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Episode 06 - The Merge!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:59:29 am
by Jeff Probst
Welcome to the merge. Are you excited to be apart of this stage of the game? How will your game shift now as we enter the individual portion? Are you willing to make moves necessary to impress a jury should you make the finals?

What players on the other tribe are you excited to get to know or are you just looking forward to taking them out? Is there an advantage in using the players of the other tribe before your other tribemates?

What do you think of the moles, are there any still in the game and if so who do you think they are?

Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:56:36 am
by Mia
Hey Mike!

So, do you mind filling me in on EXACTLY who you trust/don't trust, and your take on alliances? Maybe a little blurb on every player and what you think of them at this point? It will help me catch up with what's gone on and it will make for some juicy reading post-game to see where your head was at during this crucial point in the game!

Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:28:47 pm
by Mike
Jeff Probst wrote:Welcome to the merge. Are you excited to be apart of this stage of the game? How will your game shift now as we enter the individual portion? Are you willing to make moves necessary to impress a jury should you make the finals?

What players on the other tribe are you excited to get to know or are you just looking forward to taking them out? Is there an advantage in using the players of the other tribe before your other tribemates?

What do you think of the moles, are there any still in the game and if so who do you think they are?

Hey, sorry been having some important outside issues but they should be good now :P.

Yes I'm excited for sure to hit this point. I think I can make it far/to the end as well judging by how the votes will go (but I don't want to be too cocky just yet). Regarding the individual portion, I think I can still win over many people in the game as long as I'm more active until the end of the game because a lot of them haven't done jack and will get abused by the jury (Ralph, Julie, I'm looking at you...)

Yes I'm willing to make moves necessary to impress the jury, I just have to find them first, looking at the situation it just seems like a bland pagong->stick with the alliance I created to f4/f3. Which is no fun but it appears to be the case right now.

Looking to talk to everyone on Nama. Looking to vote out Papa Bear aka. the biggest moron in the tribe (but also dangerous because he's so unaware of how dumb he is) and Sophie.

Mia wrote:Hey Mike!

So, do you mind filling me in on EXACTLY who you trust/don't trust, and your take on alliances? Maybe a little blurb on every player and what you think of them at this point? It will help me catch up with what's gone on and it will make for some juicy reading post-game to see where your head was at during this crucial point in the game!

Trust: Stephanie, Grant, David
Semi-trust but don't really talk to yet: Ashley, Julie, Kristina
Don't trust: Cochran, Whitney, Kristina
Moron: Papa Bear

Alliances: All of Ovambo, all of Nama except Ashley, Ashley + ????.

Not sure where Ashley stands yet. Otherwise it's just tribe vs tribe.


Mia: Sweetest and nicest person on Stranded
Grant: #1 ally, we both trust each other atm
Stephanie: #2 ally, same as above ^ but I talk with Grant more.
David: #3? Hard to say. We don't talk much at all but he said he trusts me completely while we were in Ovambo.
Kristina: Dangerous. I want to vote her out first after Nama is out.
Julie: Unaware of things around her and not willing to do anything for herself. I think she trusts me as well. Not threatening.
Ralph: Potato of Himba
Ashley: Hard to say where she stands yet aside from what Grant said. Could potentially be a good ally.
Papa Bear: Moron of Himba. He's so unaware of himself and stupid it's laughable. /insert laugh (inb4 this comes back to bite me in the butt)
Sophie: Smart competitor and #1 threat right now. Leader of Nama. I want her out ASAP.
Cochran: Quiet. Hard to judge. No real threat detected for now.
Whitney: ^ same as above. One of two candidates for the mole, the other being Sophie.

Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:30:48 pm
by Mike
I put Kristina in my blurbs twice but the first time, I meant Ralph.

Also in the alliances section, an alliance inside Ovambo is Grant, me, Stephanie and David. Which is likely going to be F4 for now, unless something changes.

Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:53:16 am
by Mike
Papa Bear wants to vote me apparently because he sees me as the leader. While that's just a bit worrying...


it also means I'll probably get more votes at FTC from Nama.

now I just have to hope the plan doesn't get leaked.

Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:03:35 pm
by Mia
Mike wrote:Papa Bear wants to vote me apparently because he sees me as the leader. While that's just a bit worrying...


it also means I'll probably get more votes at FTC from Nama.

now I just have to hope the plan doesn't get leaked.

Who do you think you being perceived as the leader will get you more votes if you make it to the FTC?

Who is the plan for the vote tonight?

How do you see the potential Mole Hidden Immunity Idols (if there are any) effecting your game?

Re: Episode 06 - The Merge!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:08:32 pm
by Mike
Mia wrote:Who do you think you being perceived as the leader will get you more votes if you make it to the FTC?

Who is the plan for the vote tonight?

How do you see the potential Mole Hidden Immunity Idols (if there are any) effecting your game?

First question - ???? If you mean why, because... it means I had the most strategy out of everybody else in my alliance.

Cochran since he is 100% not the mole and therefore doesn't have the idol (according to Grant).

I think Sophie has one and Julie or Ralph has the other. Don't quote me on it but I'm fairly certain. I just have to not get idol'd out from the plan leaking and we should be able to blindside both of them just fine.