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Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:53:44 pm
by Jeff Probst
Welcome back everyone.

Before I explain the challenge, first thing's first.

At 8c/9e you will have 5 minutes to PM me if you would like to guess at the mole. Only one guess per tribe for the entire game. First come, first serve. If you're wrong, you go to the other tribe, if you're right you get an idol, remain anonymous and the mole is exposed and sent away.

For the first of two twists, as promised, you can now private message me and specify if you would like a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol.

There will be one hidden at your camps after the Tribal Council tonight. If you take a clue, your tribe will receive a penalty in today's challenge. It will remain anonymous, however.

So two things to PM over, all during the 5 minute window at 8c/9e. Will you guess at the mole, will you take an HII clue and give your tribe a disadvantage?

Good luck.

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:54:27 pm
by Jeff Probst
I forgot to mention. This idol is only good pre-merge. It expires in the merge which can come at any time. Also, the idols must be used on players from the tribes in which they are assigned.

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:06:36 pm
by Jeff Probst
Alright no takers on either offer, two strong tribes!

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:10:41 pm
by Jeff Probst
So here is how tonight's challenge will work. Please pay attention to the rules because every year they get someone.

Both tribes will designate a leader. It will be there job to keep track of time.

You will only have 20 minutes on the dot to solve this challenge.

You will get 10 scrambled words dealing with Namibia. The letters are numbered and those numbers will help you solve a final phrase. The tribe who correctly solves the most words/phrase by the time the 20 minutes are up wins. If both tribes tie with the amount of correct words, the tribe that submits first wins.

Here's the tricky party. You can only submit your answers once within 20 minutes. You will do this by creating a new thread in your challenge discussion forum with all of your words in the same post. This cannot be edited after you have submitted so make sure you submit the right list. You also must submit before the 20 minute time limit runs out.

I'll open up for questions now.

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:12:20 pm
by Mike
Which part of the rules usually gets people?

Does the leader need to be the one who posts the new thread?

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:14:01 pm
by Papa Bear
Can we use two people to complete this challenge? Do we need to use any more then that?

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:14:28 pm
by Stephanie
I don't get "the letters are numbered" part.

Also do the have to sit people out? Cause they have more people.

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:15:32 pm
by Sophie
So you said the letters correspond with numbers, could you give an example of this?

Also, how does the final phrase factor in? Are we trying to get the most words or just to get the final phrase the quickest?

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:16:39 pm
by Papa Bear
Is the leaders only job to keep track of time and submit the thread with the answers?

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:17:21 pm
by Semhar
Stephanie wrote:I don't get "the letters are numbered" part.

Also do the have to sit people out? Cause they have more people.

We have equal. You have Matt, we have Christine.

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:17:50 pm
by Semhar
you lost matt, we lost christine* woops

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:17:58 pm
by Jeff Probst
Papa Bear wrote:Is the leaders only job to keep track of time and submit the thread with the answers?

Yes, bu tthey can also help solve the puzzle.

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:19:34 pm
by Jeff Probst
Leader has to be the one to submit, anyone can help solve the puzzle.

_ _ _ _
12 3 4


Jeff is the answre.

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:19:45 pm
by Mike
So it has to be the leader who posts the final thread?

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:21:30 pm
by Sophie
Please answer my question about how the phrase ties in to this.

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:23:46 pm
by Mike
Ah, alright. Thanks.

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:24:32 pm
by Jeff Probst
Sophie wrote:Please answer my question about how the phrase ties in to this.

The phrase is counted as an extra word, they're all worth the same amount of points. We're going off the point system.

Let's say the word is J E F F P R O B S T and each letter is numbered 1-10. That would make the phrase

_ _ _ _
5 7 7 5


Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:26:12 pm
by Sophie
Jeff Probst wrote:
Sophie wrote:Please answer my question about how the phrase ties in to this.

The phrase is counted as an extra word, they're all worth the same amount of points. We're going off the point system.

Let's say the word is J E F F P R O B S T and each letter is numbered 1-10. That would make the phrase

_ _ _ _
5 7 7 5


Thank you Probst. I'll repay the favor and speak dirty russian later to you tonight.

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:26:13 pm
by Papa Bear
Jeff Probst wrote:
Sophie wrote:Please answer my question about how the phrase ties in to this.

The phrase is counted as an extra word, they're all worth the same amount of points. We're going off the point system.

Let's say the word is J E F F P R O B S T and each letter is numbered 1-10. That would make the phrase

_ _ _ _
5 7 7 5


Let's do this bad boy Jeff.

Re: Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Mmiuytn Alhclgeen

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:26:48 pm
by Jeff Probst
Alright, going to post the puzzle at 8:29 on the dot, meaning the submissions will be due at 8:49 on the dot.

Good luck!