Swimming in De-Nile

Swimming in De-Nile

Postby Sarah » Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:06:56 am

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Re: Swimming in De-Nile

Postby Mia » Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:22:56 pm

This blog title. Fannin myself so hard.
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Re: Swimming in De-Nile

Postby Sarah » Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:32:39 pm

I love that Papa Bear is already trying to scope out the mole for his tribe. Too bad for him I think Sophie's gonna catch on and cut him loose soon if he isn't careful. I don't see him lasting very long if he's planning on being obvious that he's going for that guessing idol.

I love the moles so far. They are so very different and Ralph is amazing. He's being very social and it's cool to watch but I'm wondering how long he can keep up the act and keep from being guessed.
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