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Mike - I Wanna Be Like Mike

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 3:25:50 pm
by Brenda
Mike wrote:If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?
I would memorize everything they said to the dot and figure out how to work it or them to my advantage (hopefully) without them knowing about it, probably by acting like I'm a completely honest dude on the outside.

What personality types do you typically get along with?
People that are too trusting or let themselves get taken advantage of all day.

What personality types do you typically clash with?
People that are almost as smart as me. Sometimes people who think they're as smart as me.

What is your strategy going into the game?
Use and abuse everything that is given to me and take anything that isn't given to me.

Stranded Mike is probably a little sneakier and more underhanded than Survivor Mike. He definitely wants to be the manipulative mastermind of Ovamba, and with nice-guy-Mike as his rep, he'll be afforded the freedom to get away with it. He is confident he can fill that role, but I'm not so sure he can. It's all well and good coming into the game with these plans, but let's not forget there's 17 other players he'll need to play around to get to the end. If he does, it'll be as a villain, and they'll never see him coming..

Re: Mike

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:39:08 am
by Mia
I can see him being a John or Brok-type player. But hopefully the Costa Rica versions of those two lol.

Re: Mike - I Wanna Be Like Mike

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:01:40 pm
by Jeff Probst
Well he finally reared his head and it was UGLY! This guy is tearing it up in confessionals! One to watch out for i'd reckon!

Re: Mike - I Wanna Be Like Mike

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:55:56 am
by Paloma
Frank 2.0?

I like this one. icon_wub

Re: Mike - I Wanna Be Like Mike

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:27:17 pm
by Caryn
I doubt it Paloma.

He was voted least trustworthy by the tribe.

Re: Mike - I Wanna Be Like Mike

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:10:27 pm
by Brenda
Caryn wrote:I doubt it Paloma.

He was voted least trustworthy by the tribe.

At least part of this was some people afraid of some "last place bonus" going to the wrong person.. Some less-than-honest voting cards may have been submitted.