Jeff Probst wrote:So, the question for you is that two of your four Ovambo alliance members were prominent in that ranking for good reasons:
Grant and Stephanie were both #'s 1 and 2. Grant was answered three times: Most honest, biggest threat to win the game, and most honest player. Stephanie was answered for biggest threat to win everything as well.
In the over all ranking you were 6th which is right in the middle of the pack, lowest after only David and Ralph of the Ovambos.
Does any of this make you worried at all? Are you concerned that going to the end with your alliance will leave you overshaddowed by them>
Most honest doesn't surprise me since 3/4 of our alliance members were in that challenge, and the only Nama player was Sophie.
Biggest threat to win the game was us too. (The alliance)
Most honest player was also us. :P
I don't mind the overall ranking for boot order too, because I was a target the first tribal of the merge. It's better than being close to the bottom. Stephanie/Grant were ranked high since they're mostly on good terms with everybody. Which means I need to start talking to more people...
Yes I'm 100% worried I'm getting overshadowed like I said in the last thread. I haven't been making things happening independently, only when people suggest them to me. ;-; and that's definitely bad for my jury argument like I said. What to do, what to do...