Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:51:06 pm

Welcome everyone,

We'll now bring in our complete jury: Cochran, Papa Bear, Ralph, Grant, Kristina, Whitney, Julie, Sophie, and Ashley our final juror.

After a crazy 30 days it's now come down to this: David, Mike, and Stephanie. You three have come as far as you can in this game. The power now shifts from the three of you to the jury; 9 people you had a hand in voting out. They will now grill you and question you in order to gather as much information to better decide which of you is most deserving of the title of the Last person Stranded in Namibia.

Before we begin though, we'll give you three one last chance to address the jury before they begin their questioning.

Post your opening statements whenever you're ready finalists.

Good luck.
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stephanie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:54:33 pm


Hi everyone! <3 Stephanie here.

First of all, I would like to acknowledge the hosting team for their efforts these past four weeks. Of course, also, all of you on the jury. Each and every one of you have made this journey an enjoyable experience for me. No matter if I was on the same side as you or not, I have nothing but good things to say about you, and it has truly been a pleasure.

Coming into this game, I knew I could rely on my social, strategic and challenge abilities. These are my strengths, and I used them to my advantage. The pre-merge on Ovambo, we obviously were a dominant force. Undefeated at challenges! I gave everything I had for that tribe, and I think everyone would agree I was a key factor to our success. In particular, the last challenge before the merge, where I edged out Sophie in the Balance Beam challenge, to ensure that Ovambo merged with numbers. Strategically, I was positioned well within the Ovambo core. I was socially charming with everyone, had a working relationship with everyone, so I would have several options to work with down the road. This was proven later in the merge, when I was voted at the top of the boot list, because the majority of people from Ovambo had me in their end game plans. In particular, I aligned myself with Grant and Kristina, who were my two closest allies in the game. This was out of connecting with them on a personal level, but also strategically. I knew they were big time gamers, and they could almost act like my "shields" due to them being perceived as bigger threats. I felt as long as those two were in the game with me, if anything was to go awry, people would come after them, before they came after me.


Once the merge hit, I definitely was more of a low-key player. I made sure people would underestimate me, and made sure people saw bigger threats on both ends. Obviously Grant/Kristina from Ovambo, but also Sophie/Papa Bear from Nama. For the most part, I wasn't even on anyone's radar. I knew Ovambo had the numbers, so initially stuck to that, and unfortunately, Cochran/Papa Bear took the fall. Ralph was someone I always considered myself close with, but he was unpredictable and a firecracker, especially after pulling out his idol at the previous vote. So we turned on him, but he did try and take me out that vote also. The next round, the game took a huge turn. I have to give credit to the Nama girls and Julie, they took me by surprise! Grant was blindsided, and after I was willing to go to rocks for Kristina, David flipped and suddenly I was in a tricky position. However, my strategy of having Grant/Kristina as my "shields" paid off, because like I expected, if anything was to go awry in our alliance, those two would be targeted over me, for being perceived as bigger threats. This gave me time to recuperate and put together a new game plan, with my two closest allies now gone.

The Final 7 round, I have to acknowledge, Mike, David and I got extremely lucky. The Nama girls and Julie had the numbers to go to the end together, however with Whitney not voting, it was a tie, and she went out on rocks. I would like to think I still could've made it to the end, after all, I was immune from the Final 7 onwards with the idols and challenge wins, but for sure, it worked in my favor. That being said, it's a shame it played out like that, and I know how frustrating it must be to lose the numbers advantage due to something not in your control. My biggest move of the game came at Final 6. I held all the power, having won the individual immunity challenge, and having found my second Hidden Immunity Idol in a row. With David back on our side, I gave my individual immunity to Mike, played my Hidden Immunity Idol on myself, and David was also immune, due to getting the votes. So I single handedly ensured that me, Mike and David came out of that vote with the 3-2 numbers advantage, to take us to the end. Julie was eliminated with the rock draw, and from there I won the next two immunities, and we were able to eliminate Sophie and Ashley, who were two huge threats to win the game.


With all due respect to Mike and David, I don't think they can point out anything that they hold over me, to why they should win this game. I feel I handled everyone better socially, and strategically had more options than they ever did. With our alliance, I often felt it was me who pulled through, be it finding the idols, and winning the challenges, to protect our numbers and ensure we remained in control. That Final Immunity Challenge in particular, Ashley and I counted for over TEN HOURS virtually non stop. I know she can attest to what we were going through in that, it was brutal. Together we broke the all time Stranded record for that challenge. But the boys send me messages saying they were done and it's up to me to beat Ashley to ensure our Final 3, and it was on me to pull through, and I did. I don't think anyone can question my desire to win this game.

I know how badly some of you want to be in my position tonight. Let it be known, that I gave this game everything I had. I was pushed to the limit by all of you, and if you value someone who worked hard to get into this position, and appreciate someone who takes the game as seriously as I did, I think I am a worthy candidate to receive your votes. I won three individual immunities in a row to make the Final 3, including a ten hour counting challenge. I found and played two Hidden Immunity Idols, helping my alliance finally gain the numbers advantage to make it to the end. I was always playing for the win, and was never going to settle for anything less. I think these are all qualities of a deserving winner, and I trust as a jury, you're able to acknowledge that. Good luck with your decision tonight! Please ask any questions and I'll answer them to the best of my ability. No matter what happens, I'll leave this game with fond memories and remember all the fun and craziness we've shared together.
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Mike » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:00:38 pm

Hello jury.

I'll preface by saying this game was nothing like I expected. The rivalries, the constant doubt and self-doubt, and seeing people I knew or liked getting eliminated - it was exhilarating and unnerving in anticipation of what would happen next. And to be in the F3! I'm thrilled to be sitting here now. And it's a result of everyone here - I loved and am thankful to have played with all of you. However, that doesn't mean I will apologize - I believe with all my being that I deserve to be sitting here, and as a result, I'm not going to "say sorry" - I played to win.

Entering this game, I originally wanted to play both sides of the fence. My plans were cut short early by being ranked last in the trust rankings. I never felt safe after that, not only being outed as the seemingly easy target but forced to tread carefully in paranoia of early game alliances. (Right after this happened, an alliance was supposedly made consisting of everybody who wasn't in the bottom 3.) Determined to make things work, I talked with everyone active on the tribe, conversations evolving into strategy and eventually creating the solid alliance of Grant, Stephanie, David and myself. Grant and I talked strategy and made decisions constantly and we had much of the game mapped out, such as a plan in case a swap happened.

Come the merge, I was voted against at the very first tribal, and many times I was either voted or told I would be targeted, such as the tribal Kristina got voted out which was supposed to be me. (I won immunity that day.) I/Grant suspected Ralph had voted against me the first merge tribal (I was later told this was incorrect, but there's no going back) and I told some of the Nama alliance I was on the bottom (mentioning the first majority alliance of Ovambo), flipping with them and voting Ralph to relieve the target on me and to flush his idol which we suspected he had for a long time. Following that, I stood with my Ovambo tribemates, knowing Grant would likely get targeted before me from his unlucky swap and early immunity wins, though following the tribal where Grant was voted out, I was constantly targeted and told I'd be voted all the way to the end due to my refusal to flip.

I firmly believe my best course of action was to stick with the people I knew, since following Grant's vote, the battle became a numbers game. I've gone to rocks twice. Did I play flashy? No. I flipped to vote Ralph when I needed to and I stuck with my core alliance when I should have. I'm sitting at the end with two people in the alliance I originally created. icon_wink

Overall I believe I deserve your vote and the title as "Sole Survivor" because I feel I overcame the obstacles in my way, even though I was set up for failure. From being ranked the lowest on the trust rankings, to being targeted day 1 of the merge, to being targeted or told I would be gone next if I didn't flip, and going to rocks twice, and yet throughout the storm I still remained true to my original alliance.
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby David » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:02:02 pm

So, I'm not sure what the appropriate length for this kind of speech is, so I'm just going try and cover my entire game. I also don't know how long I will be able to answer questions for, so hopefully I can explain myself well enough! Although, I would love questions as well ^_^. If you don't want to read the entire thing, the bold parts are the most important, so there you go!

Okay, so I'll start with the mole twist. We started by ranking our tribemates, which really catalyzed the need to form alliances and bonds with your other tribemates, so I did that. I got into a four person alliance that consisted, at it's core, of me, Grant, Kristina, and Ralph. Steph and Julie were pulled in for the majority, but weren't in the core four. In hindsight, 'the core four' would have been an amazing alliance name. Additionally, I was talking to Mike and had gotten him to trust me. At this point, I felt like I was doing a very good job in the game. In the first immunity, I stepped up as the leader and we barely pulled out the win. This crucial win just further cemented my position in my tribe. Right after the challenge, I also guessed that Ralph was our mole, and Whitney was the other mole. They were both not at the challenge and Nama's mole had said that they weren't there, so I assumed it had to be Whitney.... guess not.

Matt left, which didn't really affect me since he was going first anyways. In the second challenge, I was once again leader, and we won again. At this point, I tried to step back a little bit and let other people take the reigns for a bit. Leaders normally go home, and I didn't want that same fate. I thought that if we had a tribe swap that I could end up being vulnerable for taking the leader positions. Also, these early challenge performances not only cemented my current position, but opened me up to new ones. Mike and I had been talking and eventually formed another four person alliance with me, Mike, Grant, and Steph that was based on activity and challenge strength. This alliance is the one that I chose to stick to for most of the game.

At the swap, Grant left, and he was my closest ally at that point. As a tribe, we also gained Rick. The swap was an easy time for me just because Rick was the easy vote for me, and when Grant came back, he gave all kinds of information of the Nama tribe, which was amazing!!

Then, there was a merge. My plan going into the merge was to just stick by my alliance for the first few votes, and then take advantage of whatever was left of Nama, and make a move against some of the Ovambo members. So for the first vote, we decided that Cochran must go because he is least likely to have an idol. What happens next is where it gets somewhat interesting for me.

Sophie and Papa Bear are really pushing for me to vote with them next round, and I don't think it's a great idea for one of the original Ovambo members to go just yet, but I also want to keep Sophie and Papa Bear on my side. They had been giving me tons of info and input on the game that was so valuable to me and my alliance. So, my plan was to basically vote with them for this vote. That way, Papa Bear could still go home, but Sophie might be more inclined to believe me and give me more information that could hopefully give my alliance more leverage, which it did. I was able to kind of disguise the fact that I was aligned with them, while still keeping an open line of communication with every single person in the game. It worked out perfectly.

At this point, Nama has 3 members left, and we have 8. I figured it would be an okay time to just get rid of one of our own. Ralph revealed at the previous tribal council that he had an idol the whole time, and also revealed that I couldn't trust him as much as I thought that I could. The tribe consensus was that Ralph had to go. This was a really strange vote because it was like, unanimous. The goal at the tribal council was to get Sophie to play an idol that we thought she had, and it would have worked too! If it weren't for those meddling three seconds. At least now we were certain as to who had an idol.

This next vote was the first one that didn't go the way I thought it would. Sophie had told me that she was going to play the idol on herself, even though I knew that she knew the vote was going Whitney's way. This seemed really sketchy to me, so I went to Grant, Mike, and Steph and said if we put our votes on Sophie, the vote will be split so that if the idol is played on Sophie, it will be split three to three and we can revote to get out Whitney. If the idol is played on Whitney, our four votes will be on Sophie and she will go. It seemed like a good plan, and it was, but two things went wrong. We hadn't set anything in stone and Stephanie had to leave early, so we told her to just vote for Whitney. It still could have worked with just three votes. The other thing that went wrong was Julie flipping. I was not counting on that move at all, and was very surprised when it happened. Grant, who was still my closest ally, ended up going home. This left Steph, Mike, Kristina, and myself against Sophie, Whitney, Ashley, and Julie.

Two alliances of even numbers going head to head. At this point, everyone was scrambling and trying to get someone to flip to their side. At tribal, Ashley revealed an idol and Mike had immunity. The two vote getters, Kristina and Sophie, were also immune. This meant I had a one in four chance of going home. I wasn't prepared for that. I had worked so hard to get this far, and I didn't want to stick with an alliance that I wasn't even guaranteed to get to the end with. So I flipped. If I was going to go to rocks, I have to be assured at least a final 3 spot, and I didn't have that. I could only be promised final four in that alliance, and I couldn't accept that.

After the vote, I approached Mike and Steph and told them why I flipped. They both seemed to be okay with it, and I realized that I was their only option at that point. It's not like they could vote me out because they would get to the end with one of the other four and lose. I felt like I was the only person they thought they could beat. I was once again, in the middle. I wanted to stick with Mike and Steph, but wanted to keep Sophie, Ashley, and Julie happy as well. I talked to Sophie and Ashley and brought up the possibility of splitting the votes. This clearly was a very transparent attempt at a betrayal as they saw through it immediately, but they kept me happy by saying they would do it. I will be honest and say that the only reason that I survived that tribal council was because Whitney did not vote, but Steph and Mike would not be here either if that had not happened. Luck is a big factor in this game and it came into play at that tribal. Mike drew rocks, and came out on top, and Whitney left.

We are in the same place we were at the final 8, just with two people gone. Two alliances going head to head. Again, I became the one that was in the middle. I was approached by Sophie this time about flipping. We talked to Julie about flipping. Neither would budge. Stephanie found an idol, Mike won immunity, so they had to vote for me, meaning I would be immune from rocks. It all worked out perfectly for me that round as Julie ended up going home and Mike, Steph and I were on top.

The next vote, I was, again, in the middle. This was a constant theme for me in the game. Betraying somebody, but still making myself the person that could potentially flip. At the beginning of the game, I wanted to develop a strategy that put me in positions for people to offer me something and not the other way around, and I did that. I was actually considering flipping this time because I was guaranteed final three if I went with Sophie and Ashley, and I felt like I would have a better chance of winning. At tribal, I realized by Grant's smileys that the jury might not respect a move like that, considering Mike did go to rocks for me. So I stayed with them, and voted for Sophie. I made sure to lead Sophie on so that, if she had an idol, it might not get played. Once I realized that she didn't have an idol, that's when that little charade ended

This last challenge changed a lot of my perspective of the game. I don't want people on the jury to think that I was a goat that just did whatever I was told. I want people to know that I actually made moves and had a gameplan. I figured that my best shot at the end was against Ashley and one of Mike/Steph. This was because I felt like I could try and use Ashley's status of not being in the game the whole time against her. Ashley also told me about how she was the reason Papa Bear went home, and I just figured that I would have a better shot of winning. Against Mike and Steph, it's hard to imagine myself winning because they both played really well, but against Sophie and Ashley, it would have been the same thing. At the final five, I was faced with such a hard decision, so I just had to do what felt right. My thinking was that I could vote out Sophie now, since she was the most threatening, and then I could get out Mike/Steph, and my chances would be better.

So, here I sit. We started with 18, and I'm one of the final 3. I truly never imagined I could make it this far, but now that I have, I want to give it my all. So much of the reason why the jury is made up of the people it is made up of is because of decisions that I made. I thought I could play this entire game without letting my emotions get involved, but that just isn't the kind of person that I am. And I don't think that was a bad thing because I learned to balance my emotions with my strategy. I came in wanting to form a solid alliance, and I did. I wanted to do well in challenges, which I did (early on), and I wanted to be the swing vote, which I did. Every single thing that I came in wanting to be, I became. And a big part of this game is adapting, and you can knock my game all you want, but I adapted at every vote, and learned to deal with the twists that were thrown my way.

Strategy wise, I feel like I did very well. I made decisions that would not only benefit my current alliances, but could also open possibilities of new ones forming. The wall of text above I think describes my strategic game pretty well. I was always in the know, and always had a plan B, C, and D.
Socially, my philosophy is very similar to Brice's from this current season, 'I give you what you give me'. If I felt like I was being attacked, I fought back and didn't hold back. I did get a little out of hand at that one tribal council, but at every other time, I felt like I was never malicious or rude to people just for the sake of it.
Lastly, my early physical game is what allowed me to do so well at the merge. It set me up in alliances that would have never happened if I hadn't stepped up as leader early on. Later on, my physical game wasn't so hot, but I never felt like I needed immunity to stay in the game. I was never under the illusion that I would be some challenge god, which is why I was so glad that the alliance of me, Mike, Steph, and Grant worked out because I now had people on my side who could offer me something that I couldn't offer myself, which was challenge prowess.

In conclusion, I lied, backstabbed, and betrayed people, but this game is designed for that kind of behavior to happen. I promised myself that I would never put myself in a vulnerable position for anyone else, which meant I had to do whatever it took for me to leave tribal council still in the game. I know that certain promises were made about not voting for me if I'm at the final 3, but at the very least, I hope that this speech has made everyone understand that I'm not just a big goat and that I did make decisions that were for myself, and I have a brain, but a heart as well. I'm sorry if any of my lies hurt you, but I tried to make sure that if I lied, it had to be justifiable, and I stuck by that rule pretty well. At the same time, everything I did led to me being here, so I can't feel too bad. So, tonight, if you vote for me, awesome, if you don't, awesome! I just hope you can vote, not only with your heart, but also with your brain, because that is why I'm sitting here right now. Thank you for reading!
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:05:54 pm

Okay thank you final three. We'll now turn over to the jury and things will really begin...

While everyone reads over your opening statements, I'll ask that Grant posts his question/statement because it will take time for you all to answer it and the jury can use that time to read everything.

Grant, you're up!
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Grant » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:16:09 pm

Oops, sorry for the delay!


Anyway, hey guys, long time no see.

In all seriousness, though, congrats to all three of you. All three of you did really well. You made it to the end which is something the other 15 of us couldn't do, especially me, so props on that. I hope you said nice things about me in the Fallen Comrades section.

I'll take pride in knowing that my three main amigos made it to the end, even if I was the only reject who couldn't make it. It makes me feel better about myself after being made a chump so early post-merge :) Who would've thought when Mike said "We can make the F3 with this group", that it'd actually happen? (rhetorical question - we all knew it would happen icon_cool )

I'm really proud of all three of you for making it all the way and for sticking together(?). I don't know if you noticed or not but I was quietly rooting for you guys from the sidelines and for all three of you to make it. I think all three of you deserve to win so I'll be content with whoever among you wins :)


I have two questions that I'd like all three of you to answer.

I'll quote my man Aras for my first question:

1. Take yourself out of it, assume I can not vote for you and can only vote for one of the other two. Who should I vote for? What did they do to make it to the end and why? How was it instrumental to them making it all the way?

And for my second, unrelated question, I'll channel my inner Heidi:

2. If you could compile your own F3 that included the most deserving players of the game (according to your vantage point), who would've made it? And, in a brief sentence or two, why?
Feel free to say yourself and/or each other and/or any jury member. The only caveats are that you can only give three names and that you cannot say me(Grant) and if you do then you suck and I won't vote for you (yes serious), so don't do that. :)


Good luck, guys. Just remember, this is just a game. Have fun with it and enjoy yourselves. icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby David » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:26:53 pm

To Grant:

Of my fellow finalists, it would be a tough decision, but I think I would have to give the edge to Mike. Both of them played phenomenally, but I think Mike was a bit more crucial to us 3 all sitting here. He won immunities when it was crucial for his alliance, he had good strategy, and he never lost his cool. I think if he had not been here, the final 3 would be much, much different.

I don't know if I can call it the most deserving because I feel like the final 3 is always made up of the most deserving, but the hardest working final 3 would have to be:
Sophie - This girl worked her ass off non stop. She's the total package. Great at challenges/strategy, and was able to get 5th place despite coming into the merge down in numbers. I didn't always agree with her, but she played damn well.
David - I hate to sound egotistical, but you did say from our vantage point, and I had a pretty good vantage point of my game. I feel like I constantly had to overcome different situations to get to the end. I'm very proud of the way that I played, and I think I deserve to be here, along with my other 2 finalists.
Stephanie - It was tough to choose between her and Ashley, but I can't not mention Stephanie's game. She won immunities, did well strategically, and everyone likes her. I don't think she made any enemies in this game.
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stephanie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:30:57 pm

Hi, Grant! <3 Great to finally speak with you again! icon_smile And yes, I did say nice things about you in the Fallen Comrades, of course. icon_biggrin

1. Take yourself out of it, assume I can not vote for you and can only vote for one of the other two. Who should I vote for? What did they do to make it to the end and why? How was it instrumental to them making it all the way?

Between David and Mike, I think for sure Mike is more deserving to win. He played a more honorable game, than David, and more close to the way which I respect. He stuck true to his alliances, and was prepared to go to rocks, like I was, because he understands the importance of playing to win and that sometimes you have to risk your game to ensure a chance of a majority. Nothing against David, but he flipped to vote out Kristina to avoid rocks, and it's only because Whitney didn't vote at Final 7 that we're all here.

2. If you could compile your own F3 that included the most deserving players of the game (according to your vantage point), who would've made it? And, in a brief sentence or two, why?

Ashley: Without question. I mean... seriously. I will be the first to admit I underestimated Ashley at the start of the merge, we all did. But she impressed us all in the role of your blindside, then finding an idol the next round, won several challenges. And to top it off, she pushed me to the limit in the Final Immunity Challenge! <3 Together we broke the all time Stranded record for that challenge, and I know it must be frustrating to lose, but I think we both gave it our all and showed we're fierce competitors who deserve to make it to the end.

Sophie: Again, an easy choice. For the longest time I thought for sure Sophie was going to win the game. She was openly a threat since the merge, was clearly running things in Nama, so we were all worried about her. She was great socially, and won me over immediately with her charm. Once again, like Ashley, a great competitor at the challenges. Her move to play her idol on Whitney was brilliant, and a great risk, when she almost ended up being voted out. I said to myself for the longest time I would've for sure voted for Sophie if she made it to the end.

Kristina: I think I was closer to Kristina than people realise! She was an amazing strategic player, always thinking, and was pretty reckless! She painted a target on her back, but she wasn't afraid or scared, and that's what I admire about her. I felt she was someone I could trust and was completely loyal to me. Unfortunately she was targeted by Nama due to being a threat, and David flipped to vote her out. But I think under different circumstances she could've gone all the way in this game. It's a shame she couldn't get the chance.
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stephanie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:35:24 pm

David wrote:Of my fellow finalists, it would be a tough decision, but I think I would have to give the edge to Mike. Both of them played phenomenally, but I think Mike was a bit more crucial to us 3 all sitting here. He won immunities when it was crucial for his alliance, he had good strategy, and he never lost his cool. I think if he had not been here, the final 3 would be much, much different.

I hate to respond, but I really don't understand this. I won three immunities, Mike won one.

I feel I was the most crucial to us sitting here, at Final 6 it was single handedly me who made sure all three of us were immune, with my individual immunity win and Hidden Immunity Idol, and then had the 3-2 numbers advantage to make it to the end. I don't see how it would've happened without me.
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:35:47 pm

Thank you Grant!

While we await Mike's answer, let's have Ralph go so that the other two finalists can begin working on his answer.

Ralph, you're up buddy.

Baboon away!
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Ralph » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:37:02 pm

Hi all it's nice to see you again!

David. The speech you gave was a good one, BUT you talked to me for maybe a total of ten minutes probably more along five so unless if you awnser my question and the others perfectly you should just sit down and shut up

Mike. Mike I respect your game. I wanted you out and thought you were on the ropes and that truly shows how much i was in the game eh? Anyway you lasted longer than me BUT according to some at ponderosa you were a little cocky/scummy.

Steph your speech was just as great as David's and your game was just as good as Mike's. You were very friendly towards me and I enjoyed spending time with you! but you did give me a little lip when I was leaving.

Now that we've talked again I'll get to the question.

Who played the worst game out of everyone in this room.
Jury or final 3. And yes you can say yourself
And don't write a fucking novel with your response.
Like literally a sentence here is an example

ralph: He Did not put vote in and made him look like he hated tribe. Also probably should of told tribe bout that idol


also for jeff

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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Mike » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:38:47 pm

Grant wrote:1. Take yourself out of it, assume I can not vote for you and can only vote for one of the other two. Who should I vote for? What did they do to make it to the end and why? How was it instrumental to them making it all the way?

Now knowing what I know, even though I might get criticized for this decision, I'd vote David, though I think the jury has come in expecting him to not weigh up. His jury speech is truthful and he's been openly honest when the times count, such as outing himself as the person who flipped on Kristina when he simply could have denied it was him, when nobody would know with complete certainty if he hadn't. His strategy had more than meets the eye (though you and I having worked with him can verify) and he made his vote key many times. I don't agree with a couple of Stephanie's arguments and I know one of them isn't true icon_glare . I suppose his strategy and integrity is outright more visible to me than Stephanie's was, and he chose to be honest when it counts.

Grant wrote:2. If you could compile your own F3 that included the most deserving players of the game (according to your vantage point), who would've made it? And, in a brief sentence or two, why?

I wouldn't change the F3. Ashley had problems from outside sources negatively affecting her game and I originally chose her, but I can't place her above any of us 3 just for that reason alone. She can make the argument she got screwed by the vote since Whitney didn't vote, but we had a similar issue when Stephanie didn't vote and you got eliminated because of it, which would have pushed the rest of the game in our favour had Sophie been eliminated instead.
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby David » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:39:31 pm

I think that Whitney played the worst game. She single-handedly destroyed her own alliance and any chance she had of getting to the end. She wasn't active and only talked about her album.
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Mike » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:40:59 pm

Ralph wrote:Who played the worst game out of everyone in this room.
Jury or final 3. And yes you can say yourself
And don't write a fucking novel with your response.
Like literally a sentence here is an example

ralph: He Did not put vote in and made him look like he hated tribe. Also probably should of told tribe bout that idol


Whitney. Even though she could have made it to the end, from what I know she only followed Nama's lead (mostly Sophie's) and thus wouldn't have been voted for.
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stephanie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:41:43 pm

I would have to say Whitney played the worst game, she was less active than the rest of us and she got herself eliminated on a purple rock just because she didn't vote, otherwise David would've left and her alliance would've had the numbers.
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Ralph » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:44:11 pm

okay! Thank you!
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Whitney » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:44:22 pm

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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:45:46 pm

Awe poor whit,

This is a perfect segue though. Everyone's favorite country star who believes in the good christian value of resting on Sundays... Whitney!

Whitney, you're up girl.
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Mike » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:45:56 pm

Stephanie wrote:I hate to respond, but I really don't understand this. I won three immunities, Mike won one.

I feel I was the most crucial to us sitting here, at Final 6 it was single handedly me who made sure all three of us were immune, with my individual immunity win and Hidden Immunity Idol, and then had the 3-2 numbers advantage to make it to the end. I don't see how it would've happened without me.

Being blunt, you also single-handedly got Grant voted out by not voting Sophie.
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Re: Day 30 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stephanie » Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:46:15 pm

Mike wrote:She can make the argument she got screwed by the vote since Whitney didn't vote, but we had a similar issue when Stephanie didn't vote and you got eliminated because of it, which would have pushed the rest of the game in our favour had Sophie been eliminated instead.

I voted for Whitney at Final 9, and we all thought we had the numbers for it. We didn't prepare for Julie flipping. Grant already knows this so idg why you're trying to pin it on me. icon_unsure
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