Episode 06 - The Merge!

8th Juror| 5th Place | 100% Awesome | Voted Out 3-2 in Episode 13.

Episode 06 - The Merge!

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:00:30 am

Welcome to the merge. Are you excited to be apart of this stage of the game? How will your game shift now as we enter the individual portion? Are you willing to make moves necessary to impress a jury should you make the finals?

What players on the other tribe are you excited to get to know or are you just looking forward to taking them out? Is there an advantage in using the players of the other tribe before your other tribemates?

Now that you have made the merge and have earned your idol as a mole, do you think anyone is suspicious that you are the mole? Do you think there is still a mole from the other tribe in the game? If so, whom?
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Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Postby Sophie » Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:32:44 pm

Of course I am excited to be a part of this stage! I mean I may hate everybody left in this game besides Ashley, but even a downer like me can admit that this is the point in the game where 11 games will be lost and 1 game will be won. It is up to me now to make sure that I am that one person who will be standing at the end in victory. As we enter the individual portion of this game I have the feeling that challenges are going to be much more important, of course. Usually I can't rely on challenges to save me since I am so horrible at them, but I have improved greatly since my time in Cape Verde and EuroStranded. I also need to try to befriend people from the blue tribe who I have absolutely no interest in befriending, but I will keep the fakeness up if it gets my game farther along. After all, I am the queen and I must sit on this throne for as long as possible.


Yeah I mean at this point in the game I have a very slim chance to get to the end and face to jury, but I think if I were to sit there I would get a lot of respect besides from Papa Bear since he clearly doesn't want to play this game with me. If I need to cut Ashley in the throat and send her to the jury, then you can be your ass I will do in order to make sure I get further. I am not playing to get to the end though, I am playing to win and that's why I don't want to make any big moves just for the sake of making big moves. Everything I do now has to have purpose.

I'll do the other qs later.
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Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Postby Mia » Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:51:39 am

Sofierce <3

First off, tell me what the plan for that idol is!

Also, do you mind filling me in on EXACTLY who you trust/don't trust, and your take on alliances? Maybe a little blurb on every player and what you think of them at this point? It will help me catch up with what's gone on and it will make for some juicy reading post-game to see where your head was at during this crucial point in the game!
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Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Postby Sophie » Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:05:45 pm

Mia wrote:Sofierce <3

First off, tell me what the plan for that idol is!

Also, do you mind filling me in on EXACTLY who you trust/don't trust, and your take on alliances? Maybe a little blurb on every player and what you think of them at this point? It will help me catch up with what's gone on and it will make for some juicy reading post-game to see where your head was at during this crucial point in the game!

Oh Mia girl you are my favorite icon_wub I am so thrilled to be here. I wish I had a clever nickname for you but unfortunately I got nothing :P

The Idol? Oh gosh, that thing is going to either make me go down as a fool like Ozzy or Jason who walk away with it in their pocket or a very smart and intelligent player who used it to get her way in to the final four of this game. It will either make my game very successful, or it will break my game in a matter of a few episodes. Time will tell of course, but the most important thing right now is that nobody has a clue that I have the idol. I know who has the idol for Ovambo, but nobody knows who has it for our tribe and nobody even knows THAT someone else has it for the old Nama tribe. They won't know until I play it either. The only person that I would ever tell about the idol to is Ashley, since I believe she is trying to find out who her Final 2 partner would be and I need her to want it to be me.

It will only be juicy post-game? Oh I hope you find it delicious even during the game since this is the first ranking of the cast that I have done.

1. Ashley-I trust her a lot more than I do everyone else in the game. She came almost a week after the original start date and yet I am impressed with how quickly she has gotten on my good side. She loves Game of Thrones like me and I also think that she will be loyal with me until at least the Final Five. I can't win against her in the end though most likely, even though I probably should since right now I am telling her what to do and where everyone is at. She is a very social girl though, much like the Jordan Lloyd of Big Brother 11. If she gets to the end, no matter what her game is like, she may just win anyway. For now I have her in my pocket and will carry on with her since she is so loyal and fun to talk to.

2. Papa Bear Ew. Talk about lame. This guy is probably the worst PMer I have ever met in my entire life. He lacks all social graces, and reminds me much like Frank from Euro. He is so clueless as to how he comes off that it is almost comical, because he thinks he is playing such a brilliant game. I think he is going to be a very bitter person when he inevitably gets on the jury, but for now I trust him. He thinks that I am his pet and he can tell me what to do, but the great thing about this idol is that I can make it clear that is not the caste very quickly in this game.

3. Cochran What a Fizzler he is. He started out with a very great game and instantly got on my good side, which is hard to do. Then he just…fizzled. He sucks at challenges, sucks strategically, and just sucks at life in general especially within this game. I liked talking to him about his life, but he stopped doing that so whatever. I don't like him, but I have to deal with him and stick with him for now. Correction: He has to stick with me.

4. Whitney Ew. Inactive pretty much, but she stayed around since she actually did something and showed up to a challenge and helped us a lot. Luckily, we were able to eliminate Semhar even though I think personally that was a poor move but at least it was better than me going home. I don't like her, but I think she is loyal so whatevs. Not happy I have to play with such mediocrity but I will have to deal with it if I want my reign to last.

5. KristinaMy favorite member of the Ovambo tribe even though I have only spoken with her a few times now. I think she is polite and proper with me, and I like that. She knows how to engage me in conversation (Papa, take some pointers) and she knows how to be friendly enough where she has everyone vying for her own affection. She's a smart cookie, but she has an idol according to what Papa told me so I have to watch the hell out for that firecracker.

6. RalphGross. Inactive and a horrible PMer. He's like a Sherri but much more smelly and disgusting. I am in an alliance with him since Papa Bear is such a dumbfuck and decided to align with him, but whatever so that's why I have to stick with this horrible filth.

7. David-BLUE BLEEDERYeah, never going to trust him since he is so disgusting and bleeds such blue but he is good in conversations. However, he is active enough where I view him already as a threat so I don't want to be sitting with him in the Final 8 at all. He needs to gtfo.

8. Stephanie-BLUE BLEEDERAren't these the worst of the worst? She's friendly I guess, she just isn't active enough and engaging enough to tickle my fancy. Get to stepping lady.

9. Mike-BLUE BLEEDERGross. He will be the first victim at tribal council if I have everything go my way, so get out Mike and go to the jury. He's lame anyway and seems like a dumbass so I can't wait to see him go home.

10. JillSelf-Admittedly inactive. yeah, I pretty much have to put her on the bottom.

11. Grant-BLUE BLEEDEROh wait. I guess Jill won't be at the bottom. I have reserved that special place for the one and only Grant in this game. I don't like him, he is boring, and he is a liar. He has bitches on the blue tribe and those are horrible bitches to have, and I would rather see him completely self destruct than have to sit with him here for more than three rounds. I will call him out if he doesn't leave soon, disgusting and horrible gameplay. He is a gambot, but a very bad one at that.

Any questions? Please let me know!
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Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Postby Mia » Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:59:32 pm

lol by Jill do you mean Julie?

Anyways, how do you expect things to go tonight?
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Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Postby Sophie » Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:27:38 pm

Mia wrote:lol by Jill do you mean Julie?

Anyways, how do you expect things to go tonight?

Whatever, I will call her Jill in her because Julie is too good of a name for an inactive little whore like her. Actually, she couldn't even be a whore since she is far too ugly. She needs to have curves like me, not love handles like some sort of hell-born nightmare. Gross. To be honest I came here to play with players, and she is the only one here that is not a player, therefore if It were solely in my hands I would get rid of her. However, tonight is a night for making big moves and we need to do that and get rid of the ring leader. Once we take the head off the chicken, the body will slowly die after that making my time here much more fun and lengthy.

Tonight, well one of three things could happen Mia!

1.:Papa Bear Eliminated-The Most likely option. The truth is that there was a cross alliance formed between myself, Papa Bear, Ashley, Kristina, and Ralph. I feel alright with those two people even though Ralph is horrible in PMs, however they have no reason to flip on their tribe really if they think about it. I do think it would be smart for them though since they are the outliers from their tribe, whereas with this crew they are guaranteed a shot at the final five in this game. I just feel like I am once again going to be on the losing side of things, but oh well for now I am still the queen and with Papa Bear eliminated I'll just be a less happy queen.

2.:Mike the Dyke Eliminated-Ew @ Mike. Seriously, nothing would make me happier than seeing him go. He is a gamebot like his annoying gay partner Grant, and just needs to get to stepping. I can't stands his messages, I can't stand the fact that he thinks I am the mole, and I can't stand the fact that he is so stupid and yet still in this game. He just annoys the living piss out of me and I want him GONE and him to mope to the fucking jury house where he belongs. He is one of the heads of the dragon that I need to take down, and so he needs to go. This option is the most beneficial to me since it leaves me in a good position and I would know that I could trust Kristina and Ralph.

3.:Queen Sophie Eliminated-Wouldn't that be terrible? I'm sure you hosts aren't fans of me since I am such a little bitch and cunt, but god that would be a bummer. I didn't come here to be the first jury member like a fucking Jamie. I came here to play the game and at least get to the middle of it and the 12th place ribbon is NOT a ribbon I want. What would that even say? "Congratulations, you still suck but at least you made the jury!" Ew, I don't want that. I always have my idol to use but it would only make my time here worse if people knew that I for sure had it. Who knows what those blue nasties are planning on doing for the vote, they suspect me but I need to make sure they think I will play the idol.

Any questions?
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Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Postby Sophie » Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:59:10 pm

OMG it is totally me tonight.
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Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

Postby Sophie » Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:02:34 pm

Alright All, I will make this simple for you. Day three I was assigned as the mole for the Nama tribe. My dilemma? Tell the people who i trusted or keep ti a secret from everyone and try and get here so that I wouldn't be targeted pre-Merge. Now that I hear my name is coming up, I feel as if it is my duty to play this idol and turn the tables on this game or at least try to. It doesn't make sense to get rid of me anymore, because of the fact that I am not a danger in challenges nor do I have an idol. I am sorry to lying to the people I trust about whether I have this idol or not, hopefully you can forgive me. I was going to use it on whoever was in danger, and apparently it is me. You Ovambo are terrible liars, and shall bleed blue tonight.
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