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Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:01:45 pm
by Holly
Wow. There was so much going down at that tribal I don't even know where to start.

Grant has left in what turned out to be a close vote. What's your view on how tight that ended up?

Does this major shake in the game start to change anything? Will the blindsides continue and everyone start stepping up even more as we get closer to the end?

The number of jurors is gradually increasing. Are you taking them into account as you work your way through each round? What feelings do you think they have towards you? What are you doing to improve your argument at the end?

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:14:25 pm
by Julie
Holly wrote:Wow. There was so much going down at that tribal I don't even know where to start.

Grant has left in what turned out to be a close vote. What's your view on how tight that ended up?

Does this major shake in the game start to change anything? Will the blindsides continue and everyone start stepping up even more as we get closer to the end?

The number of jurors is gradually increasing. Are you taking them into account as you work your way through each round? What feelings do you think they have towards you? What are you doing to improve your argument at the end?

Right now, I'm committed to Sophie/Ashley/Whitney.

I was the swing vote obviously since my vote was read last and it was tied up 3-3-2 before mine was read :) but really they couldn't of done that without me, so I hope I gain some points with the jury. I'll probably have to explain so much if I get to FTC. We have 8 players left, and 4 on the jury....leads me to believe it will be a Final 3......BUT I was doing some thinking, and its kind of wack how inactive I've been. I'm mulling this over, but if I make F3, with Ashley and Sophie, and its a Final 2, I think I'm going to step down for them. I'm not sure, I"m high and just thinking about it. If its a F3 I'll sit there no problem and try to plead my case. And maybe even if its a F2, but maybe I don't really have any chance. I would like to be able to plead my case though, but I would feel outright terrible if its a F2 and Im' taking one of their spots, they really deserve it at this point.

I'll go to rocks for those 3. Us 4 are a pact, and we need to get one of the other 4 on board.

I think the jury thinks that I've been inactive and lazy, but I've heard positive SPV from other players about me, and I hope that I could maybe persuade some people. I approached numerous people at the merge about moving forward in Ovambo. No one gave me straight answers. So I flipped. I have a story and if I can articulate that I'm always trying to do whats best for Julie, that would be ideal.

On the flip side, I could go to the end with Whitney? Two Goats? Lawl.