Episode 11

8th Juror| 5th Place | 100% Awesome | Voted Out 3-2 in Episode 13.

Episode 11

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:56:40 pm

hole, lee, fuck. What just happened, spill what you’re thinking!
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Sophie » Fri Apr 04, 2014 2:15:50 pm

Holy Hell. That was fantastic last night and is truly one of the greatest feelings I ever had. Let's be honest, I had to keep arguing with that side but I knew deep down that I was going nowhere. Julie was a loyal soldier and still is (but that could change) and so I knew it was going to be rocks or on the off chance that someone did happen to flip on Kristina. I was dumbfounded though when I saw that David flipped on Kristina….DUMBFOUNDED.

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Re: Episode 11

Postby Sophie » Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:11:21 pm

I'm already trying to plan out the final four situation. I know I am not there and might not even get there, but I have to start thinking about that. I told Ashley that I would never write her name down….but I don't know how true that is because she is the biggest threat to win this game (besides me) right now. Stephanie and Grant will vote for Ashley if she gets to the end. I believe I would have Papa Bear and Cochran for me, and who knows about the other people.

Right now my plan is simple. Get Ashley out at the five because if she wins that final immunity challenge she has a very good chance of winning this whole thing. That's why I may even have to play this theoretical idol on one of the blue-bleeders if I had immunity, because then the two votes they put on Ashley (because they definitely wouldn't vote for the goats to go home) become the only ones who count and she goes home. To me, that's the best case scenario and I think that as of right now things are looking FANTASTIC.

I still think I could win against her though, but I believe it would be close.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Sophie » Sat Apr 05, 2014 8:29:35 pm

WHY IS THIS CLUE SO DAMN HARD. Ugh, I've been searching for an hour and literally nothing is working.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Sophie » Sat Apr 05, 2014 8:41:39 pm

Fuck me up the butt. Steph and Mike already found it I am guessing, or one of those two horrible people did for sure.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Sophie » Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:32:10 pm

Final Seven

Alright I know I have been lacking on the confessional side of things this weekend, but I was away and didn't have much time for anything besides messages on the phone. However, this round is definitely not the most exciting of ones but is also one of the ones I feel very uneasy with. The thing that I am most excited for right now is the plan that we have in place. Mike and Steph believe that their heads are on the chopping block, and with that I came up with the idea to blindside David so that if those two numskulls had an idol it would just flush out and be a waste. Those two right now are the ones I really want out since I don't think David has a chance in hell of winning this game, whereas people would be stupid enough to actually vote for Stephanie or Mike.


The biggest threat in this game to me right now is Ashley. I am playing a much more social and strategic game than her obviously, but people won't see that on the jury. They'll say "She is so nice and sweet and she deserves to win the game!" that's why she needs to go home before the Final Three. When it comes down to Me, Julie, Whit, and Her (if it comes down to that I should say) than I am going to convince Whit and Julie to write down Ashley's name because she is a social threat and will kill us all int he jury vote. If that happens and I am in the final three with Julie and Whitney, than I am guaranteed to win this game. I usually am not that confident, but those two are the loyal soldiers right now and me and Ashley are the Queen Bs that are calling the shots.


This is a huge challenge coming up tonight, and I may even try and convince Ashley to give me the immunity necklace if she were to win :P She won't go for it most likely, but I feel vulnerable and I think that Mike and Steph are going to try and go for me for the vote and that's why I need to make sure everyone is with me while we sneak attack David and slit his throat.

Any questions?
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Sophie » Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:56:53 pm

Something bad is going to happen tonight…Ash is being off.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Sophie » Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:47:32 pm

OMG I needed that so bad and I am just thrilled right now. I think that Julie and David are going to flip and are going to vote out Ashley tonight, and it would have been me had I not won that sucker.
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