Welcome, Cochran!

Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:53:02 pm

COCHGOD! Good game for your first goround, i trust you will be an amazing gamer in yoru future and when you return to Stranded you will ~own~
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Cochran » Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:57:32 pm

Yeah Jeff well I thought I was saying what I needed to to the right people, But apparently Grant wasn't enough xD

And Thanks by the way, I had fun.

But Im in the jury right??
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Brenda » Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:07:17 pm

Cochran wrote:But Im in the jury right??

Yes, yes you are!

GG though really. First out and Jury saves you a hell of the heartbreak of being last out and Jury icon_lol And I'm sorry I couldn't be here last week to follow the journey. What happened??

I gotta warn you though, you have a big responsibility here. Maybe more than any other Juror o.O Because depending how you behave and act in here - the rest of the Juror's will follow suit. If you only pop in every third day to check up then everyone in here after you will do the same. Buuuut, if you start game commentary threads and tell us who you want to see win and who you want to see crash and burn and all that sort of thing - well, the whole Jury will end up being far more lively.

Whether this Jury becomes positive or negative is kinda all in your hands Cochran - choose wisely!
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Cochran » Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:16:42 pm

firstly and I allowed to read your guys alumni things? ( I already read mine so sorry if im not supposed to)

As for what happened, Grant pretty much said it all in his vote confession thing, Papa Bear is stirring the pot (Obviously he's doing a shit job at it) And I got the guilty by association, because they were worried about the idol. I thought by telling Grant I was on the outsides they might have kept me around but I guess they just saw it as a guy who Papa won't give the Idol. Which kinda sucks because I had a little up my sleeve.

and Damn I hate Responsibility icon_weep but i'll be around so i'll do my best

Anyway what exactly am I able to see and all that stuff?? Just Tribal or??
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:23:53 pm

You can see treemail, tribal, challenges, just not the camp fire. You are not uspposed to see the alumni centre, and now you shouldn't be able to :)

The jury is one of the most fun parts of the game, it's basically just a huge bitchfest. During councils you can post smileys only, but back here you just bitch to one another about how retarded people are :)
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Cochran » Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:53:59 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:The jury is one of the most fun parts of the game, it's basically just a huge bitchfest. During councils you can post smileys only, but back here you just bitch to one another about how retarded people are :)

Well I Can't wait till next Tribal when another Nama member comes here so I'll have someone else to talk shit with.

I'm almost positive you're going to see a Pagonging by the way... Not good TV, But i can't wait to see Ovambo implode when were all gone.
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:53:52 pm

GG Cochran :)

You can read my confessionals? I can read the others' now?
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:54:44 pm


As for what happened, Grant pretty much said it all in his vote confession thing, Papa Bear is stirring the pot (Obviously he's doing a shit job at it) And I got the guilty by association, because they were worried about the idol. I thought by telling Grant I was on the outsides they might have kept me around but I guess they just saw it as a guy who Papa won't give the Idol. Which kinda sucks because I had a little up my sleeve.

That wasn't me :)
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Cochran » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:25:14 pm

Grant wrote:Oops

As for what happened, Grant pretty much said it all in his vote confession thing, Papa Bear is stirring the pot (Obviously he's doing a shit job at it) And I got the guilty by association, because they were worried about the idol. I thought by telling Grant I was on the outsides they might have kept me around but I guess they just saw it as a guy who Papa won't give the Idol. Which kinda sucks because I had a little up my sleeve.

That wasn't me :)

Yeah I guess I just kinda assumed... seeing as you're the only one I really talked to xD

Any idea who it could've been??
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:27:34 pm

That was Kristina. A few people have some tell-tale signs for how they type, so it's easy to tell with them :)
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Sophie » Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:32:18 pm

You played such a good game! I was never against you Cochran, and I hope you know that. We didn't talk in the merge much, but I had your back for sure. Papa Bear didn't really want to work with you that much, but I always knew you were a great player I could trust and work with even if you were making deals with the blues :P
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Cochran » Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:39:41 pm

Sophie wrote:You played such a good game! I was never against you Cochran, and I hope you know that. We didn't talk in the merge much, but I had your back for sure. Papa Bear didn't really want to work with you that much, but I always knew you were a great player I could trust and work with even if you were making deals with the blues :P

Thanks Sophie! But no I didn't play a good game at all icon_lol . I thought I had a huge amount of power early on, you'll see in my confessionals when you get to read them... I had no idea what was actually going on. But yeah I wanted to work with you for the long run all pre merge but obviously that didn't end up workin out

Did you tell anyone that you were the mole pre merge?? I kinda figured it out a few tribals before the merge and I was just wondering if anyone else knew.
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:50:18 am

Brenda wrote:GG though really. First out and Jury saves you a hell of the heartbreak of being last out and Jury icon_lol




For real Cochran I was gutted when you went :( I wanted you to stay SOOOOO badly <3
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Cochran » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:33:54 am

Ashley wrote:
Brenda wrote:GG though really. First out and Jury saves you a hell of the heartbreak of being last out and Jury icon_lol




For real Cochran I was gutted when you went :( I wanted you to stay SOOOOO badly <3

Oh thanks ash! Just so you know if you hit the final 3 you had my vote... even though it really doesn't madder now but yeah. icon_biggrin
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:50:12 am

Grant said that too. URGH ROCKS. My victory was SO CLOSE :P
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Grant » Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:17:52 am

Yeah, over Whitney, Julie and Sophie :)

I would've had a hard think between you/Steph/Mike, no guarantees :)
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Cochran » Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:22:55 am

Yeah I figured it would be a close fight between steph and you, and i guess mike too.

But if you hit the end with any of the final 7 you had my vote, unless someone else pulled out some crazy move...

but you know what i mean
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:34:29 am

I'm just going to let myself believe I was robbed of victory by a F4 TC rock <3 Ultimate Robbed! story.

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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Grant » Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:08:31 pm

I don't know why you guys were so willing to go to rocks so often. It just seemed like an unnecessary risk a few times. It was fun to watch as a juror but putting several votes on rocks seems like a lot of tempting fate :p

Are the purple rock gods saying something in letting Mike survive the rock twice? The only one in this game (and maybe ever?) to survive rocks twice I believe :)
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Re: Welcome, Cochran!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:25:19 pm

If they are, doesn't matter to me he's not getting my vote after his stunt icon_glare Those rock gods sure loved giving Purple to Nama though.

Re going to rocks - we all knew (well, me, Sophie and Whitney especially - Julie probably could've flipped if she'd wanted to) that if we flipped, game over for us. I couldn't vote with the others because I would only be willingly making my game worse later. If I betrayed that alliance, I'd lose their jury votes most likely and I wouldn't make to F3 anyway. The night Whitney didn't show up, me and Julie both didn't want to be the one to flip - it would've been a devastating move for me game and Julie was a loyal goddess that Ovambo didn't appreciate when they had her <3 So we went to rocks. That was an undesirable outcome :( If Whitney had showed up, chances re we'd never have actually gone to rocks and the F3 would look pretty different.

Probably Steph would still be there (challenge champion), but also probably me and Julie or Sophie. The worst case scenario for a no-show is what happened for us that night icon_laughing
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