Welcome, Grant!

Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:22:57 am

I don't consider it bogging the thread at all, I actually really appreciate the insight and I'm sure you know that.

I wasn't trying to be intimidating - or at least intentionally. I had a pretty difficult time perceiving how you Nama people perceived me, if that makes sense. I went over in the tribe swap and tried to be cordial and all of that good stuff and you all seemed like decent people so I was glad to see that. However when it came to game talk, you straight up told me at one point "grant you're probably going home", and then Sophie would tell me "grant I honestly think it'd be better for your game if you stayed and were on our side" which to me in other words could have been written as "please be stupid enough to stay so we can vote you out". I knew I had no prayer of staying in that case, and I had my core alliance and the majority alliance on the other side. I tried pretty hard to make you guys think Mike was on the bottom so that you would approach him come merge time and see if he wanted to flip, and since he wasn't in the majority alliance, he might've. Of course, if that happened I'm sure he would have told our core-4 alliance (maybe, or just me maybe) and we could assess what we wanted to do from there. Mike was 100% the next to go for a lot of people in Ovambo (after Ashley, if it came to that) and I tried pretty hard to get him in a good position because I knew it would benefit me. But anyway back to the point of this paragraph, I didn't know how I was being perceived so I'd be interested to know why or how you thought I was being intimidating because that certainly was not my intention. My goal throughout this game was to mask my threat level and mask my position in the tribe the best I could, so being intimidating in any regard would throw that out the window. Of course winning all of the immunities that I won did that anyway, but my point remains.

In regard to me and being ambiguous, I honestly thought you were trying to set me up. After all Ashley was telling me about how my name's the one that was coming up a lot (immediately after the merge) so I felt like I had to win that challenge to stay in the game, because I didn't know how the pieces would fall post-merge. It would have made sense for others to flip to your side, just not me. I felt pretty comfortable within both of my alliances (the majority and the subset) so I wasn't very willing to compromise that to go to a minority. I hope you can understand why I was being so ambiguous and indirect and vague and whatever other adjective you could use to describe it. I was entertaining what you had to say, but unless you had something that really enticed me to flip (eg, not 2 Ovambo going out immediately), I wasn't going to so I felt that rather than leading you on (like I know some others did) and rather than ignoring you, I'd at least see what you had to say. As for your plan to vote out Ralph, I actually would have at that point but I just didn't trust you. I had a feeling that I was the one y'all wanted to take down, I was the one you guys would have quickly turned on and said "let's just take grant out right now". The "don't tell anyone or I'm out" was just to see actually how long it would take before you told anyone, to see if it confirmed what I thought about you selling me out and hanging me out to dry. Mike told me immediately that you copy pasted entire messages, he also included that you said "what grant doesn't know is that we are going to flip this on him and vote him out if he doesn't vote with us". Ashley also told me this in a separate conversation and told me all about what you guys were saying in your group PM, she even quoted large portions of to me, including the messages of mine that you sent to mike then I guess quoted all of that altogether. That pretty much confirmed that you weren't really willing to work with me, and that you just wanted me to vote with what I thought would be with you so it would be a number that you didn't need to overcome in the vote. That's what I thought and I didn't really have anything to indicate otherwise to me.

I know that a few people deliberately led you on. I know that Kristina and Ralph planned to lead you on in the first vote (and did, as it find out now), I was in a group PM where she'd quote you and comment on how obvious it was that you were trying to play us. You seemed pretty mad about that whole thing in our conversations after that vote. I also know that David was involved in that separately, but I told him it's not worth it to have several people "leading you on" because you'd catch on and we'd potentially "get idoled" as you called it. Also, everyone confirmed that you sent everyone the exact same deal so it was pretty easy to keep people from working with you and to instead want you out. Nobody trusted you on our end because we all knew that you were just looking for someone, anyone to get you through a vote or two so you can get a majority and then promptly go back on your deal and send us home - not necessarily my words, just the general sentiment that I got regarding you and your game. Ashley told me multiple times that Sophie was looking forward to you going home (worded weirdly) because then she could actually try and work with others and how you prevented her from doing so - and she turned out to be correct about that.

In the following vote, David and Mike picked up where Kristina and Ralph left off. I would imagine it felt a little odd to seemingly have two new people willing to flip after two others made you believe they would flip and didn't. David was supposed to vote with you all along, and try to get you to stick to that deal and work with him (and indirectly work with the core-4 of us, whether you knew it or not). Mike wasn't supposed to but he ended up changing his vote at the last minute because he got spooked. I'm not sure how it was idiotic because I was pretty sure I knew where the numbers were all going, I had it split (I forget the actual numbers, 11 votes, right?) so I believe David was going to vote with you to vote Ralph but wasn't going to if you tried to switch it to someone else. As long as he and Mike had you voting Ralph, it didn't matter if our numbers were split, we would have been ok with any of the 3 outcomes - you going home, Ralph going home/playing his idol, Sophie going home/playing her idol. We even protected against Ashley flipping, telling her the vote was going to be a straight vote on you but in reality it was only me and her voting for you, or me her and Julie, while the other votes were split. I don't know what you knew or what you choose to believe but I honestly feel like I had a pretty good idea of where all of the votes were going - including yours and the rest of Nama - because of David and Mike and their quotes from you. I don't think you would have been able to turn it around on me or Kristina like you said in the other thread, even if you knew the vote was going to be split. I don't think it was idiotic at all. It might've been risky but so would have throwing all of our votes at someone who had an idol.

Also, if I had told Ashley who we were voting when Cochran went, she would have told you, yes? And if she did, you (well, sophie) would have used the idol on Cochran, yes? In other words, was your telling Ashley we were voting Julie legit? Or was that just her attempting to mislead me to get an idol played on Julie while the votes were on Mike? Because Kristina told us all along the votes were coming on Mike (backed with quotes from you and Sophie) while Ashley's was a last minute thing to where she pretended to be angry that they told her the wrong thing but she was glad it worked out even though she didn't vote. She had me convinced that she was with me/us even while she was voting against me/us, which blows my mind now in retrospect. For that reason and her consistent performances in challenges leads me to confidently say, despite coming in late, she is playing the best game now that I'm out (especially now that I'm out on what she pulled on me - I sense that credit is 60% Ashley, 30% Sophie and 10% Julie - though I could easily be wrong.

Also for what it's worth, I wasn't blaming you or trying to make you feel bad about missing the challenge + tribal that you went home in. I was just sad to see you go out like that. You were a good player in the game (possibly at times too overaggressive but your back was against the wall, no one blames you for that). I hear you though, I woke up this morning and it hit me like a ton of bricks and I was surprisingly upset after being so cool about it last night. I felt like the Julie berry to Ashley's Chris Daughtery (sp?). It stings a surprisingly large amount.

That being said, I have no hard feelings toward you and hope you don't have any toward me. I hope that nobody feels the need to hold anyone against anyone, it is just a silly game on the internet after all.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:51:27 am

The difficult thing was to pin down where Ashley was voting and when. She had me convinced that she didn't vote at the Cochran vote and Kristina vouched for her which made it even more believable considering she and Ralph were the two who were supposed to flip according to PB. I learn now that she voted Mike and did a really good job of covering it up.

In the following vote, I am pretty sure she jumped ship early and was on board with what we told her. I don't think you had her, PB, but then again I thought I did too. As it turned out she voted against you, she showed me her voting confession. Maybe she would have been willing if she knew more and if you knew more but that is why we made sure you didn't know.

I'm not sure if you ever had Kristina/Ralph in the Cochran vote (neither voted with you) and I'm certain in David and Mike that they were only voting Ralph to give you confidence that it would be Ralph so you wouldn't try to vote anyone else. As I said, I highly doubt they would have flipped to voting me out because in the following immunity challenge, people were telling me all about how Ralph is trying to get me out, if they wanted me out at that spot, why not keep it quiet and vote me out?

The vote that I went home wasn't even supposed to be a split vote, I was just nervous about Sophie and Whitney and David was worried about Ashley, so me him and Mike voted Sophie. As it turned out, Kristina and Stephanie were the only ones to vote Whitney and they were the 2 who said their availability would be limited - good on Ashley and Sophie for taking advantage of that, though I don't think either change even if I ask them to.

Yeah, Cochran, I've re-run the last 24 hours in my head over and over and over seeing what I could've done differently. I've watched the tribal thing about 100 just thinking damn, what went wrong. I felt it coming beforehand, I knew when Sophie played the idol the votes were coming in on me, I just thought we protected against Sophie doing that + Ashley flipping, never thought we'd need to protect for Julie too. It stings.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:45:40 pm

Now that I think of it:

The "Grant, I'm sorry to do this to you - you were my first friend on Ovambo, but I need to make this move for me.<3" could totally be Stephanie. It might not've been Julie, but based on Sophie saying Sophie, Ashley, Julie and Whitney are running the game or whatever she said, I think it might've been Julie.

It sucks to not know who voted me out, dang.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Papa Bear » Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:14:30 pm

Cochran wrote:
Papa Bear wrote:
Cochran you were on the bottom of Nama the whole time and the only reason we took you/Whitney over Semhar that night was because we (me and Sophie) knew that you were an easy vote we could control at the merger and that Semhar was a wild card.

Yeah I figured that out... even though it took me untill the merge xD Were you planning on voting me off instead of whitney?? before you switched to semhar I mean. And yeah I was gonna try and flip away from you if I was around one more tribal, but I didn't get the chance.

But yeah I gotta give you props for running things over at Nama. I don't know if You saw one of my earlier posts but I was pulling for you to go to the end when I first got voted off.

And I feel you with the whole getting depressed thing, I rewatched the votes for a long ass time before I got off the site on the night I was voted off

No we were going to keep you until the final 6, the night that Semhar got voted off it was supposed to be Whitney but I changed the vote with Sophie to target Semhar instead. If everything went as planned the Nama boot order would have been Whitney > Cochran > Ashley > Sophie > Me winning. The reason that we booted out Semhar instead of Whitney that night was because Semhar would have been harder to control we thought and we wanted you and Whitneys votes for the merger and thought you would be less likely to flip. I couldn't see Ashley flipping because I felt like I had been very trustworthy with her because I showed her a fake Hidden Immunity Idol when she came to Nama to make sure she could trust me.


Grant I was a straight shooter with you and pretty much everyone the entire time I played this game. Everything I said at the merger was pretty much truthful, that I wanted to F4 with you or whatever else. When I told you that you were probably going home is because you were probably going home if you stuck around and I knew you weren't an idiot so why would I try to keep you here? I remember going to you and approaching you and saying "Grant, when do you think you are going out in this game?" and you said "Somewhere around 6-10th" or something like that and I fucking approach you and I TELL YOU that I have Mike who said he would vote with me after you fucking wanted to know who I had and that I needed one more and you wouldn't give me any answer. It was always "I'll think about it.... Yeah maybe...." every single fucking time I tried to talk strategy with you it was just you wouldn't want to play the game with me for whatever reason and I think I even told you that they were looking to idol you out and you wouldn't be safe or something and you still had no answer for me.

So I tell Mike like yo, talk to Grant, he goes to talk to you or whatever or something and then I ask Ashley, "Yo Ashley have you spoken to Grant, has he said anything to you?" and she gave me some response with you quoted like saying how you wouldn't work with me because I told someone your name? Its like give me a break dude, how am I supposed to even consider working with you if you are dodgy 100% of the time to me and everyone else who is trying to farther OUR games. That's why everyone wanted you out because you had an ego towards us, you had an ego towards Sophie and Ashley and treated them like they were lesser than you and they hated it.

I wasn't actually trying to lead anyone on in this game, everything I said that I wanted to do to the people I was trying to bring to our side I actually meant it. I wanted a 2Nama/2Ovambo final four 100%. I have 0 reason to lie now that I'm jury its just frustrating because everyone thought that I was trying to play them or use their votes or something. The thing is, is that nobody could trust me or anything like that because of the way I approached them about it. I'm very straight to the point and don't try to butter up my back and forth with anyone so when I came to someone about an Alliance I just said it straight up, like yo, final four with me. And I guess that was intimidating, I knew that Sophie was pissed that I was screwing up our game because I couldn't form these Alliances properly with anyone, but I really do believe that she would have taken me to F4 if I had stayed in the game, unless she perceived me to be a social threat. (Which I think she was more of one then me.)

About the Ralph idol play I knew that it was going to happen and I knew one of us was going home but at that point everyone was acting so stupid that I just gave up. Do not act like you made some kind of mastermind amazing play by flushing out Ralphs idol and sending me home, Grant, that isn't what happened. I was 100% aware that, that idol was going to be played that night but after having to deal with idiots who wouldn't accept my offers of safety I was done at that point and just wanted out. I made myself a target intentionally because that was how I wanted to play the game. It still blows my fucking mind that Ralph and Kristina wouldn't side with me when we would have had both idols and the easiest final 4 deal in the history of this game.

Ashley probably would have told us that Cochran was being voted out but I don't think Sophie would have played her idol considering she wouldn't have known whether to trust Ashley or not and she probably didn't think Cochran was worth saving. I never targeted Julie in this game. Ashley never -did- not vote. Even when she was peddling information to you to keep in your good graces she did show us her voting confessionals each time before the vote was made so we knew it was her.

Being overaggressive was intentional, I thought it was funny to bully people in the game and just be totally straight with everything I wanted to do that because nobody acts that way, I didn't really care about concealing it at the merger or anything, I just wanted to play the game how I wanted to and win it how I wanted to, didn't want to hide anything. And thanks for calling me a good player, after reading all of your back and forth I think you are one too. I just think that your social game was a bit too noticeable and you sent some wrong waves in Nama, which is why you went home.

I don't know what happened with Ashley. I'm not surprised if any of the Nama voted against me because the fact is I didn't show up that tribal, I would vote against me too because it's a free pass, you know?

I don't think that Ashley would have flipped on me or Sophie truly until the idol was played. I think that me+sophie+ashley all had seperate final two deals with one another at that point as well.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Cochran » Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:40:54 pm

Papa Bear wrote:
Cochran wrote:
Papa Bear wrote:
Cochran you were on the bottom of Nama the whole time and the only reason we took you/Whitney over Semhar that night was because we (me and Sophie) knew that you were an easy vote we could control at the merger and that Semhar was a wild card.

Yeah I figured that out... even though it took me untill the merge xD Were you planning on voting me off instead of whitney?? before you switched to semhar I mean. And yeah I was gonna try and flip away from you if I was around one more tribal, but I didn't get the chance.

But yeah I gotta give you props for running things over at Nama. I don't know if You saw one of my earlier posts but I was pulling for you to go to the end when I first got voted off.

And I feel you with the whole getting depressed thing, I rewatched the votes for a long ass time before I got off the site on the night I was voted off

No we were going to keep you until the final 6, the night that Semhar got voted off it was supposed to be Whitney but I changed the vote with Sophie to target Semhar instead. If everything went as planned the Nama boot order would have been Whitney > Cochran > Ashley > Sophie > Me winning. The reason that we booted out Semhar instead of Whitney that night was because Semhar would have been harder to control we thought and we wanted you and Whitneys votes for the merger and thought you would be less likely to flip. I couldn't see Ashley flipping because I felt like I had been very trustworthy with her because I showed her a fake Hidden Immunity Idol when she came to Nama to make sure she could trust me.

Ashley probably would have told us that Cochran was being voted out but I don't think Sophie would have played her idol considering she wouldn't have known whether to trust Ashley or not and she probably didn't think Cochran was worth saving. I never targeted Julie in this game. Ashley never -did- not vote. Even when she was peddling information to you to keep in your good graces she did show us her voting confessionals each time before the vote was made so we knew it was her.

Well i'm glad I was worth keeping around more than whitney xD And yeah semhar probably would have flipped so that was a good decision...

And yeah I don't think sophie would've risked saving me, I really was just a number after all
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:56:54 pm

Papa Bear wrote:I couldn't see Ashley flipping because I felt like I had been very trustworthy with her because I showed her a fake Hidden Immunity Idol when she came to Nama to make sure she could trust me.

She told me this and told me how she didn't believe it was real for one second. She said to tell everyone on my side to make sure they don't fall for it in the event you try it on them. She said she felt you thought she was stupid for trying to make her believe it (maybe not in those exact words but the sentiment was similar)

Papa Bear wrote:Grant I was a straight shooter with you and pretty much everyone the entire time I played this game. Everything I said at the merger was pretty much truthful, that I wanted to F4 with you or whatever else. When I told you that you were probably going home is because you were probably going home if you stuck around and I knew you weren't an idiot so why would I try to keep you here? I remember going to you and approaching you and saying "Grant, when do you think you are going out in this game?" and you said "Somewhere around 6-10th" or something like that and I fucking approach you and I TELL YOU that I have Mike who said he would vote with me after you fucking wanted to know who I had and that I needed one more and you wouldn't give me any answer. It was always "I'll think about it.... Yeah maybe...." every single fucking time I tried to talk strategy with you it was just you wouldn't want to play the game with me for whatever reason and I think I even told you that they were looking to idol you out and you wouldn't be safe or something and you still had no answer for me.

Hindsight is of course 20/20 but I just could not trust you; I'm sorry. For one, I had it in my mind that if I WAS willing to flip, you'd call me out. It would have been hard to ignore that. I didn't want to walk right into a landmine. Secondly, I felt comfortable in my alliance at that time. I really thought about flipping and voting with you at this vote, and I talked to Mike before during and after your conversation with him. I know I may sound arrogant here but I don't think you are giving me enough credit. Mike did a lot of "PB's asking me to talk to you, what should I say?" and I'd say "tell him I'm hard to flip, tell him you never really know where I stand, tell him that I am the most likely of anyone to flip", etc. and I believe he sent me quotes of him sending you all of these things and their reactions, or Ashley sent me the big quote full of what you posted in your group PM.

Papa Bear wrote:So I tell Mike like yo, talk to Grant, he goes to talk to you or whatever or something and then I ask Ashley, "Yo Ashley have you spoken to Grant, has he said anything to you?" and she gave me some response with you quoted like saying how you wouldn't work with me because I told someone your name? Its like give me a break dude, how am I supposed to even consider working with you if you are dodgy 100% of the time to me and everyone else who is trying to farther OUR games. That's why everyone wanted you out because you had an ego towards us, you had an ego towards Sophie and Ashley and treated them like they were lesser than you and they hated it.

This could be my own obliviousness but I don't think I ever felt or acted superior to Ashley. I always knew she was a really good player, I realized that with how quickly she was in the swing of things, and how quickly she was giving me suggestions on what we can do to both make it out of Nama together. I had my out, but I wanted to get her out, too, and she was certainly no slouch. If anything, I was suspicious of her but I never felt that I was better than her. Likewise with Sophie, I really, honestly didn't mean to come across as intimidating or condescending or any similar word choice. I really didn't. I didn't think I was in a solitary position of control, I felt that my alliance had the control however so that is usually where I went for advice. Ashley gave and gave and gave me info (which seemed to be mixed with true and false info) and I didn't give her much because I didn't know what she would do with it. Being in this sort of position in this sort of game is new to me, I am sure I did not conduct myself in a way that was probably most normal and I apologize if I appeared as though I was acting superior to any of you, it genuinely was not my intention and I apologize if it was taken that way.

Papa Bear wrote:I wasn't actually trying to lead anyone on in this game, everything I said that I wanted to do to the people I was trying to bring to our side I actually meant it. I wanted a 2Nama/2Ovambo final four 100%. I have 0 reason to lie now that I'm jury its just frustrating because everyone thought that I was trying to play them or use their votes or something. The thing is, is that nobody could trust me or anything like that because of the way I approached them about it. I'm very straight to the point and don't try to butter up my back and forth with anyone so when I came to someone about an Alliance I just said it straight up, like yo, final four with me. And I guess that was intimidating, I knew that Sophie was pissed that I was screwing up our game because I couldn't form these Alliances properly with anyone, but I really do believe that she would have taken me to F4 if I had stayed in the game, unless she perceived me to be a social threat. (Which I think she was more of one then me.)

The difficult thing I think is that we had an alliance in which we were all being pretty straight to each other - at least, I was being straight with Mike/David/Stephanie and Kristina and Ashley to a lesser degree. I realized that I could not be straight with everyone, but I also was not going to dismiss any alliance-type offers. I'm sure you can argue that being ambiguous is in its own sense dismissing it but I didn't see it that way.

Papa Bear wrote:About the Ralph idol play I knew that it was going to happen and I knew one of us was going home but at that point everyone was acting so stupid that I just gave up. Do not act like you made some kind of mastermind amazing play by flushing out Ralphs idol and sending me home, Grant, that isn't what happened. I was 100% aware that, that idol was going to be played that night but after having to deal with idiots who wouldn't accept my offers of safety I was done at that point and just wanted out. I made myself a target intentionally because that was how I wanted to play the game. It still blows my fucking mind that Ralph and Kristina wouldn't side with me when we would have had both idols and the easiest final 4 deal in the history of this game.

???? You said pages ago that you figured you didn't have the votes and you gave up and didn't even bother voting? What are you saying here? I'm not saying I masterminded anything but I do think my plan was pretty good in theory, just not executed correctly due to Sophie winning immunity. Of course, there are two sides to the story and we both believe ours are correct, yet we are both sitting here. I suppose we were both wrong and times and probably both right at times. Also as I mentioned before, I was in a group chat with Kristina and Ralph where Kristina would post quotes straight from you and commenting on them much like I am doing here, saying how it is obvious you are trying to play her and Ralph. I don't know the full extent of it, but I don't believe there was intent to flip, maybe initially but toward the vote she was in the thick of things in deciding who we should vote for.

Papa Bear wrote:Ashley probably would have told us that Cochran was being voted out but I don't think Sophie would have played her idol considering she wouldn't have known whether to trust Ashley or not and she probably didn't think Cochran was worth saving. I never targeted Julie in this game. Ashley never -did- not vote. Even when she was peddling information to you to keep in your good graces she did show us her voting confessionals each time before the vote was made so we knew it was her.

She had me hook-line and sinker. That is why I am saying she is doing a very good job. She had me buying mostly everything she was selling and I believe she had Kristina as well. She did vote you out in the second vote, though, didn't she? I am 99.99% sure she showed me her voting confession beforehand and it popped up. I mean, by each time, you mean the Semhar vote and the Mike vote?

Papa Bear wrote:Being overaggressive was intentional, I thought it was funny to bully people in the game and just be totally straight with everything I wanted to do that because nobody acts that way, I didn't really care about concealing it at the merger or anything, I just wanted to play the game how I wanted to and win it how I wanted to, didn't want to hide anything. And thanks for calling me a good player, after reading all of your back and forth I think you are one too. I just think that your social game was a bit too noticeable and you sent some wrong waves in Nama, which is why you went home.

Over-aggressiveness or general aggressiveness was the exact opposite of what I wanted to do. I was more the type that would rather settle down, relax, take a breather and sleep on a decision to make sure we are making the right one. I wasn't so much passive as I was just not aggressive, I suppose. That may very well be a part of why I couldn't work with you. I also don't know if that was a very good strategy, (but then again I am sitting here 2 votes after you so what do I know?) but David would PM me and say things like "PB just PM'd me and told me I suck, I don't think he likes me lol" or Mike would PM me and say things like "I don't understand why they are insulting me like that." (I am paraphrasing here but I believe the general idea is the same, PMs are no longer accessible). It seemed like the more you would bully, or the more aggressive you got, the less people would be willing to flip - but that is just my take. That being said, I do think you are and were a good player. You were clearly a commanding presence on the Nama tribe
As for myself, I believe the tribe swap and then swap back kind of made people start watching me. I wasn't sure how to proceed in that position. Do I just say "I'm going back, don't bother talking to me"? No, that is rude and would burn bridges post-merge. Do I say "I'm running things but I'm going back"? I think that makes me an easy target post-merge for me. It was a tough spot and I fully admit I handled it poorly. I by no means consider myself to be that great of a player/gamer or anything and certainly not better than anyone else and certainly do not consider myself to be a mastermind. Once people started to notice me at that point, I didn't know how to go back to being unnoticeable. I could also be wrong in pinpointing that one specific event as a moment in which I was unable to succeed, I could have easily been performing poorly and could have been very noticeable long before that happened.

Papa Bear wrote:I don't know what happened with Ashley. I'm not surprised if any of the Nama voted against me because the fact is I didn't show up that tribal, I would vote against me too because it's a free pass, you know?

I don't think that Ashley would have flipped on me or Sophie truly until the idol was played. I think that me+sophie+ashley all had seperate final two deals with one another at that point as well.

She very well could have voted for you just because you were inactive, but I was expecting her to vote you out and she did. I guess we won't know her true intention until she tells us.
She also had a final 2 deal with me, as I stated in a previous message. The fact remains that she voted you out and then followed that up with voting me out, so I am not sure that either of us can say for sure that we know what her true plan ever was - I certainly don't.

Again, I apologize if I came off as intimidating or condescending, it was not intentional and if it was happening, I wasn't aware of it.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:47:23 am

Found this nugget in my confessional after the Cochran vote:

"EVERYONE is suspicious of Ashley but I'm more suspicious of Ralph. Is Ashley playing me? Maybe. She shouldn't be though because she needs me more than I need her."

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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Kristina » Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:53:25 am

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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Fri Apr 04, 2014 2:07:14 am

I'm anxious for everyone to read through my confessionals at the end of the game. I'm also very much looking forward to reading through everyone else's. It should be super fun to read through :)
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Brenda » Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:43:38 am

Why am I not surprised to find walls of text in here icon_laughing Such a dedicated Juror.

Sorry I missed everything. You were great and my Ovambo fave (don't tell anyone) icon_cool
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:02:50 pm

Honestly great cast, I'm sorry some of you didn't make the splash in this series that you had hoped you would, but I have a feeling all of you will go on to become ORG legends adn who knows, maybe return to Stranded and right those wrongs :)
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:00:24 am

Grant I wanted to kick your ass during the tribal we were trying to get David to flip on Mike when Sophie left. You were campaigning SO hard to him on that vote, and to be honest I thought it was really inappropriate for someone on the jury to be doing that. If this were real Survivor you would've been standing next to Jeff glaring at David whenever he said anything about Mike.

He'd actually pre-voted with us and he changed his mind because of you. That works for you, but seriously, that's a such scumbag move from you it makes me sad.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:22:54 am

But Grant <33333

You refusing to be straight with me after merge screwed you. I was GUNG HO about joining you on Ovambo and you stonewalled me. :( I couldn't believe it.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:09:03 am

Ashley wrote:He'd actually pre-voted with us and he changed his mind because of you. That works for you, but seriously, that's a such scumbag move from you it makes me sad.

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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:19:37 am

Ashley wrote:But Grant <33333

You refusing to be straight with me after merge screwed you. I was GUNG HO about joining you on Ovambo and you stonewalled me. :( I couldn't believe it.

That's alright, I'm ok with how that played out :) If we get to see messages you will see I had a lot of pressure trying to pull me away from you because they thought you couldn't be trusted, and they were afraid that I trusted you too much. I wanted you to prove you were with us before I gave you too much info. I never really gave you a lot of info or anything really substantial ever and I even wrote how I felt bad about it in my confessional. Little did I know you were a little two-timer :)
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:27:15 am

By the way, you absolutely had me hook-line and sinker on that "I didn't vote" thing :)

I would absolutely love to hear the game from your POV, as much as you're willing to tell. I know we're getting close to being able to see all in just a few days but I can't wait, I've been waiting to see yours specifically after I heard you were a little trickster :p
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Ashley » Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:25:34 am

Grant wrote:By the way, you absolutely had me hook-line and sinker on that "I didn't vote" thing :)

I would absolutely love to hear the game from your POV, as much as you're willing to tell. I know we're getting close to being able to see all in just a few days but I can't wait, I've been waiting to see yours specifically after I heard you were a little trickster :p

See my post in my thread - it's my masterpiece <3

It's basically what I would have said if I'd made it to F3 - it outlines basically my whole game.
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Re: Welcome, Grant!

Postby Grant » Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:59:27 pm

I know this is irrelevant to any conversation or anything going on currently but I just want to add it because I can't believe I forgot to mention it during my big long paragraph(s), and I figure it out to be included in my thread for the final 3 if they come to read it.

Stephanie and I totally planned to ride both alliances until we had to make a decision, then we could decide then. I was leaning pretty heavily toward the Mike/David side over the Kristina/Ashley side but I felt like she was the opposite. It ultimately never came to fruition and I got booted off soon after those plans were made (hence me getting booted as soon as I got fucking comfortable between 2 alliances), so I never mentioned it I guess. My timing might be off because it's been a long time but it's something I feel like I should mention was in the works. I totally forgot about it until Steph mentioned it. That's why getting Julie/Whitney out was IDEAL for me/us, was because then we could roll right into whatever side we want to choose, or ping-pong it, and keep on rollin'. C'est la vie.

Also David if/when you read this, I found this bit to be hilarious
In hindsight, 'the core four' would have been an amazing alliance name.
because that is what I called the me, you, Mike, Steph alliance in my confessionals :)

Thanks again to everyone, I honestly thoroughly enjoyed playing this with each and every one of you, even getting voted out and even through the bickering and back and forths :)
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