Episode 10

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Episode 10

Postby Holly » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:02:26 pm

Wow. There was so much going down at that tribal I don't even know where to start.

Grant has left in what turned out to be a close vote. What's your view on how tight that ended up?

Does this major shake in the game start to change anything? Will the blindsides continue and everyone start stepping up even more as we get closer to the end?

The number of jurors is gradually increasing. Are you taking them into account as you work your way through each round? What feelings do you think they have towards you? What are you doing to improve your argument at the end?
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mike » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:07:07 pm

Holly wrote:Wow. There was so much going down at that tribal I don't even know where to start.

Grant has left in what turned out to be a close vote. What's your view on how tight that ended up?

Does this major shake in the game start to change anything? Will the blindsides continue and everyone start stepping up even more as we get closer to the end?

The number of jurors is gradually increasing. Are you taking them into account as you work your way through each round? What feelings do you think they have towards you? What are you doing to improve your argument at the end?

I have a habit of having to post what I say twice because a new thread goes up at the same time ;-;

Mike wrote:And thus, the blindside I expected tonight happened, and it happened on the person I also expected (Grant). I'm just confused as to how they managed to get 4 votes.

I can't remember if I said it in confessionals but David/Grant/Stephanie (well not really David) got fooled into thinking Sophie really was going to vote for Whitney. What a load of shit. icon_laughing I was certain the vote was going to come our way because even Sophie isn't that stupid. Though, the fact we lost the vote 4-3 is what confused me. I expected a 3-3 tie and a revote...

Anyway it's alright Grant is gone, though I wish it could have been later rather than sooner, since he was a good ally. At the least, it's 1 vote for me on FTC.

Though, the REAL game begins now. And everybody who is remaining knows it.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mike » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:19:44 pm

Actually I need to stop being so cocky about everything. If Stephanie voted with the others as I expected, then it will make things more complicated.

Ok, well, Stephanie DID vote with the others. Or so I should assume for now.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mike » Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:19:00 pm

Scratch that, it might have been Julie.

Also my neglect of the members outside my 4 is kicking me in the balls right now.

It seems to be a numbers game now. Boring yet again. I was looking forward to the blindsides but my neglect of telling people who to vote for and general laziness practically cost us Grant.

Not going to tell anyone that, mind you, but it's a sure sign I'm being too confident. I wanted to blindside him myself too. :[
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mike » Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:20:38 pm

Mike wrote:Though, the REAL game begins now. And everybody who is remaining knows it.

Sorry to disappoint but this is probably incorrect as well. Right now the numbers are 4:4. Essentially, somebody flips or we go to rocks.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mike » Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:22:08 am

So it WAS Julie.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mike » Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:24:44 am

This is now my blog which I will update with false information every hour on the hour.

Right now I'm trying to convince Julie to flip back over by promising her F3.

Originally I wanted to go to the end with Julie/David/Whitney/Sophie like I mentioned anyway, but I was nervous to talk to them about it. Especially Julie. I thought we could make it to the end without even talking about it, but it seems that is not the case. So now I'm (probably) going to promise Julie F3 because if she makes it to the F3, well, she's NOT winning. And I'll almost certainly beat David.

The question is, what to do to get there...
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mike » Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:30:53 am

The plan is in action.

Operation BJADTTEWM (Bring Julie and David to the end with me) has begun.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mike » Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:34:16 am

Practically spoiled everything that has happened in the game thus far except my f4 (now f3) alliance (that I was planning on flipping on anyway) to Julie in hopes she will see it as her best option and thus drop what she's doing to join me.

If she doesn't see it as her best option, I'm screwed. But I think she will see it as her best option.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mike » Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:59:39 am

I don't like how these voting comments are being shown and people asking for my voting comment to know who I'm voting. Might as well make the votes public. icon_rolleyes

Going to stay loyal to my Obama members for now. Flipping would screw me multiple ways because it would lose me an ally and it also keeps Nama members in the game for longer. Plus I'm already being wishy-washy to both Sophie and Ashley so now I'm trying to show Ashley in particular that I'm sticking with my folks in Ovambo instead of being here and there in preparation for FTC so I can say "hey Ashley I was loyal". Weak argument though for now.

Also, I have one thing on my side to bring in Julie that nobody else does (I think?), that is, purposely not guessing her during the goat-related questions two challenges ago. (Or was it 3? Can't remember.) Even though I thought she might be the answer, I figured in the case she flipped, or what-have-you, that she'd be more likely to trust me not only because she already does, but because she might believe I don't see her as a goat (which I do) but rather a(n) equal/friend. I haven't brought it up because I don't want her to not trust me if I bring it up, but if she brings it up or something related, then I will. In the last question anyway I had to make my answer different than Sophie's since I was one point down (she guessed Whitney) and if our guesses were the same then I wouldn't have been able to tie.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:27:22 am

Mike, wake up... there is no more nama vs. ovambo.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mike » Wed Apr 02, 2014 7:59:11 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:Mike, wake up... there is no more nama vs. ovambo.

You must know something I don't, then. For now it looks like Sophie/Ashley/Whitney vs me/David/Stephanie/Kristina, with Julie on their side for now. There's no cross-original-tribe alliances other than Julie voting with them last vote (and Ralph but he's gone and so is PB) from what I know.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mike » Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:57:05 pm

I just thought of a horribly evil idea.

Us 4 vote Julie and tell her the vote's for someone else.

If she flips, she's voted out. If not, it ties anyway.

It's horribly evil and the lure is strong. But I need her as a goat in F3. ;_;
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