So wow, what a fucking night! This game just got kicked into overdrive. First there's a ranking floating out there that either should make you nervous because you aren't towards the top, or nervous because you are too far towards the top and therefore will probably be kicked down a notch. What were your thoughts on the challenge and the cluster fuck of a vote afterwards?
All I gotta say is I owe kristina my life. I may of went out If I didn't play my idol tonight and that scares me. I'm not fucking depressed ro drunk Just anything to get poeple off my fucking back DID IT WORK probably fucking now BUT WHO GIVES A FUCK im here and papa isn't.
Know I'm goign to try to get Julie to the end with me and kristina.
Here goes that whole game thing. After sophie first gone is Grant IMO he needs to be out. I'm goign to try to be peoples goat so I can make it to the end. We'll see what ahppens