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Episode 07
Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:00:55 pm
by Brenda
Well that can't have been good to see. Although.. at least it wasn't you??
I guess the vote count tells it's own story. So, how do you get out of all this then? Who from old-Ovambo do you feel like might give you an opening here? What thoughts on idols??
Also hi gurl hi! I am here. I am drunk. Yes we've never met. I'm already rooting for you even as is :P
Re: Episode 07
Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:24:56 pm
by Brenda
omg, we have met!
I usually wear a beard and occasionally a light blue suit and a red hat.
but while over there I am stoic and beardy - over here I am flurty and excitable!!
So catch me up gurl. In bulletpoints pls - I cannot pay more attention than that. If I am reading the blogs right, you cam ein late, joined Nama (who are now in the minority) and have some kind of connection to Grant because he was briefly Nama or something??
Give me the
real deets here miss.
Re: Episode 07
Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:48:30 pm
by Ashley
Sup Yog <3
*came in at Final 14 with NuRick, whoever that is. Made a connection with Grant right away. Made a deal to hook up if we both hit merge. There was a whole plan about the guess he made but meh whatevs.
*PB sells me some BS about having a special idol. Called BS straight away pretty much but didn't say anything to him.
*Sophie accidentally outs herself to me as the mole. lol.
*Grant guessed, Rick goes home.
*Lost the challenge, but for some reason I managed to convince Sophie and PB I was hardcore n00b loyal 5eva and they got rid of Semhar.
*Made merge and now I'm deff jury (aww yeah I'm totally dateable now). Caught up with Grant but he was being hella shady and not giving me any info. I decide to go with an alliance PB made with Sophie, Kristina and Ralph + Cochran and Whit as vote doublers. Kristina seemed legit at the time. Thank GOD I told her I'd be open to working with Grant in the future. It could help me now.
*Won the challenge with Grant. Aww yee.
*Huge dramas about who's voting who, I pretty much spend the entire day stressing about who to side with - Grant + the unknown alliance OR Nama alliance? I ended up going with Nama.
*voted Mike, ended up being a mistake. Shit. BUT 2 people didn't vote at all and 1 person voted Courtney (lol what?) so I've been pushing it hard that I didn't submit a vote at all to Grant and he seems to have believed it. Said the same to Julie and Steph (that might have been a mistake in hindsight - how did she know Mike was the target?)
*now. stressed out. obvs. trying to figure out which Ovambo is the best candidate to throw under the bus and when I should do it. I need to talk to Kristina like right fucking now.
Re: Episode 07
Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:12:24 pm
by Ashley
*Stringing a fully bullshit story to try and cover my bases - aka why does PB trust me if there was no Julie vote, when I told Grant they'd told me to vote Julie? -- I don't need Grant figuring this out in 2 days and realising I was part of a failed backstab. My story is extremely farfetched (PB sent me a message before tribal telling me to change my vote but i didn't get it in time), but what else was I supposed to say?
Re: Episode 07
Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:45:12 pm
by Ashley
Okay I'm fucked. As soon as it comes out someone on Ovambo didn't vote, the jig is up and I'm out. Jeff, these issues are really screwing with my game here, man! I'd already put project: damage control into effect!
That PM you sent - on that votes page it was 5 Cochran, 1 Courtney, 4 Mike. That's TWO non-votes. Not only have you just confirmed the Courtney was a Mike vote, but you also confirmed someone else voted Cochran.
ACKK seriously man :'( I won't be surprised if it's me next because of this drama.
Re: Episode 07
Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:54:16 pm
by Ashley
Not to mention it got sent well over an hour after the votes were read out. :'(
Unless these people are actually stupid, I'm pretty much done for.
Re: Episode 07
Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:56:04 am
by Jeff Probst
So is there any hope for Nama to break up the Ovambo group or are you guys just sitting ducks at this point?
Re: Episode 07
Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:06:55 am
by Ashley
I know nobody on Ovambo voted with us. I'm trying to push Ralph out slowly and insinuate myself as loyal to Ovambo. I seriously doubt it will work and am working on the assumption they are just placating me so I don't start trouble.
Nobody is going to flip to Nama, regardless of what PB or Sophie seem to believe. It's time I jumped ship before I go down with it. My best case scenario right now is making Top 8 (assuming PB, Sophie and Whit go in succession). Even if they know I'm full of shit about how I voted, I want to at least match or beat the 10th place I got in Socotra. That means I need to survive the next vote.
I know there's always the chance I could boss it in challenges, but it's not a smart move making that the plan. I won't even be available every day next week or the one after that. I'll need to hope an alliance holds me up during that time If I have any shot making it further in the game.
I'm currently pushing to work with Grant and Kristina. I'm being friendly with Julie and Stephanie as well. I don't want to deal with backlash from Nama until after the next vote.
Re: Episode 07
Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:52:57 pm
by Jeff Probst
Do you think there are any Ovambo that may want to take advantage of the Nama numbers to blindside some bigger threats on Ovambo?
Re: Episode 07
Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:28:29 pm
by Ashley
Maybe but at this stage I haven't heard anything and I'm certain Nama trusts me enough to tell me if any deals come up.
PB royally screwed us - too busy making F2 deals to think about the game today. Hopefully I come out the other side of this.