Jury Questions

1st Juror| 12th Place | Voted Out 6-5 in Episode 06.

Jury Questions

Postby Cochran » Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:26:15 pm

Congrats to you three for making it this far. Even though I didn't get to know you guys much it was fun to watch you guys throughout the game!

Steph- Why does mike deserve my vote?

Mike- Why does steph deserve my vote?

Dave- I got nothing for you bud

And thats it. Good luck to you all and may the best player win!
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Re: Jury Questions

Postby Cochran » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:38:46 am

I actually have a question for Dave if it's not too late to change that.

Dave- If you could pick two people you could sit next to in the end that are on the jury right now, who would you pick and why??
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Re: Jury Questions

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:50:18 pm

You may have already done some of these but I'm copy/pasting for those that haven't:

Well there are several things I need from you before the final Tribal on sunday. I'll list them in order of importance:

1. Prevote

Please pre-vote for who you would like to win the game in your voting thread now. You can always change it later, I will announce the deadline for vote changes at the start of Final Tribal Council.

2. Write your Speech

Please write your FTC speech if you have not already. Be ready to roll when you are called on at FTC and if you plan on not being here, I can simply copy/paste what you have already written. You can always change it later, but please post your statements/questions here now ahead of time so you do not eat up/waste our precious time :D

3. Give me a Confessional

There are some things i'm interested in knowing about you before you go into hte final Tribal. They are: Are you excited about the final three? Is there anyone you're looking forward to seeing again and being able to speak to? Are you bitter at all? Do you think there are deserving players in the final 3? What can we look forward to from you?
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Re: Jury Questions

Postby Cochran » Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:10:15 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:There are some things i'm interested in knowing about you before you go into hte final Tribal. They are: Are you excited about the final three? Is there anyone you're looking forward to seeing again and being able to speak to? Are you bitter at all? Do you think there are deserving players in the final 3? What can we look forward to from you?

I'm not really excited. I'm pretty sure I know who is going to win and my vote is pretty much definitely going to Steph. It ended up with three from one alliance that I hardly ever talked to so It doesn't really hold my interest.

I'm not bitter anymore.... In my confessionals right after I got voted out you could tell that I was really bitter xD, but I had time to get over it so i'm good now.

I think that Steph definitely deserves to be there. Not too sure about mike or dave but I haven't heard their side yet so we'll see. There is definitely atleast one deserving player sitting at the end.

I dont really understand the last question xD do you mean for the ftc?? or just in general?
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Re: Jury Questions

Postby Cochran » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:49:56 pm

Congrats to you three for making it this far. Even though I didn't get to know you guys much it was fun to watch you guys throughout the game!

Steph- Why doesnt mike deserve my vote?

Mike- Why doesnt steph deserve my vote?

And both of you, why does Dave deserve my vote??

Dave- Heres the deal dave, I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100, if you guess it you have my vote

And thats it. Good luck to you all and may the best player win!
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