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Episode 06 - The Merge!

Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:00:17 am
by Jeff Probst
Welcome to the merge. Are you excited to be apart of this stage of the game? How will your game shift now as we enter the individual portion? Are you willing to make moves necessary to impress a jury should you make the finals?
What players on the other tribe are you excited to get to know or are you just looking forward to taking them out? Is there an advantage in using the players of the other tribe before your other tribemates?
Now that you have made the merge and have earned your idol as a mole, do you think anyone is suspicious that you are the mole? Do you think there is still a mole from the other tribe in the game? If so, whom?
Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Tue Mar 25, 2014 2:49:06 pm
by Ralph
Since I'm the mole and I already know some of the Nama I'm 100% going to try to get Sophie and pap bear out.
Lord knows there scary players.
I think Sophie is the mole for NAMA. since she seemed to be in a good position ( like me ) and posted frequently ( like me )
how does the idol work? like at tribal do i just go
"Jeff?" and then it's played or what?
Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:08:38 pm
by Jeff Probst
You'll get the idol tonight when I'm at my main computer along with the instructions. Congrats!
Are you concerned that by eliminating all of Nama, you will be limiting your options for the end game? Are you comfortable with your position in Ovambo or are you also looking at every option?
Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:34:18 pm
by Ralph
I think I'm gonna go final 2 with papa bear. I HAVE NO CLUE REALLY.
I think i can win against papa all I need to do is let him make big moves.
Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:35:40 pm
by Jeff Probst
Elaborate, and why baboon?
Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:00:43 pm
by Mia
Yes. Why baboon?
Also, what's your plan for your idol? (To play it, Jeff will say "you have 5 minutes to play it" after the votes have been tallied. You just have to post the image in the Tribal topic on you or whoever you want to play it on!
And finally, do you mind filling me in on EXACTLY who you trust/don't trust, and your take on alliances? Maybe a little blurb on every player and what you think of them at this point? It will help me catch up with what's gone on and it will make for some juicy reading post-game to see where your head was at during this crucial point in the game!
Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:11:46 pm
by Ralph
1. baboon because it's rare that someone will go up to a random player and be all BABOON BABOOOOOON.
2.I'm going to save the idol in case if someone tries to backstab me. I may also give the idol to someone and ask them to play it so they look untrustworthy and all that fun stuff.
Like real talk.
I trust Kristina but I could see why she would want to vote me off after my fucking horrendous play recently.
I have no clue.
I honestly trust papa bear and think I would be at least his #3 if i went with him BUT. I would not get any votes at all
I feel like ovambo is going to be more bitter for being voted off and Nama won't be as bitter and that's why I'm going to stick with my original alliance.
As for the whole everyone trust rating I did papa and Kristina so know for everyone else.
Ashley: I like ashley and she seems like a nice enough girl/boy ( you can never really know ) She seems to be playing A Fabio type game since shes just a friendly person in an alliance who could be brought to the end.
Grant: I like Grant A lot! He's a nice guy and seems like a good strategist.
I want to either go with him to the end or get him out as soon as the Nama are out.
I think he could win the game honestly. But I also think he could be in the final four and lose that last challenge and then go out and be the cirie or Yau of the season.
to my understanding Julie has done nothing. and if she thinks shes gon be all I'll make it to the end and everyone else will of done stuff then shes wrong.
Although for all I know she could be deadly ill and can't use her computer often and that's why she's not online but who knows?
I trust Julie because I think she needs me and I need her.
I should really send her a pm
Sophie: Sophie is a scary berry. I think she knows what's going on and if she has the ido I'm terrified.
For all I know shes searching how to play the idol at this very moment.
I think Sophie wil last two more votes and then get out.
But if it was up to me her/papa would be out next.
Cochran- I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE cockyran. He is a nice guy to talk to and If he makes it to the end I might just vote for him to win.
But I want cochran out because if I make it to the end he may vote for me.
Stephanie: steph doesn't actually talk to me anymore so that sucks. she seems nice, Alot like Julie but with more strategy i'm assuming here though.
Not much to say since she hasn't talked to specificly me in a while.
Mike: After reviewing all these people ovambo was a pretty nice tribe
Mike is a really nice guy who has really under the radar strategy or something.
cause I have seen nothing of his
I need to talk to him cause i need his vote
maybe like once
even as the mole only once
David: David has never really talked to me. I really have to make an effort to get to know people more.
david seems like a strategist and If he made it to the end with lets say steph and julie I would vote him
I think that's all
I'm sorry if I missed one of you
Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:37:28 pm
by Ralph
Quick questions about the jury?
If I'm on the jury can i see Pm's or am i basing my vote off of facts that i know from playing with them and tribal?
Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:38:04 pm
by Jeff Probst
Ralph wrote:Quick questions about the jury?
If I'm on the jury can i see Pm's or am i basing my vote off of facts that i know from playing with them and tribal?
Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:26:54 pm
by Ralph
okay cool.
Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:00:05 pm
by Mia
Ralph, what's the plan for tonight?