Cochran wrote:What is your main motivation for playing?
I'm a huge survivor fan and I understand the strategy more than so many people. I want to get my fix of the game as well as hopefully feed my ego a little bit.
What personality types do you typically clash with?
None really. I mean I don;t like a lot of types of people, but I won't let it show. Well, I guess I really can't stand people who freak out when they don't get there way. It's really babyish and seeing as how I deal with actual kids on a regular basis, I don't need grown people to act the same way.
What is your strategy going into the game?
To dumb myself down a little to people, but when it comes time to put myself on top I'll make the big moves. Also a lot of lying, because keeping a lot of lies keeps people exactly where you want them to be in retrospect to you.
Cochran is maybe closer to SP Cochran than FvF Cochran :D He is passionate about the game, and a weird combination of both over and under confident. He's got a big streak of villain too. Where RL Cochran was forced into that "flip", Stranded Cochran is positively dying to start scheming and lying. I don't doubt that he's smart, and I don't doubt that he'll be a schemey villain. I do have to wonder if he's going to have the social game to pull it all off and turn it into a successful game here.