Final Words

4th Juror| 9th Place | Voted Out 4-3-2(negated) in Episode 09.

Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:51:16 pm

Seriously dude, one of the strongest players this season and dare I say one of the strongest games we've seen ever, especially for someone new to gaming!

You dominated, so we really want to hear more from you! All-star performance man, I am sure we will see plenty more of you in Stranded's future.

Let us know how you found the game, what you would do differently, if you would do it again, what mistakes you made, what you learned, etc... spill!!!
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Re: Final Words

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:04:01 pm

Loved it. Absolutely loved it.

HILARIOUS that my last message sent was "I have a bad feeling about this one.", hilarious.

8th place? God damn, I suck.

What would I do differently? Hard to say. I was on the losing end of one goddamn challenge and I'm out of the game. I think the swap ruined my game honestly because it made me a visible threat to the Nama side, and they never thought any different. The challenge that outed my game made it a little too obvious for my liking, as did winning all the challenges. I did exactly what I wanted to in terms of making alliances. I tried my best and that's all I can say.

I tried to protect every vote that I could.

Who the hell said "you're ruining my life now time for a taste of your own medicine"? Was that David?

I reckon I'll re-visit this but this is all I got for now.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:12:34 pm

I'm mostly curious to see what y'all thought of my game in my confessionals? I was really hoping to be a strategic / social threat and not a physical threat and I'm annoyed that I got pigeon-holed into that because of the twist.

Also is this an april fools joke? Can I go back in now? :)
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Re: Final Words

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:21:21 pm

Grant wrote:8th place? God damn, I suck.

9TH PLACE! I was even worse than I thought!
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Re: Final Words

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:21:21 pm

Grant wrote:8th place? God damn, I suck.

9TH PLACE! I was even worse than I thought!
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Re: Final Words

Postby Grant » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:21:22 pm

Grant wrote:8th place? God damn, I suck.

9TH PLACE! I was even worse than I thought!
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Re: Final Words

Postby Grant » Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:25:13 pm

Ugh, woke up this morning and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm surprisingly upset that I'm out of the game. So many what ifs, so many what could've beens. I feel like I didn't do a very good job because I'm in 9th place. There are 8 people who are better than me and 2 of them barely played at all.

It was tough dealing with the Nama people pre and post merge and I think the tribe swap is what did me in. I pissed them off and they never let it go - sad, really. If the Namas would have gone as planned, perhaps in a pagonging, I would've easily cracked top 5. If I made it to finals, I don't think there's anyone that beats me. I hope you all agree and that I don't look arrogant about it.

I'd absolutely play again and multiple times if you let me, but not for a little while. I need a few seasons to go by so people forget about me, the silly 9th place finisher on Namibia who won a few comps. I would however like to be a host in the next season or at least someone who can sift though all the confessionals and messages and everything. I'm not as concerned with asking them questions in their confessionals or being around during challenges, I just want to see a full game from every perspective as it takes place. Are alumni able to do that?
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Re: Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:48:32 pm

You're allowed to do it if you participate in some capacity in terms of confessionals or challenges. As far as our opinions, I thought you were a great character. The figurehead of the "ovambo alliance" and in some ways a great villain maybe? It's all a matter of perspective I suppose. In a lot of ways it was obvious that you were a new player in that you made yourself too visible in terms of challenges, visible in all the wrong ways. But certainly a great player in terms of being able to suss out the different schemes that were going on behind closed doors. I think you got a bit too arrogant and that lead to your downfall. i also think you will learn the more you play that you have to play the game, you can't just get annoyed that there was a twist or a challenge that may have outed you, yo uhave to expect that itll happen and play against that or have a back up plan. I think that's the biggest thing you should take away from this game is to relax and have fun with the game and let it happen and work with it vs. trying to control every instance and getting upset when it didn't go your way. The fact of the matter is it won't go your way 50% of the time, you just have to best react to the game as you can and make moves when you can to ensure that you're okay.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Grant » Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:16:53 pm

Cool, thanks for the input. I'd absolutely be willing to participate in some capacity, so long as you want me to. I just don't want to make a mistake or reveal too much in my questioning, that's why I want to avoid that. I know that I read into your questioning, I'm sure others do/will, too.

I wasn't / am not "annoyed" with the twist/swap, I just think that is the point in which my game changed and I had to adapt and I didn't do it well enough. I wasn't specifying that as a rip-off or unfair in anyway, I was just picking it as the point where what I was doing wasn't going to cut it anymore. I think that was the point where people were now looking at me, so I couldn't go back to being invisible. I hope I didn't come off as being upset when things didn't go my way because this is the only time it didn't - but my being upset is more a result of being out of the game / not being able to finish / the experience being over than it was things not going my way. I was afraid when I said it that it would be construed in that way but I honestly am not upset that things didn't go my way - I really expected it. I'm just sad it's over, sad I didn't do better. I had a ton of fun, I hope it came across.

I might've gotten too arrogant. I probably got too comfortable. I tried so hard not to and to try and keep it one tribal at a time but I felt like I was comfortable and that was the end of me.

I'd love to hear in more depth the ways I made it obvious I was new and made myself too visible in all the wrong ways, whether now or when the game is over.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:29:01 pm

You'll see more of it when the game is over, but I do know that I think even you said so yourself that you were annoyed when other players were a factor against your alliance, rightfully so, but you shouldve used those people just as you used your own alliance members instead of ignoring them and being annoyed that they were still in the game, if that makes sense. You'll learn a lot when you look back.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Mia » Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:37:47 pm

Grant wrote:
Grant wrote:8th place? God damn, I suck.

9TH PLACE! I was even worse than I thought!

Bitch please, I got 8th place in my season with an idol in my pocket and I don't beat my self up about it at all. I played hard and had a blast (which is extremely important... you looked like you were miserable from the merge onward whether you think you were or not) so try to lighten up a little bit (although it appears that you have!)

Anyways, you also shouldn't think that just because someone is still in the game that they are better than you. In fact, I'll say that a lot of them aren't. Placement NEVER paints the full picture of how you played.

Grant wrote:I might've gotten too arrogant. I probably got too comfortable. I tried so hard not to and to try and keep it one tribal at a time but I felt like I was comfortable and that was the end of me.

You're already learning. And seriously stop licking your wounds because you're still on the jury and being a bitter juror can be just as fun as playing. Just don't be a bitter AND entitled juror. icon_no
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Re: Final Words

Postby Grant » Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:56:01 pm

I don't intend to be bitter at all, it's just a game :)

And my vote is only 1 of 9, right? I definitely don't feel entitled.

Mia wrote:(which is extremely important... you looked like you were miserable from the merge onward whether you think you were or not) so try to lighten up a little bit (although it appears that you have!)

Ew, really? :(
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Re: Final Words

Postby Sarah » Wed Apr 02, 2014 7:00:34 pm

Really Grant, don't be ashamed of 9th place. Embrace it, you beat half of the cast and at this point the game becomes about taking out the big threats so don't beat yourself up about getting 9th place. Hell, I got 8th Place twice and I'm proud of that, it's a game and you played the hell out of it. In the future just try to enjoy it. I had a lot of fun watching you and I hope to see more of you in the future.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Grant » Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:07:15 pm

Thanks Sarah :)

Too bad this immunity challenge wasn't #10 :\
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Re: Final Words

Postby Mia » Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:13:52 pm

also please stop posting giant walls of text. it's gross.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Grant » Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:15:09 pm

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Re: Final Words

Postby Frank » Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:58:15 pm

Don't be ashamed of 9th place man, you did great and were a big enough threat to take out with a big play. There's honor in that.

I got 13th place in my first season and was by all accounts a total mess so compared to me, you did amazing.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Grant » Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:27:00 pm

Grant wrote:I'm mostly curious to see what y'all thought of my game in my confessionals? I was really hoping to be a strategic / social threat and not a physical threat and I'm annoyed that I got pigeon-holed into that because of the twist.

Also is this an april fools joke? Can I go back in now? :)

I just re-read this and I don't even remember saying it. I don't know what the hell I even meant. I guess I meant being swapped to the other side made me a target for the other side so I felt like I had to win challenges or else I'd be taking votes, but I'm not even sure that's what I was thinking, or if I was thinking at all when I said that...
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Re: Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:16:50 pm

Grant wrote:
Grant wrote:I'm mostly curious to see what y'all thought of my game in my confessionals? I was really hoping to be a strategic / social threat and not a physical threat and I'm annoyed that I got pigeon-holed into that because of the twist.

Also is this an april fools joke? Can I go back in now? :)

I just re-read this and I don't even remember saying it. I don't know what the hell I even meant. I guess I meant being swapped to the other side made me a target for the other side so I felt like I had to win challenges or else I'd be taking votes, but I'm not even sure that's what I was thinking, or if I was thinking at all when I said that...

icon_lol You're gonna look back on this whole season and not remember half of it.... and also question why you did some things/said some things... it's human nature. After another game you'll look back on this and really think what in the fuck was I thinking. There's something pure about that though.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Grant » Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:40:30 pm

I just want to once again say thanks. This was an absolute blast and I really enjoyed every minute of it, even getting voted out, even bickering on the jury.

Glad my probably lackluster application was chosen as one of the good ones :)
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