
Jeff Probst wrote:Are you still looking for the hidden immunity idol?
David has no chance of winning this game, and I'm sorry but I have to be honest here. I don't expect David to jump and vote with me, so why let things be unsaid? The thing about David is that he has no originality or uniqueness.
Well David, the thing is I don't think the jury will respect someone who betrays their alliance out of fear and doesn't go to rocks, and then expects to be saved the next council ^_^
The least you could do is OWN your betrayals, David. For fucks' sake. You voted against your alliance - that's voting against them. Just own it.
I know you are all proud because you switched back and Steph will play her idol on you, but don't think your game is commendable form a jury standpoint.
David, being the goat at final tribal council means you played the worst game out of everyone.
Everyone knows that. Enjoy your goat-placement.
You made all the right moves to be a goat.
Grant and Kristina had to go because they were threats ^_^ , you are around for a reason :)
I am so embarassed for you. You're going to be a goat, and you think you played a good game.
Yep. I'm happy with my game, even if I go out because of a rock and a refusal to switch. At least I won't be a goat. So in the end, you still lose :P
If it’s the Idol you want