Hi Whitney! <3
Well, I guess I've sort of already started talking about it, but my main blunder in this game was underestimating Julie! I think we all did. I didn't take her for granted or anything, but I felt she was someone who wasn't into the game as much as the rest of us, and someone I could keep close by me and would vote the way I wanted her to. That Final 9 vote, she asked me what the plan was, and I said we're all voting for you! So I was definitely caught by surprise, and impressed, when she broke away from her "goat" label and made a move to improve her game.
Of course, it put me in a bad position, especially after David flipped and voted out Kristina, I lost the numbers advantage. And it was single handedly because we all underestimated Julie... she even went to rocks twice, and I have respect for anyone willing to go to that length to prove their desire to win. As has been said, it's really only because of you not voting at Final 7 that allowed me/Mike/David to regain the majority. I guess it can be argued I could've been here anyway, as I was immune from Final 7 onwards due to my individual immunity wins and Hidden Immunity Idols I found, but still, it for sure worked in my favor, and I acknowledge that.
Best of luck with your decision!