Hidden Immunity Idol

8th Juror| 5th Place | 100% Awesome | Voted Out 3-2 in Episode 13.

Hidden Immunity Idol

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:33:45 pm

Congratulations! You have earned the Hidden Immunity Idol!

You can play it on yourself or someone else in the 5 minute window after voting is final. You are allowed to play it on yourself or anyone else on your tribe.

If you cannot attend Tribal Council, you may pre-play the idol on yourself or someone else. Pre-plays can always be cancelled if you arrive later.

This idol is good up to and through the final five.


If you wish to give the idol to someone before Tribal Council, you may do so by specifying it here. After giving it away you can no longer take it back as it is no longer in your possession.

Good luck!
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Jeff Probst
Posts: 1396
Joined: Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:10:30 pm

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