
Final Juror| 4th Place | Voted Out 2-2 (purple rock) in Episode 13.

Re: Episode 13

Postby Ashley » Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:22:32 pm

Frank wrote:Oh wow you skipped a number? Shoulda kept it quiet girl.

I hope Steph messes up before 6060 so I can keep my Stranded record :( You both are nuts though. Skip or no skip, takes a lot of will power to get to 7000something.

Any chance you can get Mike and David to turn on each other? icon_laughing

Yeah I should've icon_glare

To be honest though, we all know Steph deserves that win so it's fine, really.

Mike and David - ugh. Here's a message I sent them as a parting gift - they are seriously less usefal than wet paper bags at this point. The only person who could help me is Steph, and she has no reason to do so - I respect that though, so no hard feelings.

Ashley wrote:Colossal fuck up on my part. Counted to 7000, had a mental breakdown, later find out a browser malfunction means #766 never got posted and I wasted 10 hours of my life.

But to both of you - I'm just being straight up - neither of you are getting my vote. David you're a fucking goat - we gave you the chance to not be and you turned it down claiming 'loyalty' - bit rich given you've spent the whole game a snake in the grass. Hopefully when you get zero jury votes, you'll finally wake up and smell the shit you thought was strategy. Say what you want about me or my game in your rush to defend yourself, but remember the only reason you're even still here is because Whitney missed a vote. No epic skills of yours - someone didn't show up.

Mike, your PM about it being Me vs Steph today, regardless of the truth of it, just pissed me off. You sat there happily with your free ride - that's not in the spirit of the game. However, you played well - but Stephanie played better than all of us.

I feel extremely ripped off at this point - Stephanie killed this challenge - to be fair to her, she killed it - but I got jerked around by circumstances out of my control (Whitney's no-show destroyed our majority alliance), and had to go head-to-head with Steph with a noticeably inferior ability to compete - she was posting faster than my browser would even load! I could only dream of internet that fast! <3 I (fucked it up, but still) played 10 straight hours of a challenge to be forced to withdraw because it was going to be impossible to keep up, and I'm going to go home in 4th because of it. :(

Mike (and Steph, who will win, obviously) - congratulations on making FTC. David..... I've got nothing for you. At least I know I'm going home because I'm considered more of a threat than you - but to be fair, even Whitney probably would've beaten you, as inactive as she was. She at least made ONE move - you couldn't even manage that.
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Re: Finale

Postby Ashley » Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:55:40 pm

Me right now:

I wanna talk to my homegirl :(

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Re: Finale

Postby Ashley » Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:56:29 pm

I'll probs see her tonight tho icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml
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