


Postby Caryn » Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:33:31 am

When the past reminds you of how good you were, the future awaits your fate. While the present eats away at your shallow core some called a soul. He doesn’t think like you, nor does he feel like you. His alien ways are the reason for my very existence. We’re all born dying! As the avenging angel celebrates sorrow in honor of his death. We love! We hate! We die, forever late! In Willow’s way…
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Re: Willow

Postby Caryn » Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:01:04 pm

Like Me! Follow Me! The television is god's way of telling the world something is wrong. Take a moment and think about what all the separate letters mean. As the Social Network is doing exactly what it's supposed to do, improving everything! Filter out all the bad and see what's left in 24 Years. As I sense endangered prophecies, that have been flying through my mind ever since the days went dark just before the dawn. We love! We hate! We die, forever late! In Willow's Way.....
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