Sophie wrote:What style of game play do you most respect?
I most respect any game that is the "If it's not me, I'm good" style. The people that try to get their entire alliance to the end just repulse me, but the people who play to individually win are the people I like to see make it to the end.
If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?
I actually plan on NOT getting in to any fights, It's hard to do that in Big Brother games but so far I've managed to do a good job of staying out of the limelight. However, what fights that do occur I plan on backing up with the same logic I've always done. Kill them with quotes proving I'm right, and making sure people realize that the person who confronted me needs to go.
What is your strategy going into the game?
My strategy is to be someone who can provide early in physical challenges enough so that we don't get to go to tribal that much, and lay low in terms of strategy. One thing I usually do that costs me is go out too fast and too strong with strategy, so keeping to myself may improve my overall position in the game. Once I get to the merge, take the people I can trust, cut the people I can't, then cut the people I trust.
What is your main motivation for playing?
My main motivation for playing is playing the game that everyone has raved about, and getting some validation that I am in fact a good player and that I've still "got it."
Sophie is detailed, methodical, and a very sharp player. She wants to be the quiet and reliable slow-burner pulling the strings, and she is very capable of that. She can play equally well from a position of strength or (more importantly) weakness. If she doesn't land in the majority, I think she is the type of player who will very quickly realise her position, and round up the outliers to make a move. So many people want to do that, but Sophie actually has the wherewithall to get it done. I will be far more interested in her game in this situation, but I fear her slipping into power early could see her just running on cruise control. Certainly a possible winner.