Episode 08

8th Juror| 5th Place | 100% Awesome | Voted Out 3-2 in Episode 13.

Episode 08

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:11:39 pm

So wow, what a fucking night! This game just got kicked into overdrive. First there's a ranking floating out there that either should make you nervous because you aren't towards the top, or nervous because you are too far towards the top and therefore will probably be kicked down a notch. What were your thoughts on the challenge and the cluster fuck of a vote afterwards?
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Sophie » Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:09:12 pm

I'll be replying to this later Jeff, and probably multiple in a row k thnx darling :)

But to touch on a few things:

Ashley is a slimy little bitch (who I can still tolerate)
Ralph is annoying
Julie is pathetic
Grant is a pathetic little asshole who I want to see rot in the eternal flames of hell
Stephanie is spoiled
Whitney is idiotic
Kristina is naive
Mike is a princess who knows nothing
David is cool but sucks at timing
Sophie is the queen.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Sophie » Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:53:02 pm

Well about that challenge last night, hell to the yes I am amazing oh yes I am. No I am totally kidding, but that was the first time I have won an immunity challenge in a Survivor ORG so it was definitely fantastic to see that happen for sure! I mean my head was on the chopping block, and yet I had the balls to go with my gut and not on the bandwagon for that challenge and I was able to pull out and win the game. It was closely contended by Grant and Julie, and unfortunately gaylord ended up winning with me as well (ew) but whatever. I still won and princess Sophie made it to the Final 10!

I wasn't surprised by that ranking at ALL. I mean if anything it made me chuckle because it was just too perfect and so predictable. I was towards the bottom, kiss-ass Ashley was towards the top, and Grant and Steph were leading the pride parade. It was beautiful, because it just solidified what I was preaching to the choir.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Sophie » Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:15:47 pm

Julie is such a hag lmao. A funny hag, not a nasty one though. She is a funny one for sure. She reminds me of Red from Orange is the New black.

I may be going home tonight, but right now it seems like the vote is on RALPH. Ew, waste of a vote but whatever.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Sophie » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:01:36 pm

If this was my last round and last chance in this game, than I will be truly upset and just will be hoping for an all-star season :P I really have a bad gut feeling about this unfortunately and that's why I am writing this as sort of my last hoorah. Everyone is saying Ralph will be going, but I don't believe that for a second.

If they do vote Ralph, than they really aren't that smart.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Sophie » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:35:59 pm

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