Episode 09

Final Juror| 4th Place | Voted Out 2-2 (purple rock) in Episode 13.

Episode 09

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:41:33 pm

Well, final 9! You made it gurl, what's the plan now?
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:46:00 pm


There were so many PMs flying around I couldn't keep up with them at all!

LOL at Kristina outing David targeting Sophie. I'ma try convince Sophie to screw David over.
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:20:12 pm

I need to make a big move. I think I've done a lot of notable stuff during my time here so far:

- came in with a "new person" handicap
- managed to get in with Nama so well that I ranked over 2 existing Nama members
- tricked Ovambo into thinking I voted with them, earning myself some good information rights.
- flipped to vote out PB
- I LOVE that I was able to be part of the downfall of Ralph. I told EVERYONE after the Cochran boot (Mike vote is what I call it) that Ralph flipped to Nama to explain that extra Mike vote and they believed it. Him being the first Ovambo out, rather than Julie even, is a testament to to the effect of that well-poisoning I did. There were, of course, other contributing factors I'm probably not privy to, but I'm sure it had an impact.

BUT - that doesn't look impressive, even though it took a lot of work to execute.

SO I've set up a plan that will either be the end of me, or it will be my moment of glory at FTC. It depends on Sophie using her idol on someone that isn't her though. The same Sophie I voted against for PB. However, we seem to have come together after that, and I need to trust her. I won't blame her if she screws me, but I hope she doesn't either. Ovambo see me as a goat. I'm the goat who came in late and does what they tell me to do.

I sent her THIS message:

Hey Soph!

I need you to trust me and keep this message totally confidential right now - If this gets leaked, both of us will go down very quickly and Ovambo will dominate the whole game.

Okay, so I've been hearing Whitney followed by Julie for the next two votes. I think we should consider our options, and organise getting rid of some of the big threats in this game sooner rather than later. The ideas I have though, if we were to go for it this early, relies on you using your idol on someone other than yourself (and not me either).

What are your thoughts? If we want to avoid an all-Ovambo end-game, I think we need to start earlier, and try and make use of Julie and Whitney especially to help us do that. Julie really wants to make a big move, and both her and Whitney are 100% going home the next two votes if we can't pull anything off to save them. Let's face it - it will be easier to win against Julie or Whitney just because they have goat-reputations on Ovambo. And I can be honest with myself - I came into this game late: Ovambo ranked me as a goat in that 'common answer' challenge, and there is no way I want to play this game as a goat, even if it is pretty much certain that I can't win as a late-comer.

Regardless of what anyone tells you, everyone on Ovambo says you are unbeatable at the end of the game and do not want you there with them. I've heard plans to flush your idol, and use your fear of being booted to force you to vote with them, and then have you out of the game by Final 5.

The idea I have for tonight (it is very early-stage but it needs to be put into gear if we go with it, or something like it) is to let Ovambo think everyone is voting Whitney. For all intents and purposes, that's who is going. BUT, depending on how the votes are split (which I will do my absolute best to find out) - which will most likely be between Whitney and Julie from what I'm hearing, you use your idol to save Whitney, and us three vote for Kristina or Grant (it is likely one of those will win immunity, so we vote for whoever doesn't). It is likely just our three votes will be enough to take it out, but if we need to recruit Julie we can do so.

My reasoning for Grant or Kristina:
Grant is an extreme challenge threat. He is also a big player on Ovambo. We want him gone for obvious reasons.
Kristina is part of a core F4 and core F3 alliance with Stephanie. Grant trusts her. If we get rid of Kristina, Stephanie gets bamboozled. Grant will be pissed off, but at F8, we would still hold 4 secure votes with Julie and Whitney, and could force a tie or convince Mike to join us. Fuck David, he can go rot. As soon as Grant doesn't have immunity, we vote him out.

If we get rid of Grant, Kristina still has her strong alliance with Steph in tact, and will easily be able to pull David and Mike in line. The chance of flipping someone at this stage is less likely, but there is always the option of a tie. We just have to stay as a solid 4. No offering of deals at this point. You join us, or go to a tie and you potentially go home at rocks. (The threat). "We are voting as a solid 4. If you want to eliminate a huge threat (aka Kristina/Stephanie at this point), join us."


For the record, Kristina said to me, Stephanie and Grant that you told her you'd probably play your idol tonight to get rid of it.


PLEASE, again, keep this strictly between you and me right now. I need to prove to you that I'm still with you, and this is the best time to do it. You are not being targeted tonight at all from what I've heard, and so you, from what I can tell, won't be risking going home tonight by using your idol. Me telling you this idea is a huge risk for me :P If you tell anyone, I'm gone. But you will still never make it to the final that way without tons of challenge wins because Ovambo doesn't want you there.

I really want to hear your thoughts ASAP. :) If we put this into motion, we need to get Whitney and maybe Julie in on it early enough.

I know it's her idol being used if this goes through, but it's MY plan, so no matter what, if it works, I'm taking credit for it.

I would rather be out at F9 or F8 (if this fails and I go home today, or tomorrow as a result) after trying to have an impact that will win me the game than be F3 of F4 but a fucking goat.
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:50:18 pm

She read the message and hesn't replied. Welp guess I'm fucked.
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:51:30 pm

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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:27:52 pm

She seems on board, but now she's pushing a Steph vote. Wat.

She spent a LONG time not replying to me while her and Kristina were both online, so I suspect they've been having conversations. I don't understand why she'd want the target to be Steph - obviously Kristina is running this shit, unless Steph just isn't talking to me. what even.

I can't back out now though - I have to keep pushing Kristina. I REALLY hope Whitney and/or Julie show up tonight.
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Mia » Tue Apr 01, 2014 5:38:36 pm

Damn, crazy stuff girl! It definitely sounds like you're playing hard... now, will it work?

So, tell me more about Sophie wanting to target Steph. Is this something you'd be okay with? What's your relationship with Steph like?

Also, how close are you with the people on original Ovambo? Do you think they will tell you their plan for tonight?
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 01, 2014 5:45:25 pm

I do NOT want a Steph vote. I barely know her, and Grant trusts Kristina. Kristina will team-up with him like superglue. We want Ovambo fragmented, not chemically bonded. That made me think Sophie had made a deal with her, but Sophie has appeared to back down from that. She is know really pushing "I don't want to use my idol, let's split the votes" <-- that shit will NOT work. ugh. Grant already suspects her, if I go in and say "doi let's split between 3 people" they will all WTF at me and know I'm up to something.

The only issue is that if Whit or Julie don't show up, we can't do it anyway. We NEED that third vote if the votes are being split.

With Ovambo, I'd like to think I'd be informed. I'm seriously waiting to find out wtf is going on with this vote. Nobody has replied with anything concrete yet. It's stressing me out.
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:12:53 pm




okay. okay. this is going to be interesting.
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:18:11 pm

LOL at that scooby doo reveal shit.

I am not going "I voted for you Grant lol" tonight. :P
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:18:39 pm

at least not until after tribal
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:22:54 pm

Grant saying he likes subtle moves - awkward? :/
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:30:24 pm

Jeff, you shit-stirrer. You're just like IRL Jeff. Making people feel suspicious when I'd prefer them to just sit there and smile.
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:39:37 pm

Ho-Lee Shit.

I thought Sophie saying "using it on meeee" was a shit idea, so I didn't actually say that to anyone. She turned the suspicion-factor up 100 degrees. :(

But we'll go down together :(
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Ashley » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:49:19 pm


Sorry Grant :( I wanted Kristina gone, but I had to compromise with Sophie for her idol :(
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