it DID! You all thought Ralph was this huge traitor and the poor guy never flipped at all. icon_lol Sorry for ruining your game, Ralphy <3

I told Mike this at F4 and he thought it was pretty funny :P


After you all fell for that "I no-voted!" line, I was IN. I saw Nama as a sinking ship and wanted to get the fuck off that bitch before I went down with it. I was annoyed at PB for spending all of his time making retarded conflicting F2 deals (did you REALLY think that Ralph and Kristina weren't going to talk each other and compare the deals you made?) rather than focusing on the here and now - We were FINAL 12, not FINAL 6.


PB was making me and Sophie look like retards, which I could not have. Sophie I thought was tight with PB so I figured it was time to part ways with her as well, so I flipped and voted PB.

What made this so glorious is that BOTH David and Mike tried to make a move here and flipped to vote with Sophie and PB, but because neither PB or Whitney voted, and I flipped, they ended up on a tie and we re-voted all for PB. LOL at PB thinking he was running the show (sorry boy, you're great, but you were so full of shit - most of my "who is on the bottom of their alliance and doesn't know?" style questions during that challenge I wrote down you.

After that, the Ralph vote happened. I was happy to go along with it - It was funny to me that you guys all wanted him out for something he never did LOL but I wasn't going to question it.


Kristina, I really liked you at this point, but you were VERY strategic and I found it extremely threatening. Stephanie was a rando for me at that point and I considered her in your pocked. You guys all wanted to get rid of Whitney and Julie, and I was beginning to suspect at this stage that Ovambo were setting me up to be their goat. Grant, you've said here at Ponderosa I was never in your real F4 ( icon_cry ) and the way Kristina spoke to me about Steph and you all, I felt like I was being set up. I trusted I'd get taken to near the end of the game, but not that I was really considered a close ally of anyone at all.

Kristina, you say I was wrong about you, and maybe I was, but that's neither here nor there really - I considered you a huge threat and so I wanted to take you out.

I sent Sophie this enormous message about teaming up with Whitney and possibly Julie to take out the heavy hitting Ovambos. In the end, Sophie didn't even need to use her idol, but at the time of planning, expecting Ovambo to split votes wasn't a reliable strategy. I needed her to play her idol. Even if they DID split votes, flushing her idol was a good move for me anyway. I was pushing for a Kristina blindside. I was aggressively pushing for it. I knew Julie wanted to not be seen as a goat so I approached her asking if she'd take part in a big move. I told both her and Whitney that they were the targets of the next two votes so both were happy to prolong their stay here by any means :) Sophie wanted to vote Grant but I didn't really want to at all - at this point I was talking seriously with Grant about going to the end together. However, I didn't want to be a goat for Ovambo, and making THIS move I felt was absolutely vital for me if I was going to go into F3 with anything to show for myself. Sophie never got comfortable with the Kristina vote and was pushing Grant all the way to tribal so I just let her have it. I spent the next few days wishing I'd put my foot down and forced the Kristina vote because of all the trouble I was having with her after that vote. I KNEW she was strategically gifted, and I honestly believed at the time that Grant would have been a better ally for me.

Julie was one of the only people at merge from Ovambo to really talk to me. She was honest and pretty sincere and I knew I could trust her. Sure, her goat rep would've helped me at F3, but she was genuinely fab and I was really happy for her that she could say she took part in a game-changing move. I can't speak for anyone else, but every tribal I talked her and Whitney up I was being genuine. They deserved credit for taking part in the plan - I may have been the mastermind of it, but it'd still be living in my head if they hadn't come on board. Julie was the real star of this vote for flipping with us - if she hadn't it would have been GAME OVER for me.

Sophie, I was truly shocked you were willing to get past me flipping on you icon_wub that just made me love you. I was going back and forth about when to vote you out, but I loved you :P After Whitney failed to vote and screwed us (lol Whit you did screw us over, but I don't hate you for it now) that whole thing became a moot point, and I needed to maintain loyalty to the group if I was going to get jury votes from any of you - so I went to rocks for you, and Julie paid the price :( I was telling Julie to vote for you so I wouldn't have to break my promise :P but she didn't want to either.


We knew the big move would lead to a 4/4 tie so we NEEDED someone to flip. I took the lead at this point and PMd everyone saying they could flip to us and guarantee themselves safety till F5 (and beyond possibly) or go to rocks. We knew we were going to rocks on our side of the tie - I had an idol that I used just in case though. Nobody was flipping back to Ovambo after the move we'd just made. If Kristina wants to call that bullying, that's fine. I was straight up about the situation. None of us were flipping so you can flip or go to rocks. Your choice.

We always expected it would be David, and in the end, he chose us over rocks.

But we weren't going to protect him. Our offer for protection doesn't cover people we know are going to immediately flip back and we knew David would straight away. There was no doubt about it. So we voted for David but Whitney didn't show up to vote so it went to a tie. This seriously is the moment we all got screwed :( I was really aggressive with David at the following tribal because he acted like he'd gotten to F6 using skill, when he got saved by a no-show. He was really conceited about it. I know I'm confident in my own abilities, but I made the moves to back that up. David broke the cardinal rule of Survivor - that is don't float your way to the end. And he had the gall to act like he'd really put in the hard yards to earn his place.

Whitney went home at rocks. :( For the next two votes that took out Sophie and Julie I was like:



But that's the nature of the game - shit doesn't always go our way. The thing that hurts the most is that that's what ultimately cost me F3 :( I had no chance at that challenge with Stephanie with my internet the way it was, and I'd been traveling for the week previous and couldn't do as well as I would've liked.

I went to rocks with Julie instead of voting for Sophie - not because I wanted to go to the end with Sophie as has been speculated - because I wasn't going to ruin my chances at F3 by skipping out on my core alliance when both Whit and Julie had previously gone to rocks for it. Flipping would've held no benefit for me either as Ovambo weren't taking me to the end no matter what. I didn't play this game to place. played this game to win, and flipping would've guaranteed I never made it to F3. I'd rather go out on a rock with a good legacy than go down as a person who bitched out at the last minute to secure herself 5th. I'm not dumb enough to think anyone would have kept me over Julie, and at that time I didn't have internet access to attend the challenges - I had to PAY international data-roaming to get to the last two challenges before last night (a grand total of about US$140 it cost) and I was devastated that even after paying, my browser timed out and I got eliminated from the challenge in the first round. :'(


So I made it to F4! I was initially ok with the counting challenge but it became apparent REALLY FAST that my laptop and wifi connection wasn't going to match Stephanie's :( She was able to post faster than my browser took to refresh. She ended up with a 1000 post lead within the first 2 hours!!!

But I continued in that challenge for TEN HOURS before having an emotional breakdown and withdrew. I couldn't handle it anymore. I'd had such a rough time in real life this last week (the main reason I was traveling was because of a major death in the family) and knowing I was getting taken out because of a shitty internet connection was crushing me - as soon as I hit 7000 posts and saw Stephanie was already at 8600 I actually started crying. I PMd Jeff and Stephanie telling them I quit and I couldn't deal with the stress of it anymore. I had the hosts telling me to keep going in my confessionals but I was physically shaking from the stress of everything and couldn't even LOOK at the Arena boards with feeling strained and overwhelmed. That's TEN STRAIGHT HOURS of my life that is gone.




To top it all off - honestly I think this is what put me over the edge. The fact that I was battling for my life in this game and Mike had the gall to throw it in my face that this was my swan song by pulling out of the challenge, knowing he had a free ride to F3, made me so, soooo angry.

He sent me a PM less than an hour into the counting challenge telling me if I won he'd consider voting out Stephanie, and that it was clearly a challenge between me and Steph so good luck with that. He then logged off and never returned to the challenge. He knew he was going to F3 so SAT OUT ON PURPOSE and rubbed my face in it. That is the most disrespectful gameplay I've ever seen and for that, Mike will NEVER be getting my vote as a result.



I knew that even if I'd magically been able to win the challenge, I would've taken Stephanie to the end with me anyway. She slogged it out at the challenge for 11 hours before stopping when I told her I had quit. Threat or no, she DESERVES to be there. I don't hold it against her not wanting to take me to FTC - I know I would have been a threat to get votes, and with Mike and David, she's pretty much guaranteed herself the winner of this game.

I told David about what Mike had said and it genuinely seemed to piss him off. I worked so hard in that challenge and had to out up with that shit from Mike. Mike played a decent game till then, but he just totally lost ALL respect after that. Even David the MIGHTY GOAT was able to see that, and I honestly appreciate him trying to help me out at that last tribal. He game me a chance even when it would have only hurt him if I'd made it through. For that, David, I thank you. icon_wub

Sophie, during my meltdown I made you a picture - I didn't expect to become so close with you during this game - If I read your confessionals and you don't actually like me, I will go and die in a hole right now I would be so god damned devastated. During that fucked up time when I quit the challenge, all I wanted to do was talk to you - my last confessional entry was about how I was really happy I was probably going to be able to talk to you again when I got to Ponderosa <3


It's been lovely playing with you all <3
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Sophie » Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:52:28 am

This is so sad :(

But hey, I used my idol by myself mamasita. There was no way I would have played it on anyone else, and when I suggested Whitney you said you were good with that! I would have definitely had to talk to you about that if this was your opening speech :) But for coming in so late, you were amazing. You made social connections, had good enough strategy to follow the people who were the threats, and you were great in challenges.

To go home on a rock sucked, but it's better than David flipping on you!
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 7:06:32 am

I remember you saying you didn't want to use your idol so much and you kept telling me to try and force a vote split. Truth is I never sent out a single PM about it because I wanted your idol gone :P

I'm glad it worked out for us tho :D
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 7:07:45 am

Also, yeah I had a really rough couple of hours :( Every time I saw you online I wanted to break the rules and make a post in the Arena thread to talk to you :(
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Grant » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:32:33 am

Oof, thanks for this.

You have to understand though that you came into the game on, what, Day #15? I had already had 2 weeks of time to talk to David separately, get him on board with being solid with me, talk to Steph, get her to be on board with being solid with me, repeated with Mike. Mike actually was voted the least trustworthy in Ovambo (despite me saying it was Matt). Mike came in a day or two late and was having trouble shaking that. He told me that no one really talked to him yet, and seemed oblivious to everything that happened in the first few days (Ralph's majority alliance). I liked Mike and thought he'd be a good ally for me if I could get him safe so I had him start the alliance up with Stephanie and David, without knowing that the three of us were already in an alliance. I had to do some convincing to Steph and David that the alliance with Mike makes more sense and we should keep him around because he's active in challenges while some others weren't, so I'd already put quite a few eggs into this basket. Then there was the challenge after Rick went home, Mike was once again the next to go because Ashley 1.0 was no longer there to be our easy inactive vote and Mike wasn't in the Ovambo majority alliance, so I had to convince the others that Mike was worth keeping around over some other, less reliable people such as Ralph and Julie. I was pushing Ralph (sorry Ralph) because he missed like 4 of the challenges, while Kristina mentioned Julie as an alternative so I jumped on board with that. If we lost, Julie would've gone home (sorry Julie).

It's a tough thing, being swapped over and talking to you and then you somehow seemingly miraculously surviving that vote. I assumed you used our "throw Semhar under the bus" strategy but everyone was thinking "if she makes it, she's with them, right?" and despite talking to you a lot, it made sense. I didn't know what deals you had to make, so I hedged my bets and assumed you made a deal with them. I had an alliance of 7, secured by an alliance of 4 who were split on being overly sold on you and not being sold on you at all. I couldn't risk you knowing who we were voting for, it should've been 7-6 even if you voted with them (right?). I was willing to concede that to see what you'd do. I don't think it was retarded for me to believe your no vote thing. I actually went to you immediately, after you pushed pushed pushed that it was going to be JULIE at this vote, as did Sophie ("I voted for the least deserving player because let's be honest she doesn't deserve to be here" - gtfo with your honesty shit). All the meanwhile, I'm in a group PM with K and Ralph where Kristina is sharing her entire conversations with PB detailing that it was going to be Mike going. I don't know why you told me it was going to be Julie if you voted Mike and expected me to trust you there. I believed you that it was going to be Julie after weighing how I thought K/R might flip, and then the vote went as K said it would. I was like "hi who'd you vote for? :)" kind of being smarmy about it because I had a feeling based on the whole Julie thing and you very astutely said you didn't vote, which made sense with the reasons you gave and I was not sure what K/R were going to do. I thought R flipped and you did a good job of selling PB that you voted with them. I didn't know of any voting confessionals (since you didn't vote I didn't think so ask..), so I went with it. I still wasn't sold on you despite all that. I had a lot of "DONT TRUST ASHLEY" in my PM so I was like "aw shit, what now." Every plan I made going forward had to have a contingency plan based on you flipping. We had a plan to split the votes on Ralph/Sophie/PB and convincing you it was going to be PB. If you knew it was a split vote, you didn't hear it from me (I don't think) because I wasn't going to risk you telling them and Sophie using the idol to save herself when the votes were coming in on her. David and Mike were pushing Ralph for them. They, by design, would have only voted Ralph with the Namas. If they tried to move it to me or Stephanie, I can say with 100% certainty that we would've heard it from at least one of them. It seemed like a decent plan to get a working relationship with Sophie now that PB had gone and appear not as close to me, but this plan seemed to get abandoned almost immediately following the vote for some reason. Sophie won immunity there and she got lucky, because she 100% was gone if she lost (or she played the idol and the same result happens). If she loses there, idol's gone and/or she is gone, I don't go home and things go as planned. Ralph's idol had been played and we were cool with him going home. I thought he was the one who flipped but he was being mighty shady to me so I was cool with him going. We planned to split here once again but Ralph started throwing me as the target followed by Steph so everyone was just like "fuck it, let's just vote Ralph and make sure this shit stops" as I'm sure you are aware. At this point, Kristina tells me, "grant, settle your differences with Sophie, we need her" or something and forms those million group PMs. I thought you and K were the duo now, and she mysteriously wanted Sophie in randomly. I figured she knew something we didn't. It seems in retrospect that Kristina was using me to make herself seem closer to you, and I was using Kristina to make myself seem closer to you. She relied on my feel on you and was ensured when I'd react positively, she'd feel better and vice versa. In the next votes, it's Whitney then Julie then David then Mike. I thought, whatever, let them think they have me and then after Julie is gone, I'll "flip" back and start voting y'all out. I told you in the PM with you, me, K and Steph that we needed a contingency plan in case Sophie used her idol on Whitney. It was no shock to me that it would happen. I suggested it to my group of 4 with the two guys who were not previously privy to that info and they were so skeptical and were so sure YOU were going to flip. You seemed awfully nervous about what the other two boys were doing since you hadn't talked to them. Sophie on the other hand is PMing me like "the plan is still Whitney right?" "Please confirm its Whitney" "is everyone on board with Whitney" "Whitney Whitney Whitney" so I got completely spooked and changed my vote, just to protect against you (and/or a general anyone flipping). I said in my confessional was I only needed one vote - you or Julie - and I got neither. It was in a different context but it still worked for this. Once Sophie played her idol on Whitney and you started saying "it's my plan but you might go down for it, we'll go down together" I was sure we had protected against you flipping. But once Sophie said "me, Ashley, Julie and Whitney are running this game and you don't know it yet", I was like oh shit, and knew I was gone. I, too, thought Kristina's "we knew it, bye bye" was in reference to my contingency plans and how we saw it coming, I didn't think for a second she would be the one to go at this spot, I knew it was me. I had a bad feeling immediately following the challenge when K and Steph were relatively MIA and you were all "what are the boys doing?" "Who are David and Mike voting" and Sophie was all "omg Whitney Whitney Whitney". I told them all I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen and exchanged worry with D/M/S. I was shocked more that you were willing to lie to me while in a message that YOU initiated titled "final 2" than I was that you flipped. I was completely blown away that you'd willingly say you were going down with Sophie's ship, in the event she didn't stay. I didn't understand how you could be so sure of it but I soon learned. It's all good, though, it was very expected (my confessionals back this up), just very unwanted (naturally). When I did that "Ashley (crying face)" I was actually pretty bummed, not that you flipped but that you lied to me when I was finally trusting you more than I should - silly me. I got a little confident, I got a little cocky and you pulled the carpet out from underneath of me. Good job :) you weren't going to be Ovambo's goat, though, I always thought I would need you to help me get rid of Kristina. You did better voting me out than you would have sticking with me, so it was a decidedly much better move to get me out. That being said, if you voted Kristina here, I can say with 85% certainty that if you voted me, David goes to rocks for me. He might've come off as weasel-ly and wishy washy but I believe that was just because you voted Kristina. I think if you voted Steph or Mike there, I believe he would've gone to rocks there as well. So it was very good gameplay in my eyes, a) playing me; b) voting me; then c) voting Kristina. After you made that move and were up 4-3 it definitely seemed like you got cocky from my spot in the jury but I definitely thought the game was yours to lose at this point and you'll see me say that over and over here in Ponderosa. I don't think it was smart to rely on Whitney and Julie with their track records but what else could you do? Seemed expected that one of them would mess it up somehow and it turned out to be the case, if you can honestly say you didn't expect that then you may not be as bright as I thought you were. That being said, if you made it to the end with any of those 4, my vote would have been written in stone, locked-in for you to win and I think deservedly so. I don't think it was close (still). I know it doesn't seem like it, but I was actually rooting for you just as hard as any of the other players, individually, it was just that those were my 3 on the other side, together. I still don't really buy that he flipped because of me, I think he was just justifying his actions by blaming it on me so that you'd be in his corner in case you won and M/S voted for him to go. Seems pretty simple to me. You and Sophie both showed me your pre-vote before you voted me out so we all know that means absolutely nothing. I think it was David hedging his bets, because that is how David is. Until I hear from him saying otherwise, I think that was just his excuse for not voting with you to save his own ass after he realized his seat would be a little hot if you won. You can blame me all you'd like, though, warranted or not.

Another thing, Mike is doing the classic Richard Hatch line. That's been done before. It was done by Hatch and it was done in BB7 by Mike Boogie. He knows the two obvious major threats to win the game are you and Stephanie. He's probably thinking you can't take each other, because then you'd risk losing. He quit after 300 posts, he probably saw his deficit and to be honest I would have been hesitant to go any further either, especially knowing how long you and Stephanie went (incredibly impressed btw). He knows(thought) he's making it, with you or with her, so why bother posting not only 700 more times to catch David, but 8000 more times to catch Steph (and 10 hours). Was it the right thing to do? No probably not morally/socially but there is certainly a reason behind it. He wasn't just being rude. It does make sense, rationally.
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:36:23 am

Good god man, have you not heard of Paragraphs?!
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Jeff Probst
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Re: Welcome, Ashley!

Postby Grant » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:47:18 am

I swear it was all broken up into paragraphs. I took too long writing it on my phone that it logged me out of here, so I copy pasted it into notepad before I lost it then pasted it back in. :(
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