Welcome, Grant!

Welcome, Grant!

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:49:57 pm

Welcome dude, you dominated and played an amazing game! All-star status!!!
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:50:24 pm

Fuck me, right?
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:50:53 pm

But in all seriousness, I really appreciate the opportunity. It was really a dream to get a chance to play something like this, even on the internet. Hope I did you proud, JP
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Ralph » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:53:21 pm

also good to see you mate! no hard feelings
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Frank » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:54:27 pm

You were fucking awesome dude. Too visible though, and you agreed with the easy vote so...here you are. icon_sad
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:56:57 pm

Easy votes are never easy. I was spooked beyond belief and even switched my vote. Thought it was going to be 3-3 and going to a re-vote but I'm guessing Julie flipped? Ouch.

And yeah it was never my intention to win all of those challenges but shit if I didn't feel like I needed it. Y'all saw in my confessionals I didn't want to win those challenges.

Ah, hell.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Cochran » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:06:27 pm

Damnit Grant I was rooting for you to win the whole damn thing >.>
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:07:48 pm

Ralph wrote:WHAT
also good to see you mate! no hard feelings

I assume I can tell you my side of things, right? Everyone was all WE HAVE TWO EASY VOTES, WE'LL GET WHITNEY THEN JULIE and I was like alright alright. Obviously I didn't really buy it, as toward the end I flipped my vote to Sophie. Am I allowed to say anything more than that? or speculate?
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:10:15 pm

Cochran wrote:Damnit Grant I was rooting for you to win the whole damn thing >.>

Thanks, C. I really wanted to work with you bro, but when I asked you point blank if you were going to just be a vote in PB/S's back pocket and you said yes, I figured either they had to go so I could work with you, or you had to go so I could work with them. Clearly neither happened but, such is this game.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Cochran » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:14:30 pm

Grant wrote:
Cochran wrote:Damnit Grant I was rooting for you to win the whole damn thing >.>

Thanks, C. I really wanted to work with you bro, but when I asked you point blank if you were going to just be a vote in PB/S's back pocket and you said yes, I figured either they had to go so I could work with you, or you had to go so I could work with them. Clearly neither happened but, such is this game.

Yeah I kinda screwed that up icon_lol

But idk man theres a lot of shit i'm sure I could've done differently, but it just sucks that we're both here now.

It's kinda funny though, The three people I was rooting for followed me out the door so... maybe I'm bad luck??
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:17:43 pm

Hahaha, nah, I knew I was a dead man walking as soon as I lost immunity.

The lies to my face hurt a little but hey, it's just a game. I'm absolutely shattered in what I believe 2 of the votes against me were Julie (not so sure on this one) and Whitney, who didn't even play the damn social game until it was time to vote me out.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Cochran » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:23:23 pm

Well that kinda explains it a little better i guess. But idk from what I heard julie was on the bottom so she had to do something, right?

And yeah Idk what whitney is doing... The only time I talked to her really she was plugging "her" album.

Since I really don't know much do you think ashley and sophie are safe now or??
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:23:34 pm

you know what they say Grant, the only way to go when you're on the top is down.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:24:08 pm

Can I share what I think is going on / what has been going on?
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:25:03 pm

In other words can I lay out the strategy of some other people (at least as far as they were telling me)?
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Frank » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:27:03 pm

Yeah Grant you can freely talk about that stuff. It's Ponderosa, what is it for if not for bashing those still in the game. icon_laughing
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:47:23 pm

Ha, ok great.

So here's the deal.

I had an alliance that I referred to in my confessional as the core-4 alliance, which was me, Stephanie, David and Mike. I planned to be true to these guys to the end. I made this alliance pretty early on in the game and fully intended to stick with it as long as I could. (Sorry Ralph)

When I got swapped over to Nama, I knew I wasn't in any trouble if I went back to Ovambo but I wanted to try and get info / appear concerned to not be seen as that big of a threat. I think that did me more harm than good in retrospect. I knew PB was not the mole but I was not sure who the mole was. I talked to Ashley and we talked about how we were going to get out of this together, and all this good stuff. I guessed PB because Ashley told me she was close to Sophie and IF PB was the mole, him leaving would be the best for both of our games. Everyone was telling me Whitney was the bottom so I wasn't going to guess her and Ashley was close to Sophie so I wanted to leave her with an ally. I wasn't sure so I went with what would be best for the both of us IF that person was the mole - that was PB.

In the first vote, things were shaking up. PB wanted me to flip but was saying "I have someone" but wouldn't give me names. I didn't really have any intention of flipping unless he gave me a name to go home that I wanted to go home. I believe Ralph was the one who flipped here and Ashley did not vote. She told me that she did not vote because I did not tell her who was supposed to go home (I was afraid if I told her, she would tell Sophie and the idol would be used on Cochran, so I refrained). If Ashley had voted Mike, it would have been a split and who knows who would've flipped. I believe that PB/Sophie thought that Ashley voted with them and that Ralph did not, which led to PB revealing all about Ralph and his idol to anyone who would listen (so I was told).

In the PB vote-out, I know that David and Mike both flipped because we knew we had the numbers. It was a flip that was talked about at length that it was not a flip against each other but an attempt to help us get further in the game with another resource. I know that Ashley voted against PB, she even showed me her confessional. I did an awful thing in this game and that was suggesting to David that he share his voting-confession with Sophie beforehand so he'd know he was the one who flipped to her, and then everyone started doing it and asking for it which sucked.

Ashley survived the vote in Nama much to my surprise so I was immediately suspicious. I was hesitant to tell her anything until she proved she was voting with me/us. Kristina thought Ashley was 100% with us and formed a 3-person alliance. This was before Ralph was voted out, I believe.

After Ralph was voted out, my PMs blew up. Kristina formed an alliance with Sophie, myself, Ashley and Stephanie, and then formed an alliance with myself, Ashley and Stephanie, and then there was the alliance of myself and Ashley. I made a joke about how I didn't receive the offer to get that alliance any deeper and Ashley sent me a PM saying final 2. They were all telling me it was going to be Whitney and then Julie, which would have left the game at 7 and I had my alliance of myself, Stephanie, Mike and David with a 4-3 advantage so if that was what happened, we would've run the game after those 2 votes. I was very concerned that Sophie would play the idol with Whitney and shared it in the group PM with Kristina/Ashley/Stephanie and then again in my group PM with Mike/David/Stephanie. David Mike and I voted Sophie as insurance, expecting her to play the idol on Whitney, expecting Ashley to flip and force a tie in which Sophie would go home. Julie said she was going to vote for Whitney but based on confessionals and typing styles I know that only Stephanie and Kristina voted for Whitney. I told Julie before the vote that I was switching to Sophie and suggested she do the same, clearly she did not change to Sophie. They almost did too good of a job that I saw it coming, and knew I was in a lot of danger and tried to protect against it. I did not think Ashley would vote against me but I was wrong.

I feel like I was very "in the know" and that's why I think I was such a big threat. I wasn't necessarily making the decisions but I was right there facilitating which went through and which were rejected. I knew who was voting who and when every time except for this vote (more or less, with some error such as believing Ashley when she told me the vote was Julie when Cochran went home, but I got the numbers correct).
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:54:39 pm

Also for what it's worth, I heard my name going around A LOT before the first challenge that I knew I had to stick it out and win it, because I wasn't sure that the votes would go as I suspected. In the second immunity, the vote was supposed to be split on Sophie and PB but Sophie ended up winning which made things get a little messy in the 5 minutes before TC. Sophie was winning the trivia game so I had to step it up and try harder even though I didn't really want it. In the third immunity, I was getting PMs from everyone telling me that Ralph was trying to get me out. It was a bit of a crapshoot of a challenge but I wanted to win it because I didn't know who would be tempted to switch, I knew that based on the challenge where people said I was in control and the biggest threat to win, that people would flip on me when they could. In this fourth immunity, I really wanted it because the vote felt too easy and that made me feel uneasy. I was originally ok with voting Whitney but it was too quiet and David said we should vote Sophie and I caved and voted Sophie. Kristina and Stephanie were saying they weren't going to be around very much so they just pre-voted Whitney and I don't think Steph would've switched to voting Sophie based on the other alliance. I was hoping Julie voted Sophie as well but whatever.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Ralph » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:58:07 pm

Just ot like clarify some things.
I unfortunately don't have the memory to 100% say waht I did step by step but in some parts I can tell you .
1. I take no hurt feelings between you wanting to take Mike Steph and David
2.I actualy did vote just incorrectly. I didn't flip cause I didn't know how to vote and I accdently sent my thing to jeff and didn't put it in the votings box so that was stupid on my part.
3.I can try my hardest to give you a rundown of my game but It's not as detailed.

Day one
me and Kristina talk alot and form things
She talks to steph and gets her and then we get you and david somehow i don't remeber
I become Nama Mole.
talk to Sophie and papa alot
Plan to convince papa I'm with him but not actually with him
Just wanted him to feel safe
we win
we win
we win
yadda yadda
Talk to papa
we talk Alot
make him feel secure
people think i'm flipping. fuck.
Fuck myself over starting now.
shit happens with kid have to be online less
trust lowers
attempt to plan bug move to vote you out
100% backfires and now I'm here
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:58:31 pm

As for what I think is going to happen going forward? Well, that alliance sure shook things up and the idol is now gone.

I reckon there's going to be a division of Ashley, Sophie, Julie and Whitney while Kristina slips into my old spot in the core-4 alliance. I'm scared for my 4 because Ashley, Sophie, Julie and Whitney can just vote together and put 4 on whoever, then stick to it and at worst, go to rocks. They could then get the advantage in the game from that point forward and pick the others out one by one by one. Those 4 have nothing to lose, they can push rocks. The other 4, they may flip rather than going to rocks to push them further in the game.

It's sickening that Julie and Whitney are in positions of power when they log in once per day or whatever. Absolutely sickening.
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