Last Day in Ponderosa

Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Sophie » Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:01:13 am

Well, I know I haven't been here as long as some of you guys so I may not appreciate it as much, but being on the jury with you guys was awesome :) We may have disagreed and bickered about many things, but it was a blast and it actually is sort of surreal that this is all ending….and to be honest it's a little sad as well. I figured that I would give you guys MY "Fallen Comrades" speech if I ever did end up making it to the final three and posting it to my confessional.

Cochran-One of the most underestimated players in this game. I talked to you a lot on the first week or so with Nama, and then we sort of faded away from each other. However, I was never going to abandon your side and I loved the conversations that we often had. I don't think you were ever going to be voted out and probably would have been the last Nama to go….had it not been for the idol paranoia that the blue bleeders had with me and Papa Bear.

Papa Bear-My first and main ally for a very long time icon_wub On day three you told me you wanted me and you to be main allies, and I of course accepted since I never wanted to feel the wrath of Papa Bear like Semhar ended up feeling. Once we hit the merge I knew I had to distance myself from you and tuck Ashley under my wing and make her feel like she was calling the shots, and unfortunately I knew you were going home that night because of the fact that you didn't vote and neither did Whitney. You were one of the best strategists in the game, and it sort of sucks to see you not here at Ponderosa as much.

Ralph-What a load of fun you are! I couldn't STAND you when I came here in the merge because I don't like the whole informal talking thing, but man you are a blast, and one of the least bitter jurors here. You ended up fooling me in the merge with that idol, and nullified all of your votes unfortunately that I had worked Mike and David so hard to put ON you. Definitely look forward to seeing some more of your insight after this game is over <3

Grant-Oh boy, well you may not like me at all but I think you were playing one hell of a game. Like I said, I was gunning from you the second I started talking with you since we just do not mesh at all. You like to get under peoples' skins I assume, and you may find it amusing. It worked really well for you, since you definitely did piss me the fuck off and I even told Ashley I wanted you out so damn much. Luckily for me, I had a chance to strike when you lost your first challenge an I didn't have to deal with that anymore. But you were very very good at this game, and so I would take the ninth place of Namibia medal with honor since it shows you were robbed.

Kristina-Eek! I don't know girl, I definitely loved you in the beginning of the merge, but then you sort of trailed off from me and proved you were never going to be loyal to me. When I found that out, immediately I knew that I had to discard you and make you the target after Grant to appease Ashley and even myself. I thought that me and you would be safe in the FInal Eight for sure since everyone would go to rocks, but unfortunately one of your own turned on you. You played a hella charismatic game, and posed a threat to us all if you were ever to make it to the Final Three here. Definitely a sweetheart and someone I need to talk with more after this game.

Whitney-I find your boot to be both heartbreaking and extremely relieving unfortunately :( You not voting for that round had a huge swing on the game, but I am not bitter at all about that. You were an absolute doll to work with, and that's why i was willing to play my idol on you and not many other people in the game. It was relieving because I think Karma bit you for not voting in that round unfortunately, but you were so loyal and I just appreciate you talking with me so much over on Nama and in to the merge.

Julie-In my original merge ranking of this tribe in terms of who I liked, I had you second to last (and Grant last obviously) because I thought you were the biggest floater and goat ever. MOST WRONG I'VE EVER BEEN. Girl you were amazing in this, and proved that you were independent minded and wouldn't be ruled by the Head Bitches like Steph and Grant. When you did come on, your opinions always were spectacular and thank you so much for being in this and switching to us icon_wub But the biggest thanks of all is thank you for going to ROCKS for me. You had a one and two chance of going home that night, and you did unfortunately go home but I will never forget that because I thought for sure one of you would end up being very selfish. That was extremely brave, and all I can say is how grateful I am for that. icon_mml

Ashley icon_wub icon_wub My main bitch in this game. I seriously have no bad words about you, besides for your bitterness at last night's tribal council :P I don't know if you had a single flaw in this game, which is why that got you voted out so close to the end :( you would have hands down had my vote had you gotten to the Final Three, and I think you would have been the next winner of the Stranded series. You played smart and strong, and you were the greatest person ever to talk to. Everytime I got a message from you I was thrilled since A. I didn't have to talk to a Blue Bleeder and B. They always had actual content and just were a great thrill to reply to. I felt like we bonded about both this game and then even things outside the game more than anyone else, like Cagayan and Game of Thrones. I'm going to miss playing with you, but know that you played such a deserving game and such a fierce one as well. Seeing you go was the lowest point of the season icon_weep
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:33:01 am

My feelings of being robbed turned me into the most Grade A bitch-bag in existence icon_lol icon_lol Now that it's all said and done, I played the game I wanted to play :) and GL to the F3.

Regarding last night - yeah I was a massive bitch. I will own up to it :P

I'm going to do one these as well - I feel like I should prepare you all for my confessionals. In some of them I just openly laugh at people - I admit I'm a bit of a bitch but that's all in-game. Outside the game I'll be your BFF and not actually talk shit about you in private icon_blush


Cochran - I was seriously so jealous that a FIRST-TIME PLAYER got Cochran. So lucky!! You get to keep that name forever. And when I first spoke to you on Nama, you were really nice :) Up till the merge, me and you were in very similar positions - we were both kept at the end of a string by Sophie and PB. Going into merge, I was happy to keep you with me because you were unassuming and a nice guy. If I'd known about them targeting you, I would have tried to change their minds to someone else. Whitney at the time I never spoke to so I thought she was really untrustworthy and probably would've tossed her in favour of you. You are seriously fabulous.

PB Where'd you even go, dude? I always thought you were untrustworthy, from the first second you tried to fool me with that fake idol. From day 1 I was closer to Sophie, but you were a great person to play with. At the very least you tried your best and gave it your all, and that's all any of us can ask from each other :)

Ralph Of you and Grant, your going home is the one I'm probably the most proud of - lol sorry about that. You are such a lovely guy, and that drunk message you sent to me was fabulous icon_wub I never got much of a chance to speak to you personally - it was mainly through PB or Mike/Grant that I got information about you, but I still think of you fondly as a player.

Grant GRANT icon_wub You were my first ally, whether you believed that or not at the time icon_lol You were absolutely fabulous with me over at Nama, and you are seriously the highlight of the entire time I spent there. It was sad to see you go back to Ovambo. It's such an incredible shame the way things worked out at merge - if only you'd accepted me into the fold straight away, this game could've been different :P You said it probably best we blindsided you over Kristina, but I still regret conceding that choice. You were fabulous and I would've gone to the end with you and been just as committed to you as I was to Sophie if that was the way things had worked out. It was really nice winning that first challenge together - should've been the start of something beautiful, but alas....

Kristina Girl I will hand it to you, you were intimidating and you played really well! It's a shame going out the way you did, but I can't deny it worked perfectly for me. Maybe we should've gone after Steph that time instead? :P Sophie was right about her!

Whitney oh Whit <3 You're lovely, and I absolutely adore that you own your mistakes. If everyone did that, this game would be a lot more straight-forward. How anyone could exit this game with a grudge against you is mind-boggling. I certainly couldn't icon_blush You and I had a rocky start on Nama, but I tried really hard to get you to feel comfortable and safe working with me, and I'm glad you were willing to go along with our plan with such short notice!

Julie the true goddess of the season. You went from the most universally agreed upon goat to the most fabulous, loyal, super-fab bitch here. If that ain't a crazy game turnaround I don't know what is. We hit it off right after the merge :) You were so nice, and I am happy we kept talking! You ended up being pivotal in one of the most game-changing tribals of the season - and you had crazy big roles in 3 others with the rocks and almost-rock. I am so happy for you :)

Sophie icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub I can't even handle how fabulous you are. Your jury speech was amazing - a much better finish than mine would've been. Your questions were a great round-up - whereas mine were only really going to be useful to me - and your fiery speech was genius (I, naturally, especially loved the ones you had for Mike and Steph). I'm glad you started watching Ja'mie Private School Girl <3 <3 <3 It's honestly brilliant. I can't wait for reunion tonight.



P.S. Go easy on me when you rip me to shreds at the reunion, yes? <3
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Ralph » Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:27:42 pm

<3 honestly gonna miss talking to all of you guys <3
Our ponderosa TEAM if you will was pretty fucking awesome!
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Grant » Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:51:41 pm

This is all very chummy, but I figure why not, this was an awesome experience so I'll end it on a positive note (at least for now) and follow y'all's lead. I know I wrote a lot, I only expect the bolded people to read their own little blurb and nothing else, so no complaining if it is too long please :(

Cochran - Man, I honestly, truly wanted to work with you in Nama and then after the merge. I kept trying to get you to talk to me, but you seemed willing but scared and I couldn't break through that, no matter how hard I tried to chip away at the wall you put up. Ashley told me you were scared of me, so I kept trying but you'd always be short with me, but I had a feeling you could be swayed. Ultimately I asked you straight up if you were just going to hide behind PB and Sophie and be their personal bitch (or something like that) and you said yes, I figured I shouldn't even bother trying anymore. Ashley told me something about how you'd be someone she could get to flip, but for one reason or another, you went home. I won't try and recall why because I don't remember at the moment, something something vote in their pocket that they wouldn't play the idol on. That all being said, it was a blast spending my entire time on Ponderosa with you. My opinion of you changed almost completely when I started talking to you here and I wish I had tried to get you to flip a little more. Thanks for engaging in those back and forths and allowing me to dump everything that was on my mind.

Papa Bear - PB, PB, PB... It was very hard to trust you, but I thought you would be easy to work with if you weren't with the rest of Nama. I didn't want you to go when you did, but idol paranoia and Sophie's immunity wins was the end of you. If you had stayed and Sophie went here, like we originally planned, I think the game is soooo different and I think it includes you going on a little run of your own. I'm a little disappointed that you went MIA while here on the jury, I appreciated the insight you gave and wish you gave more. I don't necessarily agree that what you thought happened is what actually happened, but that is neither here nor there and we will see when all is said and done. You had a commanding presence, and you were so just.. available? that I think you would have made a really good ally and shield for me moving forward.

Ralph - Ralph, my hardhittin' amigo, nothing but respect for you my man. I was wary of you from the second you started the hard hittin' duo between us and figured you had some sort of convoluted strategy where you wanted to have me, Kristina, Julie and Steph all rely on you but you wouldn't start a group PM to allow us to form a group. I thought you had some evil mastermind plan going on early on in Ovambo. You didn't want to work with David (telling me to keep him as a vote in my back pocket) and Mike, so that led to me/Mike creating the alliance of me + the F3. You eventually stopped talking to me until the merge where you started a group PM with me + K that I didn't know how legit it was. I wish you would have been more willing to work with me and use that idol to push us forward, but you throwing me under the bus that vote kind of put the nail in the coffin for you, my amigo. Hope all is well with your mom and all that.

Kristina - I think you will be happy to see how much props I give you in my confessionals. I thought you were going to be the most difficult person to get out and I thought I needed all the help I could get to do so, with your connections to everyone in the game and all that. I always thought you were one of the smartest people out here, and one of the few that could go head to head with me in strategy and affluence to execute those plans. I was glad you were willing to work with me, but I always had to question what else you could be doing. I always thought you were up to something with the other side, especially the Whitney vote that sent me home. Ultimately you held true to your end of the bargain on that vote, and we admittedly had a bad and half-assed plan and so I lost and you followed me out the door. I think you would have been a force to be reckoned with if you made it.

Whitney - I tried to talk to you at so many different points in this game and you showed absolutely no interest in talking to me when you actually responded. Props on admitting your mistakes, I guess. Maybe you will be more willing to talk to me when the game is over.

Julie - gah, Julie. You, more than anyone else, completely caught me off guard when you flipped. We protected against Ashley flipping, but I just didn't think you would. Throughout the game, I always tried to make sure you were in the know because, as you'd admit yourself, you were busy and didn't have a lot of time. I'd PM you longer messages at first, asking opinions and telling you plans, and you'd respond with just thanking me for keeping you in the loop. From that point forward I thought you just wanted to be debriefed before the vote, so that's more or less what I did. I knew the long plans were always in the group PM, so I figured it'd be redundant to send it to you again. I was a little surprised when I heard you wanted to vote me out the vote Ralph went home and I thought we smoothed that over. I should've been more alarmed by that. The following vote, I told you the plan, how the girls wanted to vote Whitney and the boys wanted to vote Sophie. I told you before we voted that us guys were all voting Sophie, so when you said everyone only told you Whitney, because I know I told you more than once that we were voting Sophie. I was wondering what you were talking about, and if you even bothered reading what I'd sent you and thought something was up. Turns out there was, and honestly I believe that was the best move for you and your game, so props on that :) You were always enjoyable to talk to in your short bursts of activity, but those periods of no activity lead me more toward my other options in the game :(

Sophie - heh. I don't think you realize what big of a pain in the ass you were to me and my game. You were a thorn in my side the entire time since the tribe swap. You were like a cockroach that I couldn't kill no matter how hard I tried, no matter what plans I tried to put into place. I needed you out asap, and when I finally conceded to keeping you around in conversations with Ashley/Kristina/Steph, you got me. We always had plans that were to get you out, contingency plans for if you won immunity which was always a very good chance, and backup plans for if you played the idol. Everyone was telling me that you hated me. Ashley, PB, others would say you HATE me but you kept talking to me. I knew that all along, so I tried to play into that and when you'd get mad, I'd try and push a little more and see how much you were willing to take. I was trying to bullshit you and you were trying to bullshit me (though you always claimed you were being straight up, which boggles my mind still). Like Scout said to Chris in Vanuatu, you can't bullshit a bullshitter, and yet we both tried and I believe that is why I was annoying to you and why you were so off-putting to me. I was always legit with you in our non-game talk, talk about the current season and previous or whatever else. I wasn't really interested in that kind of talk, but I always enjoyed talking about that stuff with you. I told you once that I honestly liked everyone, I meant it then and I mean it now. It's typically difficult for me to not like anyone, I can usually appreciate all varieties of people/personalities. I do like you, but you made it abundantly clear to others and to me myself that you really cannot stand me and I was a little bummed when you came to the jury and tried to tell me that I was bitter when I really wasn't. It seemed like you really wanted me to be bitter, that you really wanted me to really be angry with you and really wanted me to resent you for getting me out, but that wasn't the case at all. We've had our personality clashes and clashes in opinions, but I do honestly like you, I just think you hate me. I told you before that I hope we all hang around on the forums to talk about the current season and all that good stuff, and I still hope that is the case. You were an unyielding opponent and a worthy adversary.

Ashley - ugh, you. I'll be honest to you when I say I didn't expect much from you when I first messaged you in Nama, it was just a "I'll message everyone, see what happens". I knew pretty soon after I got swapped that I could go back, and I assumed you and Rick would be easy boots for both sides. I was honestly blown away with how much of a grasp you had in the game (little did I know you already knew how to play, I thought you were a noob being thrown into a pack of wolves). I was immediately impressed, with your comparing online times and all of that about Sophie/the mole. I knew you would be a very good player in the game, so my goal in the tribe swap went from getting myself out (which would have been very easy), to getting both of us out of there. I went through all the pros and cons of guessing each person with you, and how guessing Sophie/Whitney just was not an option because they'd be useful to you, even though I was pretty damn sure it was not PB. I still believe it would have been our best case scenario (for both of us) if he WAS the mole, and I got the idol and we both made it through that way, that would have been fun, but guessing wrong was perfectly fine with me because I was in the thick of things on the other side. I went to Ovambo and posted lots of info from my time in Nama, and I told my alliance of 4 of me + the F3 that I really want to bring you in as a 5th. You'll see in messages, I was absolutely thrilled when I saw Semhar went out and you were still in the game, but some others were wary because they all thought you made deals to make it through. I knew we set up the "throw Semhar under the bus" strategy, along with the "take the idol" strat, I knew you would be set up fine.
When we got to the merge, I was like "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and you said "I need you to act like we're not close", so I was like "oh ok". It made sense but it also made me nervous. I was afraid to tell you anything because I thought it'd get back to Nama. I didn't want to tell you who I was working with or who we were voting for because I didn't know how 'with us' you really were. I immediately thought you had voted Mike, but you astutely said you didn't vote. I so wanted to work with you and wanted that to be the case that I believed it more without much questioning, which is odd for me. You telling me Julie when Kristina told me Mike, and it turned out to be Mike, I was never sure of you. I still was so suspicious of you throughout the game, and had to form contingency plans in case you flipped, protecting against it - up until I went home. It sucks that things played out how they did, but I couldn't risk a majority for one person, and I had a lot of pressure to stay away from you from the alliance of 4. You did much better than I expected when you first entered the game, but after exchanging a few messages, I'm not surprised at all that you made it to F4 and I argued on your behalf some here in Ponderosa, about how you were playing the best game.

I wrote a lot again :\

tl;dr You are all good people and I wish you and I worked more together because we would've made the finals together, no doubt.
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Ralph » Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:59:37 pm


Cochran- Man you'll see in y confessionals that I talked highly of you! I loved you! You talked to me not about the game which was fucking amazing and
You were just an all around friendly guy! If i started out on the Nama team I bet me and you would've been a tight pair.

PB- I remember when I talked to you as the mole <3 memories. You always seemed to be talking strategy and I wanted to join you to be 100% honest because I knew I wasn't at the top of Ovambo BUT Kristina convinced me not to flippity flop.

Grant- Man when that week of me getting out was upon us I was trying to fun for you 100%. I think you said that immedietly everyone said RALPH is gunning for you but whatever. Anyway. Because cochran and papa were busy at the begging of this me and you were really the voices of Ponderosa for about a day or two. that was fun. We talked A lot and I got to learn about you. all you in all your a fun ass dude and I was mad surprised when I saw you voted out.

Kristina- OH MY GAAAWWD GUUURL! I love you to the end. I remember when you and me made the gamers alliance on night one and then going to sleep that night all giddy n shit. I almost exclusively talked to you when i wanted to talk strategy. You and Steph. You were the nicest to me and I trusted you the most. ( even though i later found out you had a TON of other alliances ) but I don't care about that so don't worry. If you have steam you Need. NEED to add me and we can play TF2 or someshit. Excited to read you postings when this game ends! Hope we stay in touch! Have a good rest of yo life my number two! I can't wait to see you in that allstars season!

Whitney- Whit :C unfortunately I didn't talk to you more than once during the game and your internet seems pretty bad so I've never really talked to you at poderosa :C. You seem like and awesome Person though and When i did talk to you it was fun!

Julie- Julie! You reminded me of a nice mom when i first met you! Quick question, I remember day one you told me that you were a firefighter, are you actually or was that just a thing for the game. Just a little question.

Sophie- Sophie! I liked you the second you talked to me first when i was the mole. You seemed to keep to yourself much more when i was the Mole. But that makes sense since you probably didn't wanna revile info about Nama. As Grouchy as I seemed when I talked about you in Ponderosa I'm not bitter in the slightest. More or less I was just trying to make some reading material for other. BUT HEY thats behind us so whatever! You were my pick to win to be honest.I thought you were going to make it to the end and get all the votes!

Ashley- Ashley! I talked to you more in ponderosa than the game! thats not a bad thing though since you were amazing in poderosa! I enjoyed talking with you and you and sophie were fun to watch at tribal! that sounded way more sexual then it should of! BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! I hope we stay in contact after this game!

Sorry for not being an expert writer! my keyboard is fucking ass at the moment and I have dyslexia
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:30:37 pm

omg Grant seeing the length of mine icon_lol

"Oh shit.... I'm in for it icon_eek "
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:33:26 pm

Oh you two <3
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:35:59 pm

OH OH OH BTW: Sophie and Grant - getting all those PMs back and forth about how much you hated eachother and found eachother's messages annoying icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub

Yet you continued to just keep messaging eachother with insults and shit all the way till Grant went home. hahaha you two belong together <3 (except that can't happen because I claimed him first, Sophie, you can't have him)
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Grant » Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:58:11 pm

I was wondering why you knuckleheads didn't include the F3 but then after typing I realized it could potentially change some of your votes so I guess I ought to type them up in my confessional. icon_wacko
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:19:35 pm

I voted yesterday after getting the answers to my questions :) I haven't fleshed out the reasoning yet but I voted (fairly, y'all :P) and nothing you guys say would change my vote now anyway :P

But I thought this was a "We on Ponderosa are a hot bunch of bitches, let's talk about how much we love each other" thread so I went with it :)
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Grant » Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:23:38 pm

Oh yeah that's true.

I came to a decision after the questions then read through the entire FTC 2 or 3 times - and certain longer, more insightful posts several times - to make sure I felt comfortable with my decision, ugh. I don't think I'd change my vote from this point forward either, but you never know with some of these other jokers.
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:35:40 pm

To be honest my vote was pretty set anyway, but David's response to my questions really through me for a loop so I had to do some serious reconsideration.

I'm sure whoever wins is deserving - let's just hope it's not a 4-4 tie or anything (assuming PB doesn't show). That would be insane. Purple Rock at FTC:P
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Sophie » Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:20:31 pm

Lol @Ashley's earlier message - I was SEETHING at Grant's messages. They pissed me off so much, and so it only helped me to get him out since it gave me such a good reason.

And I urge anyone undecided and with an open mind to look back through the tribal council from last night. I believe that David was the most genuine, and wasn't fake at all. Every one of his answers made sense and were both revealing but at the same time believable. Mike made good claims as to why he was not just a goat and why he truly did help in some instances. Stephanie was very long in her responses, but her answering "Thanks for asking me the question" or "Good luck with your decision!" made me want to vomit on her face .
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:42:35 pm

I just re-read FTC while finalising my Vote reasons (my reasoning attached to the vote is pretty long but I wanted to give each person a short explanation for why they did/didn't get my vote) and holy shit David's responses icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub

That gorgeous human being has charm, I'll say that much icon_laughing

To think here I was last night being a mega-cunt - to the point I was very quickly turning my lovely player reputation into a pile of shit on the floor, and a day later I am admitting that he and one other person were so unbelievably close together that it could have gone either way (which way did it go? You'll have to wait and find out!).

Seriously, FTC is magnificent to re-read after a few hours away from the game.
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Sophie » Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:49:42 pm

I am 99% positive Ash that you still voted for Stephanie :P

And I am about to sit down with some sweatpants and cookie dough ice cream and re-read this all :)
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:02:24 pm

Sophie wrote:I am 99% positive Ash that you still voted for Stephanie :P

And I am about to sit down with some sweatpants and cookie dough ice cream and re-read this all :)

icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol

You'll see. Unless Jeff decides not to post the voting comments (or decides mine is too long idk). my vote is very rational. You'd never know I was out of my mind last night. icon_blush
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Sophie » Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:03:50 pm

Ashley wrote:
Sophie wrote:I am 99% positive Ash that you still voted for Stephanie :P

And I am about to sit down with some sweatpants and cookie dough ice cream and re-read this all :)

icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol

You'll see. Unless Jeff decides not to post the voting comments (or decides mine is too long idk). my vote is very rational. You'd never know I was out of my mind last night. icon_blush

Now I'm 99[b].9[/v]% positive you voted for Stephanie :P

Oh I haven't even voted yet :P I just wanted to use those gifs since those are very accurate gifs to describe my reactions to them all at the end of things lol. But my voting comment is going to be very long since I need to explain why I voted for them.
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:04:15 pm

P.S. I wasn't lying when I said the Questions I asked were significantly more important than the speech :P
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Ashley » Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:05:59 pm

You're doing GIFs in your voting comments? Girl ily.

Mine probably isn't that long actually. It's a couple sentences per person lol, but straight to the point.
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Re: Last Day in Ponderosa

Postby Sophie » Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:07:01 pm

Girl no I am not, since he won't show them unfortunately. I posted them in the FTC thread. I can't post there anymore now? Screw you Jeff, yes I can and will.
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