Okay so I'm giving everyone the day off tonight because we're pushing the finale into next week. It was originally scheduled for this week but becuase we had that day off last week and a few extra days it's been pushed back. That's probably for the best because itll give everyone the weekend to prepare for Final Tribal Council.
Day 27 - Wednesday
Immunity Challenge #14 - 8c/9e
Tribal Council #14 - 9c/10e
Immunity Challenge #15 - 9:30c/10:30e
Day 28 - Thursday
Tribal Council #15 - 8c/9e
Day 31 - Sunday
Final Tribal Council - 8c/9e
Day 32 - Monday
Reunion - 8c/9e
Winner Reveal - 8:30c/9:30e
Identity Reveal - 8:30c/9:30e
After Party/Chat - 9:00c/10:00e