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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:16:52 pm
by Jeff Probst

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:18:43 am
by Stephanie
Final 3 in this gif? icon_smile


Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:31:09 pm
by Jeff Probst
Do you think if you make the final three that you will win? Are you confident that you will be in the final 3?

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:20:01 pm
by Stephanie

Based on pure numbers, I am almost certain I will be in the Final 3. I have an agreement with Mike and David, if we turn our backs on each other, it will look bad in front of the jury. Not to mention, Sophie and Ashley are two huge threats to win. They would get a lot of the Nama votes, and Julie's, so I think it's a understanding amongst the three of us that our only chance is against each other. We've worked hard to finally get the majority, we don't want to blow it now.

Obviously, the Hidden Immunity Idol and the immunity challenges could ruin everything. The final idol is yet to be found, at least by me/Mike/David. I'm scared to death one of Sophie/Ashley have found it. This next vote is their last chance to play it, they'd obviously do so on themselves. So hopefully one of me/Mike/David can win the challenge, and just hope that the idol hasn't been found. If it has, hopefully we pick the right person to put our votes on! Then obviously whoever is left of Sophie/Ashley, must lose that final challenge, so we can eliminate them.

I think I have a very good chance at winning against Mike/David. Obviously I'll beat David, Mike will be tougher, but I think I can beat him. I've won challenges, found Hidden Immunity Idols, and think my jury management has been spot on until this point. I don't believe anyone on the jury has any animosity towards me whatsoever, they have no reason to feel that way. So I do feel I will get several votes should I make it to the end against Mike/David, hopefully enough to win!

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:09:30 am
by Brenda
I was gonna ask for a catch-up, but this is great.

Re: Finale

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 9:37:12 am
by Stephanie

Lol I have not even thought about FTC yet. After counting for like twelve hours I pretty much just took some time off from the game, I needed it. icon_laughing I'll start preparing tomorrow (Sunday) and do my Fallen Comrades then. Then Monday morning my time is FTC. icon_biggrin

Are all the jurors gonna actually be there... and vote? I mean, I notice Kristina hasn't been online for like four days. And I'm banking on her vote. :-X

Re: Finale

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 5:37:30 pm
by Jeff Probst
well... FTC starts sunday so you should probably prepare your opening speech tomorrow morning :P

Re: Finale

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:16:33 pm
by Stephanie
I'm GMT+8 so it's 9am Monday for me. :P