I know where to start!
Girl that was fantabulous mixed in with awesome with a side of extra delicious and salty. That GIF is the best way to describe how amazing it was to have that little fucker get out of this game and for me to finally do something fantastic. Did I waste an idol? Omg yes I did and I do regret that, but how was I supposed to do? Bitch, I played that thing on someone that was NOT me and surprisingly didn't do something selfish in this game for once. I am not a horrible person after all
I still hate those other four, but I gained a lot of respect for Julie and Ashley since before this they were pretty much floaters.
Anyway, where to begin.
Nah boo, that's a story for a different day. So anyway here is what I am thinking right now. As of right now we have Julie, Whitney, and Ashley on lock and we are going to the final four. I think my chances of getting to the end are pretty good with that group and so I feel thrilled about that. Grant leaving was FANTASTIC and amazing at the same time, like I said before. He was a huge player in this game, and I had a lot of respect for him but the bitch needed to feel the wrath of these love handles. He was constantly trying to get inside my head and figure me out and this whole game I was like
He just needed to go. Next target is Mike since he is such a wuss bag and can't handle being on the losing end of things. I mean this whole game he was heading the Ovambo (and gay) parade and now to see that he may have a shot at going home is hilarious. It's absolutely spectacular that he was so blindsided on that vote and he actually felt like I was going to go home or like it was going to tie. He is such a nincompoop it isn't even funny.
Questions? I'll get to some later yes.