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Episode 07

Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:57:47 pm
by Brenda
Catch me up! (No really, I just missed a full week). Are we looking into a Pagonging here? And if so, is that even good for you? Are you top of the pile of Ovambo?Gotta say, from the most casual glance at PMs, you seemed to be thinking of going the other way - explain that to me. Do you trust the rest Ovambo to stick by you? Can you work that position to get you both to the end, and to win??
Who in Nama would you most like to see stick around?
What thought on idols and that kind of thing?
Re: Episode 07

Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:51:50 pm
by Jeff Probst
So Ralph, you seemed to want to flip on Ovambo and join forces with Nama to take out some power players. When did that plan change and are you still entertaining working with Nama on your own?
Re: Episode 07

Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:51:22 pm
by Ralph
For brenda. Sorry bout responding to this late I've been mad busy lately.
Papa Bear was playing very well in my opinion and I was about to flip BUT I love Kristina SOOOOOOOOOOOO much and I don't want her to be in trouble so I decided to vote cochran and stay with my ovabo. Also I think I'm top in that alliance and I would be 4th to third in the nama ovambo alliance.
HONESTLY I WANTED COCHRAN TO STICK AROUND. he was so fun to talk too and such a loveable guy.
I want papa out. because that man can play me I know he can.
With the idol I'm just going to keep it around to final 5 and play it thre becuase that may be the only time I could be going out. Then I have to win the last immunity and make it to FTC.
To Jeff: I did want to flip to be honest cause Who the fuck wants a Pagonging? FUCKIN NO ONE!
I wanted to flip but once again Kristina is my number one here and I wanna stay friends with her/him when the game ends so I went with ovambo.
And I will not work with nama anymore WHICH SUCKS ASS because they seem to actually want to do stuff. But ovambo knows they have power and know there all high and mighty yadda yadda
Re: Episode 07

Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:14:08 pm
by Jeff Probst
Do you think any Ovambo members know or have guessed that you have an idol?
Re: Episode 07

Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:55:24 pm
by Ralph
Honestly no. I think more nama know I have it. But soon I'm just gonna pull a Marty and be all I have the idol yadda yadda me idol havie.
since if i was papa I would just tell everyone that Ralph has the idol
Re: Episode 07

Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:46:04 pm
by Jeff Probst
Is Kristina convincing you not to flip? If she were not around, would you have joined Nama last Council? Does she believe she is at the top of the Ovambo alliances?
Re: Episode 07

Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:47:56 pm
by Ralph
If me and kristina weren't a pair 100% i would've flipped.
She does believe it's me her and grant at the top. But for all we know Mike Steph David and Julie could be in a big power group.
Kristina is the one telling me not to flip also.
Shes my pair and I need her around so I didn't flip
Re: Episode 07

Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:17:23 am
by Jeff Probst
So what's your plan going forward ralph? have you heard from Kristina what your next move is?
Re: Episode 07

Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:56:18 am
by Ralph
My plan is boring as a sack of dicsk that is moldy and a little crusy. ANALOGY.
To sit here and be friends with people
#mde it
Re: Episode 07

Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:31:26 pm
by Ralph
this may be the end of ralph.
Well it has been fun and if they do it correctly I won't even be mad GG all regroup next week.
Not playing the idol
I'm not that scarred.
Who knows why?
Re: Episode 07

Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:47:05 pm
by Ralph
HEADS UP GRANT WAS the most thing on the win thing FUCKING REALLY POPELE
I didnt mean htat
hes probabl really nice
also look how popular I ma AWSNER: not very!
Re: Episode 07

Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:16:52 pm
by Jeff Probst
Are you gonna be calling peopel out tonight, Ralph? Still playing your idol?
Re: Episode 07

Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:29:38 pm
by Ralph
I don't think i will.
I'm on this funky pill to make me less depressed n all that WHO CARES psh
I should keep it cool
and I will 100% be playing my idol
you get ready baby