Welcome, Himba Tribe!
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:41:23 am
Congratulations, You have all reached the merge.
This is the defining part of your journey in Stranded. You are joining an elite group of players who have made it far enough to help shape how a season will turn out.
Now the game shifts from tribal to individual. If you are not thinking about your own game and how you can get yourself the win, then you should not be playing the game. Now is the time to make moves, leave the game with no regrets and play your heart out.
Thus far the entire game has been building up to this very moment and now it's time to show your game the way you'd like to remember it.
The mole twist has come to a conclusion. If there are still moles in the game, they now have Hidden Immunity Idols. Any other idols were only good pre-merge, but the idols that any remaining moles possess are now the only ones that count.
We are giving you tonight off to get to know one another, form the bonds that will carry you throughout the game. Ovambo has not been to many Tribal Councils and have not had to vote off one of their original members yet. Those bonds will be tested now, Are you secure in the friendships you've made, are there better friendships to be made at Nama? Nama has been to Council, but now they have a whole new crop of players they have not met that they can now play with.
This is a whole game, take advantage of it because this is the Stranded you have all been waiting to play.
Good luck Himba,
i'll see you tomorrow for your first Individual Immunity Challenge and Thursday where you will vote off the first member of your new tribe.
This is the defining part of your journey in Stranded. You are joining an elite group of players who have made it far enough to help shape how a season will turn out.
Now the game shifts from tribal to individual. If you are not thinking about your own game and how you can get yourself the win, then you should not be playing the game. Now is the time to make moves, leave the game with no regrets and play your heart out.
Thus far the entire game has been building up to this very moment and now it's time to show your game the way you'd like to remember it.
The mole twist has come to a conclusion. If there are still moles in the game, they now have Hidden Immunity Idols. Any other idols were only good pre-merge, but the idols that any remaining moles possess are now the only ones that count.
We are giving you tonight off to get to know one another, form the bonds that will carry you throughout the game. Ovambo has not been to many Tribal Councils and have not had to vote off one of their original members yet. Those bonds will be tested now, Are you secure in the friendships you've made, are there better friendships to be made at Nama? Nama has been to Council, but now they have a whole new crop of players they have not met that they can now play with.
This is a whole game, take advantage of it because this is the Stranded you have all been waiting to play.
Good luck Himba,
i'll see you tomorrow for your first Individual Immunity Challenge and Thursday where you will vote off the first member of your new tribe.