Episode 11

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Episode 11

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:56:28 pm

hole, lee, fuck. What just happened, spill what you’re thinking!
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mike » Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:58:17 pm

My message to Julie sums most of it up.

Mike wrote:I'm confused about that vote.

You could have just told them we were voting Sophie, and they could have idol'd Sophie instead of going to rocks. But you voted against us instead of telling them that.

I would have been fine with voting Kristina if I knew you were going to as well, but I felt it was safer going the other way.

What's the deal? o.o
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mike » Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:11:04 pm

In other news.

I was thinking of flipping and voting Kristina or Steph if they were, and then having majority with Julie afterward. But I felt it was safer to vote Sophie out instead.

The Kristina vote doesn't hurt much since she was playing both sides. But again, the swing vote rests on Julie.

Making a majority alliance of Ovambo like I did was bad, bad, bad. Limited my options and let the other people sneak around like Ralph/Kristina/Ashley and now Julie.

Julie HAS to see it is suicide to go to the end with Ashley and Sophie. If she doesn't, we're all screwed. The idol force-feeding doesn't make it any better because it's going to be found as long as there's a will to find it, which there is.

I'm just pissed that I knew even if I pretended to flip, it would have been of no use, I would have been lied to about the vote and it wouldn't have done me any good anyway.

My good options are all extremely limited because I was playing too loyal and too scared.

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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mike » Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:46:27 pm

If both Sophie and Ashley make it to the end, Ashley's winning. Sophie might be good at strategy but she's a dumbass when it comes to the social game. Ashley is playing a better social game than Sophie and Ashley knows what she's doing too - in the other tribal thread, she made it clear to the jury that she was the one that made the move to blindside Grant.

Right now, the scenario is bad. Depending if Julie is smart or stupid, Steph/David/I might all get fucked.

If she's smart and takes me and David to the end, I'll win.

If she's dumb and goes to F4 with Sophie/Ashley/Whitney, she's screwed.

She also might try to take Whitney. What I REALLY don't get is just how much of a goat Whitney is willing to be. She's literally telling Julie to take her F3 spot. Whitney either has plans to take out the two leaders or is just unhappy with being a human so she's roleplaying as a goat. I can't be sure which.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mike » Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:47:16 pm

What I also further don't get is why Julie didn't flip. Coming to us after I offered her that F3 deal was the better move, if she wanted to go to F3 in the end with me anyway. So that means she PROBABLY doesn't want to go to the end with me.

Which means I just might get screwed.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mike » Sat Apr 05, 2014 3:43:49 am

And so the bluffing has begun.

Trying to bluff to Julie by fake-quoting myself and hoping it's enough to sway her into voting with us again. If she's hesitant, I can always bluff more. I just don't want to overdo it.

Not quite sure who else I can bluff to just yet that would believe me, but if all else fails, I'll certainly try.

In the meantime, I'll be playing online poker to practice my bluffing skills.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mike » Sat Apr 05, 2014 8:10:41 pm


Stephanie's lying to me and she has the idol, I'm 100% certain now.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mike » Sat Apr 05, 2014 8:39:24 pm

Ok, she came up with an explanation about it and confirmed she has the idol.

Now to just decide what to do...
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Frank » Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:21:54 am


Stephanie's lying to me and she has the idol, I'm 100% certain now.

Oh no, you found me. What? icon_huh icon_laughing

So what's the plan big guy? Is it just you and Steph against the world now? How are you planning to use Steph's idol?
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mike » Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:15:19 pm

Frank wrote:

Stephanie's lying to me and she has the idol, I'm 100% certain now.

Oh no, you found me. What? icon_huh icon_laughing

So what's the plan big guy? Is it just you and Steph against the world now? How are you planning to use Steph's idol?

Ah, I posted too late. ^^;

David's with them now it seems. I can't believe the stupidity of some people in this game, seriously. Julie thinks she can beat Ashley/Sophie at FTC and she'd rather go with them then me and someone else. And she thinks she'll get taken to FTC over Whitney. I'm mindblown.

David should have known his flip would only cause us all to get picked off like we are now, too. He's not going to win the game regardless of whether he gets to FTC or not.

Whitney doesn't care about the game but she isn't bright either.

The only person I think I have a chance with now is Julie, unless I or Stephanie win immunity. Then we approach David and say "we're playing the idol on whoever didn't win immunity, they're going to split the votes between me and you so if you don't vote with us, you're voting yourself out."

I'm annoyed because Stephanie is telling me she might not use the idol on me if she wins immunity because she "only will if she thinks she can survive the next vote." Well she's going to be eliminated the vote after that if she is willing to let the scene go to 5v1. We are pretty much forced to make a move right now or we're both toast, and she wants to keep the idol just to push herself one slot up? 7th is no better than 5th from my perspective.

Anyway I overestimated the IQs of a lot of people in this game and now I'm probably screwed because of it (most notably, Julie not flipping). There's still hope but it'd take a lot of convincing from my end.

I entered the password to the HII forum literally minutes after we got the clue but I spelled it as it was on the website (two words, both capitals) when in reality it was all one word lowercase. icon_cry I know I tried all one word but I put a capital, and two words both lowercase, etc. So Stephanie got it and she wants to keep it for herself.

One sentence summary: I have to win immunity because my other options are looking dim.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mike » Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:17:48 pm

That's not to say that it was the only factor that did me in - there were other things like not keeping in touch with people like Julie after the merge came, and not being in enough alliances to choose which one would work best for me.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mike » Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:23:45 pm

My reaction if I win immunity tonight:

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Re: Episode 11

Postby Mike » Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:50:37 pm

My reaction from not getting eliminated by rocks:

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