Semhar wrote:How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?
How's that phrase go... "Speak softly, but carry a big stick"? That'll be me ;)
I strive to be very perceptive, not afraid to make moves or cut strings, but also hide behind a nice personable face. I want to be the villain that people won't suspect as the villain, until they're torch is actively being snuffed ;D
How do you think you would actually be portrayed?
Some big eye'd foreigner who no one can understand, and says she's going to do big things, but ends up getting suckered into the people she meet LOL. I think my big heart may get in the way. I do want to be this strategic mastermind, but I'm not actually sure what I'm capable of.
What is your strategy going into the game?
I guess I want to be the non-douchey villain. Everyone's going to be playing hard, and I just want to seem like this person who's more relatable and leads socially. However, I have no problems cutting the social web I weave if I have to, which I think may make me a villain. I also strive to make an alliance no one see's coming, and I have yet to do that :P
What is your main motivation for playing?
I heard many good things from a friend I made at a reddit meet-up, so I decided to naturally give it a try!
When settling on the cast for these games, all the co-hosts weigh in with thoughts on the apps and Jeff makes the final call on who makes the cut. Semhar holds the distinction of being the sole app that the hosts universally agreed was an absolute must-cast. So many apps are just cookie-cutter, while hers had.. a certain honesty and legitimacy to it? She is charismatic and will have no trouble making allies. The intrigue here will come from what she does once she has them. She would like to be a villain, sure. Can she be though? I don't know. There could be a real internal battle here, between wanting to be cutthroat but not having the stomach for it. Potential winner? Easily.