Episode 10

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Episode 10

Postby Holly » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:01:29 pm

Wow. There was so much going down at that tribal I don't even know where to start.

Grant has left in what turned out to be a close vote. What's your view on how tight that ended up?

Does this major shake in the game start to change anything? Will the blindsides continue and everyone start stepping up even more as we get closer to the end?

The number of jurors is gradually increasing. Are you taking them into account as you work your way through each round? What feelings do you think they have towards you? What are you doing to improve your argument at the end?
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Re: Episode 10

Postby David » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:40:41 pm

This tribal was by far the craziest of the season. I'm still kind of blown away by what happened. Also, I'm going to try and answer your questions, but most of this confessional is just going to be random rambling from me. Need to get my thoughts in order, you know!

So, I knew Sophie was having doubts about me and I did my best to quell them, but obviously that didn't work. When she told me that the vote was going to Whitney, I knew something fishy was brewing, but I didn't question her. I went to Grant, Mike, and Steph and told them about the Whitney vote. I said we should split votes to Sophie just in case she were to play an idol on Whitney. Grant, Mike, and I voted for Sophie thinking that Grant would only get 3 votes at most. If what we thought would happened had happened, then a revote would have gone for Sophie and Grant, and Sophie would have most likely left. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I still don't know who flipped, but they gave an extra vote to Grant and now he's gone.

There are positives and negatives to this. Grant was such a big threat that him leaving does kind of make things a little less stressful for me. But he was pretty much my number one ally this entire game, so now I'm kind of fucked. Things aren't completely hopeless though! Four votes that were distributed to Whitney and Sophie came from people still here, and four votes against Grant. It makes things sort of like an even split. Whatever, happens next is definitely going to be a blindside. It's either going to be rocks, or someone will flip. Just when you think your headed for a Pagonging, shit like this happens! I love it.

I have enough to worry about in this game. I always hear people say that I need to play my game and to not play for anyone else. I think that goes for the active players still here and for the jury as well. I can't predict what they are going to say at the FTC. I just have to play the game under the assumption that I could still win. I was never malicious towards anyone on the jury (to their face) so it's not like they can say much about my character to discredit me. Also, I feel like I've played this game really hard and semi-decently, so they can't discredit my game too much. So I still feel like I have a legitimate chance. I'm not really playing to build a resume for the jury, I'm playing to win. I'm not going to make big moves because they look good. It's hard for me to even think about what I would say to the jury because I don't want to get ahead of myself.

Plan of Action:
Sophie and Ashley - solid 2
Whitney - Their goat
Steph/Julie - ??? one of them voted with the Nama
Mike - loyal to me
Kristina - ?????

So, I could align with Sophie and crew and be safe for one vote and avoid rocks. Then it would be final 7 and I could gather some people to vote out Sophie? I feel like all Julie wants is security. If I could offer her a deal she can't refuse, that plan might work. I have no idea what is going on in Kristina's mind. She is probably scrambling like an egg at this point. I could try and talk to her. Steph is also questionable. I still don't know if she flipped or not. Mike will always be by my side, for sure. Whitney does whatever Sophie tells her. Ashley made the right move, but I could talk to her a bit as well. Scratch that, she will just tell Sophie. I think I need to sleep on it and make a decision soon!
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:25:10 pm

Put yourself in the place of the jury for a second, David. How would you end up voting?
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mia » Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:31:48 pm

Reminder, this is NOT Ovambo vs. Nama anymore. This is every player for THEMSELVES.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby David » Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:34:31 pm

If I were on the jury, I'd like to say that I would vote for the best gameplayer and for the person who made their case the best. However, emotions do play a big role in this game, especially in the final tribal council. I can't pretend to know what the jury is thinking or who they are rooting for. I just have to play to get to the end, while not pissing people off too much. I have to play the game for today, because I can't predict what's going to happen tomorrow.

And I know that it's not Ovambo vs. Nama at this point, but I can't help but feel like some tribal boundaries do still exist. I mean, all the Nama plus Julie are aligned at this point, and the rest of the Ovambo are together, so there is still an obvious split going on. Of course, if I need to leave the Ovambo behind, I will, but right now, I think sticking with them and taking our chances at rocks gives me a better chance than flipping.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Mia » Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:46:32 am

Keep telling yourself that.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby David » Thu Apr 03, 2014 3:51:04 pm

Mia wrote:Keep telling yourself that.

Okay, What am I telling myself that is so clearly wrong? I feel like these questions that I'm asked are trying to lead me to some great epiphany, but I still don't understand.
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