Final Tribal Council Thread

8th Juror| 5th Place | 100% Awesome | Voted Out 3-2 in Episode 13.

Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:48:30 pm

Well there are several things I need from you before the final Tribal on sunday. I'll list them in order of importance:

1. Prevote

Please pre-vote for who you would like to win the game in your voting thread now. You can always change it later, I will announce the deadline for vote changes at the start of Final Tribal Council.

2. Write your Speech

Please write your FTC speech if you have not already. Be ready to roll when you are called on at FTC and if you plan on not being here, I can simply copy/paste what you have already written. You can always change it later, but please post your statements/questions here now ahead of time so you do not eat up/waste our precious time :D

3. Give me a Confessional

There are some things i'm interested in knowing about you before you go into hte final Tribal. They are: Are you excited about the final three? Is there anyone you're looking forward to seeing again and being able to speak to? Are you bitter at all? Do you think there are deserving players in the final 3? What can we look forward to from you?
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Sophie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:12:32 am

I'm definitely looking forward for this final three. I think they all played very different games and think that they all did deserve to be here. Granted, some more than others, but I am not a bitter betty. They played a better game than 15 other people, and so in my opinion we shouldn't be nailing them too hard. Just because we shouldn't doesn't mean I won't though :P I'm looking forward to addressing David right now and I want to see if he really does deserve my vote or not. I pre-voted him, but right now I am leaning towards giving my vote to Stephanie on the basis that she was such a bad-ass bitch. Mike has no chance of getting my vote, and never has. He has played a weak game, and will continue to play a weak game. He is going to pull a scooby-doo card and try and bullshit how he deserves to win, and that's absolutely ridiculous.

I am not bitter at all, and I can't wait to see what these guys say tonight. David and Stephanie are definitely deserving of winning I believe, and so since one of those two will be winning I am very elated and very proud that they are sitting there. You can look forward to a grade-a bitchfest from me tonight :) Are you excited? <3
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Sophie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:54:43 am

A Gay, A Bitch, and a Swingster
All of my questions will be bolded. Anything else with a question mark that is not bolded you should not answer

Well, congratulations to you three for making it this far. I have to get that out of the way first because everyone who makes it to the final three deserves praise since they played better games than EVERY single person that didn't make it there. I am a firm believer in that, and think that although I was playing a better game than you all at the time when I was there, I clearly didn't in the long run since I was voted out. I do believe that you all played very different games, and all got here in different ways. Some were much more noble and worthy of a vote than others, and that's what we are going to have to figure out tonight. My goal with these statements and comments to you all is to figure out who I am voting for, because at this point I have absolutely no clue. It is between two people for my vote, but a third could come out of the blue and wow me. This game started as nine ra-ra-reds and nine blue-bleeders, and in the end you three blue-bleeders are the ones that made it to the place where we now judge you. So without further ado, I'll begin the bashfest and figure out who deserves to win this game.

Stephanie-Hey gurl :) So everyone knows that the three main elements of the game Stranded is the social, strategic, and physical aspects. I think you have one of the cleanest games ever, and you didn't really piss anyone off like I did or really ever be that honest with people. Should you have? Well, in my opinion I think if you had you would have had my vote on lock for you. But whatever, that's your problem now. Socially you were fake girl, and I mean really fake. You would send messages that had paragraphs of content, but yet all they did was repeat what I had already said and give vague-ass statements. Do you really think that's worthy of my vote? Physically and strategically I think you were pretty commanding, but also boring at times. I think that it was very easy to excel strategically for you since you were working side by side with one of the biggest goats in Stranded history. But Physically you rocked, and you won challenges when your neck was on the line and you also found idols like a mad-woman. So my hats are off to you darling, because you definitely played a great game but I don't know if it is one I really want to vote for. After all, this isn't just about gameplay. I have to feel GOOD about voting for whoever I do, and I can't say I am completely feel-good about writing your name down on a piece of paper yet.

Mike-Oh boy Mike, this is not going to be pretty for you tonight lmao. I think you were a sweet kid with a lot of potential in the beginning, but I had a feeling from the moment I saw you in tribal forums that you were a little bit of an aloof princess. Unfortunately, you never proved me wrong at ALL which is not my problem any more. It is YOUR problem since you are in the final three. You floated behind Stephanie, and socially you were awful to me. I always tried to engage you in conversation and I always tried to make you feel alright with me, but you were so awful at responding. I would message you after a round, and you would take an entire day to get back to me which was just absolutely awful. Physically, woopty-do you won a challenge. Congratulations on that, but that doesn't get you any credit with me since it was just one challenge and you weren't in jeopardy anyway. Nobody ever wanted to vote you out since you were such an easy goat to take to the end. Why do you think we voted for you on the first merge council here? We KNEW that you would not have an idol at all since you were so hopeless, and also that people actually pretended you were the leader just to appease you. It's hilarious really that you are sitting here, and I hope you know that you are not here because of your own reasons. You are here because people carried you here, and nobody ever wanted to get rid of you since you are such an easy person to go up against. Good luck tonight, you're going to need it.

David-Woah man, I never thought I would say this but I am thrilled that you are in the final three. You played a commanding game and made moves when you had to, and I have a lot of reason to write your name down tonight with a very nice comment. However, I have my hesitations as well as to whether or not I want to vote for you tonight. My problem with you really consists of your overall wish-washiness and your absolutely insulting performance at the F5 tribal council. Do you remember when you said publicly "I'm sorry Mike, I'm voting for you" or something like that? Do you remember that, because I do, and it was an absolute load of shit. If you are going to vote for me, either say that or shut the hell up and keep your mouth closed. You didn't need to lie, and if you actually were swayed by the jury faces than you are INSANE and not worthy of a single vote at all. Strategically, you were great and you made moves when you had to and your game was at risk. I think Steph and Mike think you are the goat in this situation, but I think that you have a good chance of winning this thing as long as you don't cave in at all tonight. I need to see the fire from you, and I need to see why you really deserve this title. I'd say that you hands down played the best social game as well, since you responded promptly and were not fake (*Cough Stephanie*) or annoying (*Cough Mike*). The social aspect is a huge part of this game, and you rocked it in terms of who you are sitting next to. Your game was pretty good David, but I don't know if I can vote for such a nuclear person.

Answer honestly, and if I catch a whiff of bullshit you lose my vote
Mike-You are going to decide the winner of this stranded series right now with only one vote. Who do you vote for, David or Stephanie? Explain why, and give me at least six sentences.
David-You have to choose an all-star cast of this season. What 6 people do you choose, and why do you choose them? (One sentence per person minimum)
Stephanie-Marty Piombo called, he wants you to name someone on the jury the winner of the Dumber than a Bag of Hammers award. Who does it go to and why? Two rules for giving this award out. I am not eligible for it at all, and you also can't compliment them at all with your 6-sentence minimum answer.

Good luck you all!
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Sophie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:11:46 pm

Sophie wrote:A Gay, A Bitch, and a Swingster
All of my questions will be bolded. Anything else with a question mark that is not bolded you should not answer

Well, congratulations to you three for making it this far. I have to get that out of the way first because everyone who makes it to the final three deserves praise since they played better games than EVERY single person that didn't make it there. I am a firm believer in that, and think that although I was playing a better game than you all at the time when I was there, I clearly didn't in the long run since I was voted out. I do believe that you all played very different games, and all got here in different ways. Some were much more noble and worthy of a vote than others, and that's what we are going to have to figure out tonight. My goal with these statements and comments to you all is to figure out who I am voting for, because at this point I have absolutely no clue. It is between two people for my vote, but a third could come out of the blue and wow me. This game started as nine ra-ra-reds and nine blue-bleeders, and in the end you three blue-bleeders are the ones that made it to the place where we now judge you. So without further ado, I'll begin the bashfest and figure out who deserves to win this game.

Stephanie-Hey gurl :) So everyone knows that the three main elements of the game Stranded is the social, strategic, and physical aspects. I think you have one of the cleanest games ever, and you didn't really piss anyone off like I did or really ever be that honest with people. Should you have? Well, in my opinion I think if you had you would have had my vote on lock for you. But whatever, that's your problem now. Socially you were fake girl, and I mean really fake. You would send messages that had paragraphs of content, but yet all they did was repeat what I had already said and give vague-ass statements. Do you really think that's worthy of my vote? Physically and strategically I think you were pretty commanding, but also boring at times. I think that it was very easy to excel strategically for you since you were working side by side with one of the biggest goats in Stranded history. But Physically you rocked, and you won challenges when your neck was on the line and you also found idols like a mad-woman. So my hats are off to you darling, because you definitely played a great game but I don't know if it is one I really want to vote for. After all, this isn't just about gameplay. I have to feel GOOD about voting for whoever I do, and I can't say I am completely feel-good about writing your name down on a piece of paper yet.

Mike-Oh boy Mike, this is not going to be pretty for you tonight lmao. I think you were a sweet kid with a lot of potential in the beginning, but I had a feeling from the moment I saw you in tribal forums that you were a little bit of an aloof princess. Unfortunately, you never proved me wrong at ALL which is not my problem any more. It is YOUR problem since you are in the final three. You floated behind Stephanie, and socially you were awful to me. I always tried to engage you in conversation and I always tried to make you feel alright with me, but you were so awful at responding. I would message you after a round, and you would take an entire day to get back to me which was just absolutely awful. Physically, woopty-do you won a challenge. Congratulations on that, but that doesn't get you any credit with me since it was just one challenge and you weren't in jeopardy anyway. Nobody ever wanted to vote you out since you were such an easy goat to take to the end. Why do you think we voted for you on the first merge council here? We KNEW that you would not have an idol at all since you were so hopeless, and also that people actually pretended you were the leader just to appease you. It's hilarious really that you are sitting here, and I hope you know that you are not here because of your own reasons. You are here because people carried you here, and nobody ever wanted to get rid of you since you are such an easy person to go up against. Good luck tonight, you're going to need it.

David-Woah man, I never thought I would say this but I am thrilled that you are in the final three. You played a commanding game and made moves when you had to, and I have a lot of reason to write your name down tonight with a very nice comment. However, I have my hesitations as well as to whether or not I want to vote for you tonight. My problem with you really consists of your overall wish-washiness and your absolutely insulting performance at the F5 tribal council. Do you remember when you said publicly "I'm sorry Mike, I'm voting for you" or something like that? Do you remember that, because I do, and it was an absolute load of shit. If you are going to vote for me, either say that or shut the hell up and keep your mouth closed. You didn't need to lie, and if you actually were swayed by the jury faces than you are INSANE and not worthy of a single vote at all. Strategically, you were great and you made moves when you had to and your game was at risk. I think Steph and Mike think you are the goat in this situation, but I think that you have a good chance of winning this thing as long as you don't cave in at all tonight. I need to see the fire from you, and I need to see why you really deserve this title. I'd say that you hands down played the best social game as well, since you responded promptly and were not fake (*Cough Stephanie*) or annoying (*Cough Mike*). The social aspect is a huge part of this game, and you rocked it in terms of who you are sitting next to. Your game was pretty good David, but I don't know if I can vote for such a nuclear person.

Answer honestly, and if I catch a whiff of bullshit you lose my vote
Mike-You are going to decide the winner of this stranded series right now with only one vote. Who do you vote for, David or Stephanie? Explain why, and give me at least six sentences.
David-You have to choose an all-star cast of this season. What 6 people do you choose, and why do you choose them? (One sentence per person minimum)
Stephanie-Marty Piombo called, he wants you to name someone on the jury the winner of the Dumber than a Bag of Hammers award. Who does it go to and why? Two rules for giving this award out. I am not eligible for it at all, and you also can't compliment them at all with your 6-sentence minimum answer.

Good luck you all!

*Wow, David and Stephanie you had very good opening speeches. David, yours was the winner of the gold though.
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Sophie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:49:57 pm

A Gay, A Bitch, and a Swingster
All of my questions will be bolded. Anything else with a question mark that is not bolded you should not answer

Well, congratulations to you three for making it this far. I have to get that out of the way first because everyone who makes it to the final three deserves praise since they played better games than EVERY single person that didn't make it there. I am a firm believer in that, and think that although I was playing a better game than you all at the time when I was there, I clearly didn't in the long run since I was voted out. I do believe that you all played very different games, and all got here in different ways. Some were much more noble and worthy of a vote than others, and that's what we are going to have to figure out tonight. My goal with these statements and comments to you all is to figure out who I am voting for, because at this point I have absolutely no clue. It is between two people for my vote, but a third could come out of the blue and wow me. This game started as nine ra-ra-reds and nine blue-bleeders, and in the end you three blue-bleeders are the ones that made it to the place where we now judge you. So without further ado, I'll begin the bashfest and figure out who deserves to win this game.

Stephanie-Hey gurl :) So everyone knows that the three main elements of the game Stranded is the social, strategic, and physical aspects. I think you have one of the cleanest games ever, and you didn't really piss anyone off like I did or really ever be that honest with people. Should you have? Well, in my opinion I think if you had you would have had my vote on lock for you. But whatever, that's your problem now. Socially you were fake girl, and I mean really fake. You would send messages that had paragraphs of content, but yet all they did was repeat what I had already said and give vague-ass statements. Do you really think that's worthy of my vote? Physically and strategically I think you were pretty commanding, but also boring at times. I think that it was very easy to excel strategically for you since you were working side by side with one of the biggest goats in Stranded history. But Physically you rocked, and you won challenges when your neck was on the line and you also found idols like a mad-woman. So my hats are off to you darling, because you definitely played a great game but I don't know if it is one I really want to vote for. After all, this isn't just about gameplay. I have to feel GOOD about voting for whoever I do, and I can't say I am completely feel-good about writing your name down on a piece of paper yet.

Mike-Oh boy Mike, this is not going to be pretty for you tonight lmao. I think you were a sweet kid with a lot of potential in the beginning, but I had a feeling from the moment I saw you in tribal forums that you were a little bit of an aloof princess. Unfortunately, you never proved me wrong at ALL which is not my problem any more. It is YOUR problem since you are in the final three. You floated behind Stephanie, and socially you were awful to me. I always tried to engage you in conversation and I always tried to make you feel alright with me, but you were so awful at responding. I would message you after a round, and you would take an entire day to get back to me which was just absolutely awful. Physically, woopty-do you won a challenge. Congratulations on that, but that doesn't get you any credit with me since it was just one challenge and you weren't in jeopardy anyway. Nobody ever wanted to vote you out since you were such an easy goat to take to the end. Why do you think we voted for you on the first merge council here? We KNEW that you would not have an idol at all since you were so hopeless, and also that people actually pretended you were the leader just to appease you. It's hilarious really that you are sitting here, and I hope you know that you are not here because of your own reasons. You are here because people carried you here, and nobody ever wanted to get rid of you since you are such an easy person to go up against. Good luck tonight, you're going to need it.

David-Woah man, I never thought I would say this but I am thrilled that you are in the final three. You played a commanding game and made moves when you had to, and I have a lot of reason to write your name down tonight with a very nice comment. However, I have my hesitations as well as to whether or not I want to vote for you tonight. My problem with you really consists of your overall wish-washiness and your absolutely insulting performance at the F5 tribal council. Do you remember when you said publicly "I'm sorry Mike, I'm voting for you" or something like that? Do you remember that, because I do, and it was an absolute load of shit. If you are going to vote for me, either say that or shut the hell up and keep your mouth closed. You didn't need to lie, and if you actually were swayed by the jury faces than you are INSANE and not worthy of a single vote at all. Strategically, you were great and you made moves when you had to and your game was at risk. I think Steph and Mike think you are the goat in this situation, but I think that you have a good chance of winning this thing as long as you don't cave in at all tonight. I need to see the fire from you, and I need to see why you really deserve this title. I'd say that you hands down played the best social game as well, since you responded promptly and were not fake (*Cough Stephanie*) or annoying (*Cough Mike*). The social aspect is a huge part of this game, and you rocked it in terms of who you are sitting next to. Your game was pretty good David, but I don't know if I can vote for such a nuclear person.

Answer honestly, and if I catch a whiff of bullshit you lose my vote
Mike-I want you to tell me right now why those two people next to you are COMPLETELY undeserving of my vote tonight. I want you to tell me why they are hands down worse than you, and why you should win in a 9-0 landslide. This isn't a question, but do it anyway please :)
David-There are 12 people that made it to the merge, and I want you to tell me what tribe (Brain, Brawn, Beauty) EACH person would fit in to. I'd like you to give a brief summary of why you would put each person where they are, and I would love it if you would put four people per tribe to make things even and everything.
Stephanie-I'd like you to re-arrange the 9 jury members in to three different groups. Duds, Stars, and Super-Stars. Give a little summary for each if you would dear.

Good luck you all!
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Sophie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:37:54 pm

A Gay, A Bitch, and a Swingster
All of my questions will be bolded. Anything else with a question mark that is not bolded you should not answer

Well, congratulations to you three for making it this far. I have to get that out of the way first because everyone who makes it to the final three deserves praise since they played better games than EVERY single person that didn't make it there. I am a firm believer in that, and think that although I was playing a better game than you all at the time when I was there, I clearly didn't in the long run since I was voted out. I do believe that you all played very different games, and all got here in different ways. Some were much more noble and worthy of a vote than others, and that's what we are going to have to figure out tonight. My goal with these statements and comments to you all is to figure out who I am voting for, because at this point I have absolutely no clue. It is between two people for my vote, but a third could come out of the blue and wow me. This game started as nine ra-ra-reds and nine blue-bleeders, and in the end you three blue-bleeders are the ones that made it to the place where we now judge you. So without further ado, I'll begin the bashfest and figure out who deserves to win this game.

Stephanie-Hey gurl :) So everyone knows that the three main elements of the game Stranded is the social, strategic, and physical aspects. I think you have one of the cleanest games ever, and you didn't really piss anyone off like I did or really ever be that honest with people. Should you have? Well, in my opinion I think if you had you would have had my vote on lock for you. But whatever, that's your problem now. Socially you were fake girl, and I mean really fake. You would send messages that had paragraphs of content, but yet all they did was repeat what I had already said and give vague-ass statements. Do you really think that's worthy of my vote? Physically and strategically I think you were pretty commanding, but also boring at times. I think that it was very easy to excel strategically for you since you were working side by side with one of the biggest goats in Stranded history. But Physically you rocked, and you won challenges when your neck was on the line and you also found idols like a mad-woman. So my hats are off to you darling, because you definitely played a great game but I don't know if it is one I really want to vote for. After all, this isn't just about gameplay. I have to feel GOOD about voting for whoever I do, and I can't say I am completely feel-good about writing your name down on a piece of paper yet.

Mike-Oh boy Mike, this is not going to be pretty for you tonight lmao. I think you were a sweet kid with a lot of potential in the beginning, but I had a feeling from the moment I saw you in tribal forums that you were a little bit of an aloof princess. Unfortunately, you never proved me wrong at ALL which is not my problem any more. It is YOUR problem since you are in the final three. You floated behind Stephanie, and socially you were awful to me. I always tried to engage you in conversation and I always tried to make you feel alright with me, but you were so awful at responding. I would message you after a round, and you would take an entire day to get back to me which was just absolutely awful. Physically, woopty-do you won a challenge. Congratulations on that, but that doesn't get you any credit with me since it was just one challenge and you weren't in jeopardy anyway. Nobody ever wanted to vote you out since you were such an easy goat to take to the end. Why do you think we voted for you on the first merge council here? We KNEW that you would not have an idol at all since you were so hopeless, and also that people actually pretended you were the leader just to appease you. It's hilarious really that you are sitting here, and I hope you know that you are not here because of your own reasons. You are here because people carried you here, and nobody ever wanted to get rid of you since you are such an easy person to go up against. Good luck tonight, you're going to need it. Edit: Okay that was too harsh. You had a strong speech and you had more strategy than I thought, but you are still a long shot to get my vote. I just had to post this so you know that everything I say remains how I feel, but that it may have been a bit too harsh. You still have a shot though Princess.

David-Woah man, I never thought I would say this but I am thrilled that you are in the final three. You played a commanding game and made moves when you had to, and I have a lot of reason to write your name down tonight with a very nice comment. However, I have my hesitations as well as to whether or not I want to vote for you tonight. My problem with you really consists of your overall wish-washiness and your absolutely insulting performance at the F5 tribal council. Do you remember when you said publicly "I'm sorry Mike, I'm voting for you" or something like that? Do you remember that, because I do, and it was an absolute load of shit. If you are going to vote for me, either say that or shut the hell up and keep your mouth closed. You didn't need to lie, and if you actually were swayed by the jury faces than you are INSANE and not worthy of a single vote at all. Strategically, you were great and you made moves when you had to and your game was at risk. I think Steph and Mike think you are the goat in this situation, but I think that you have a good chance of winning this thing as long as you don't cave in at all tonight. I need to see the fire from you, and I need to see why you really deserve this title. I'd say that you hands down played the best social game as well, since you responded promptly and were not fake (*Cough Stephanie*) or annoying (*Cough Mike*). The social aspect is a huge part of this game, and you rocked it in terms of who you are sitting next to. Your game was pretty good David, but I don't know if I can vote for such a nuclear person.

Answer honestly, and if I catch a whiff of bullshit you lose my vote
Mike-I want you to tell me right now why those two people next to you are COMPLETELY undeserving of my vote tonight. I want you to tell me why they are hands down worse than you, and why you should win in a 9-0 landslide. This isn't a question, but do it anyway please :)
David-There are 12 people that made it to the merge, and I want you to tell me what tribe (Brain, Brawn, Beauty) EACH person would fit in to. I'd like you to give a brief summary of why you would put each person where they are, and I would love it if you would put four people per tribe to make things even and everything.
Stephanie-I'd like you to re-arrange the 9 jury members in to three different groups. Duds, Stars, and Super-Stars. Give a little summary for each if you would dear.

Good luck you all!
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Re: Final Tribal Council Thread

Postby Sophie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:49:41 pm

Sophie wrote:A Gay, A Bitch, and a Swingster
All of my questions will be bolded. Anything else with a question mark that is not bolded you should not answer

Well, congratulations to you three for making it this far. I have to get that out of the way first because everyone who makes it to the final three deserves praise since they played better games than EVERY single person that didn't make it there. I am a firm believer in that, and think that although I was playing a better game than you all at the time when I was there, I clearly didn't in the long run since I was voted out. I do believe that you all played very different games, and all got here in different ways. Some were much more noble and worthy of a vote than others, and that's what we are going to have to figure out tonight. My goal with these statements and comments to you all is to figure out who I am voting for, because at this point I have absolutely no clue. It is between two people for my vote, but a third could come out of the blue and wow me. This game started as nine ra-ra-reds and nine blue-bleeders, and in the end you three blue-bleeders are the ones that made it to the place where we now judge you. So without further ado, I'll begin the bashfest and figure out who deserves to win this game.

Stephanie-Hey gurl :) So everyone knows that the three main elements of the game Stranded is the social, strategic, and physical aspects. I think you have one of the cleanest games ever, and you didn't really piss anyone off like I did or really ever be that honest with people. Should you have? Well, in my opinion I think if you had you would have had my vote on lock for you. But whatever, that's your problem now. Socially you were fake girl, and I mean really fake. You would send messages that had paragraphs of content, but yet all they did was repeat what I had already said and give vague-ass statements. Do you really think that's worthy of my vote? Physically and strategically I think you were pretty commanding, but also boring at times. I think that it was very easy to excel strategically for you since you were working side by side with one of the biggest goats in Stranded history. But Physically you rocked, and you won challenges when your neck was on the line and you also found idols like a mad-woman. So my hats are off to you darling, because you definitely played a great game but I don't know if it is one I really want to vote for. After all, this isn't just about gameplay. I have to feel GOOD about voting for whoever I do, and I can't say I am completely feel-good about writing your name down on a piece of paper yet.

Mike-Oh boy Mike, this is not going to be pretty for you tonight lmao. I think you were a sweet kid with a lot of potential in the beginning, but I had a feeling from the moment I saw you in tribal forums that you were a little bit of an aloof princess. Unfortunately, you never proved me wrong at ALL which is not my problem any more. It is YOUR problem since you are in the final three. You floated behind Stephanie, and socially you were awful to me. I always tried to engage you in conversation and I always tried to make you feel alright with me, but you were so awful at responding. I would message you after a round, and you would take an entire day to get back to me which was just absolutely awful. Physically, woopty-do you won a challenge. Congratulations on that, but that doesn't get you any credit with me since it was just one challenge and you weren't in jeopardy anyway. Nobody ever wanted to vote you out since you were such an easy goat to take to the end. Why do you think we voted for you on the first merge council here? We KNEW that you would not have an idol at all since you were so hopeless, and also that people actually pretended you were the leader just to appease you. It's hilarious really that you are sitting here, and I hope you know that you are not here because of your own reasons. You are here because people carried you here, and nobody ever wanted to get rid of you since you are such an easy person to go up against. Good luck tonight, you're going to need it. Edit: Okay that was too harsh. You had a strong speech and you had more strategy than I thought, but you are still a long shot to get my vote. I just had to post this so you know that everything I say remains how I feel, but that it may have been a bit too harsh. You still have a shot though Princess.

David-Woah man, I never thought I would say this but I am thrilled that you are in the final three. You played a commanding game and made moves when you had to, and I have a lot of reason to write your name down tonight with a very nice comment. However, I have my hesitations as well as to whether or not I want to vote for you tonight. My problem with you really consists of your overall wish-washiness and your absolutely insulting performance at the F5 tribal council. Do you remember when you said publicly "I'm sorry Mike, I'm voting for you" or something like that? Do you remember that, because I do, and it was an absolute load of shit. If you are going to vote for me, either say that or shut the hell up and keep your mouth closed. You didn't need to lie, and if you actually were swayed by the jury faces than you are INSANE and not worthy of a single vote at all. Strategically, you were great and you made moves when you had to and your game was at risk. I think Steph and Mike think you are the goat in this situation, but I think that you have a good chance of winning this thing as long as you don't cave in at all tonight. I need to see the fire from you, and I need to see why you really deserve this title. I'd say that you hands down played the best social game as well, since you responded promptly and were not fake (*Cough Stephanie*) or annoying (*Cough Mike*). The social aspect is a huge part of this game, and you rocked it in terms of who you are sitting next to. Your game was pretty good David, but I don't know if I can vote for such a nuclear person.

Answer honestly, and if I catch a whiff of bullshit you lose my vote
Mike-I want you to tell me right now why those two people next to you are COMPLETELY undeserving of my vote tonight. I want you to tell me why they are hands down worse than you, and why you should win in a 9-0 landslide. This isn't a question, but do it anyway please :)
David-There are 12 people that made it to the merge, and I want you to tell me what tribe (Brain, Brawn, Beauty) EACH person would fit in to. I'd like you to give a brief summary of why you would put each person where they are, and I would love it if you would put four people per tribe to make things even and everything.
Stephanie-Like I said before, I am not sold on you like one particular Jury member is, so I need more from you. I want you to tell me why MIKE is more deserving SPECIFICALLY than you. I need you to give good reasons and not hesitant ones, and the more you give me the more I may be inclined to vote for you.
Good luck you all!
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